Joseph Mallan, on 27 March 2014 - 08:25 AM, said:
Prez is right... Its kinda dumb with LRMs but I sorta like the sound of it for ACs! Mind you I would not switch from an AC5 to an AC20... But a 10 to a 20??? More likely I would just stay with Mechs with the big stick already there but options are always better than one size fits all.
It could be:
MG slot
AC2 = 2 round burst, 1 dmg
AC5 = 3 round burst, 1.6dmg
LB10X = 3 round burst, 3.3 dmg per shotgun volley
AC10= 3 round burst, 3.3 dmg
AC20 = 3 round burst, 6.6 dmg
AC2 calibur
AC2 = 1 round burst, 2 dmg (duh)
AC5 = 2 round burst, 2.5 dmg
LB10X = 2 round burst, 5 dmg per shotgun volley
AC10= 3 round burst, 3.3 dmg
AC20 = 3 round burst, 6.6 dmg
AC5 calibur
AC2 = 1 round burst, 2 dmg
AC5 = 1 round burst, 5 dmg
LB10X = 2 round burst, 5 dmg per shotgun volley
AC10= 2 round burst, 5 dmg
AC20 = 3 round burst, 6.6 dmg
AC10 calibur
AC2 = 1 round burst, 2 dmg
AC5 = 1round burst, 5 dmg
LB10X = 1 shot, 10 dmg
AC10= 1 round burst, 10 dmg
AC20 = 2 round burst, 10 dmg
AC10/Gauss calibur
AC2 = 1 round burst, 2 dmg
AC5 = 1round burst, 5 dmg
AC10= 1 round burst, 10 dmg
AC20 = 2 round burst, 10 dmg
AC20 calibur
One size fits all
UAC...maybe UAC's added bonus is that they ignore slot calibur.
Gauss...this kind of brings up rate of fire for each shot. Since it's long distance, Gauss could be at most 2 round burst for a calibur of 2 or 5, with very little time between shots leaving the barrel. And unchanged for calibur 10 or 20.
Time between shots:
- Should they prevent the AC20 in a 5 slot (3 round burst of 6.6 dmg) from being a crazy, triple barrel UAC 5? It seems horrifying at first, but remember that they are dedicating a lot of weight to the system, only 7 shots per ton, only a range of 270 meters, the whole system is still one weapon/component...I think it would be fine.
- They could also set this to be related to the "distance from the intended calibur". So an MG slot having an AC20 in it has a slower time between each round leaving the barrel (nothing super drastic...nothing more than .5 seconds, etc.) as compared to a faster time if you are trying to get an AC20 in an 10 calibur slot.
Weapon cooldown would start when the final round leaves the barrel.
Edited by TygerLily, 27 March 2014 - 08:44 AM.