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Lrms Have Killed This Game For Me.

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#21 Robex


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 07:58 AM

Those overpoweref LRMS are ruining any brawling in this game... If PGI wants to make LRMS more usefull at long ranges, they could make missles go faster the longer they fly.. But the LRMS should travel at the same speed as they were before at range of 400 and less.. making NARCs to stay on target all 30 sec was a full scale buff for LRMS and spotters by itself..

#22 mouzerius


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:04 AM

returned to the forum after 2 months and what do i see HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the same crap about the game balanc.e.
nothing change for the game so i see that i still not need to go back to it.

aaah well back to the best of the f2p games out there WoT.

#23 Sinthrow


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:05 AM

Locust was sniper bait.. bait to have them use their ammo.. at 600m plus. I dared them to hit me. it was fun.. no more.
I will take a better armored better weapon load out and Hide in the fox holes with the rest of you.
enjoy your rain

#24 Starkad10


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:07 AM

Agreed. LRMs utterly crushed this game now. It's horrible. Sure they needed some kind of buff, but this is madness. They need a small speed adjustment (Again), they need to spead out damage more and they need to make less screen shake, and maybe have their flightpath changed so they don't drop down so hard, so cover is actually useful. Maybe not all of it, but some of those changes are needed. It's a stunlock weapon, even with AMS, and it rips mechs apart... This is worse than jump-sniping ever have been.

And yup, I have LRM boat mechs, brawlers, snipers, scouts... And my LRM boats are the far most effective killing machine now.

#25 Mad Porthos


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:16 AM

You know, I hope this passes. The screaming, whining and rage. The other side of it, too, the L2play responses. It's a game, we take it too seriously. I CAN take it seriously, but I choose not to. Why? Because taking it "seriously" makes it become less fun. I get to thinking...what if my suggestion can make things be a bit more the way I want it. Then maybe I make a post. Then another, and a few people say hell yah, that's a good idea. But then, with that validation, I somehow think it entitles me to believe it should be adopted into this game? No. I don't go down that route. Others have, somehow not seeing they are in for disappointment, rejection that they have set themselves up for. While going down that route, they keep themselves going, feeding thier own egos with the flame that they spent good money, or invested in this game so PGI must listen to them, because they have a good idea. They even put out polls and feel validated when 200, 400... a thousand people seem to generally agree with them, forgetting that there are hundreds of thousands of people who have been on the forums.

Even as good as one idea or another might be, the amount of entitlement and wounded pride echoing through these forums has been the main reason I tune out most Forum Warrioring. I have to believe it's the same for PGI. Most of those who get up enough steam to crusade for their ideas have a blindspot a mile wide regarding their own shortcomings and how unlikely they are to be heard, precisely because they are so dead set that thier way is the answer. An inability to recognize that the invective, spite and wounded resentment dripping off their posts is poison which itself is a heavy barrier to their ideas being seriously considered - even though the ideas themselves may have something valid and useful to the future of the game.

Missiles, LRM and otherwise are a current hot topic, yes? Srms not working, LRMS being everywhere. I see people arguing ... or more, just stating that it's obvious the LRMS are now OP, especially with NARC. Well, guess what... before the buff, there were alot already saying that... because any death caused by a no aim indirect fire weapon, is unearned in thier opinion. To them, even the existance of LRMs as implemented is a heresy.

About the only thing they might accept would be direct fire dumbfire LRMS that hit locations completely based not on a lock, but based on the direction the missile fire mech is firing and the inclination and declination of the launcher. So the user would have to be able to envision exactly what arc thier missiles would fire based on where they are pointing and how high or low they pull thier reticule up or down on the screen. They would then have to WALK thier fire of missles roughly onto target, only occasionally managing to make contact with parts of thier salvos as the impact points converged on the location of a stationary mech or briefly touched upon a moving mech. Since the explosions/impact of missiles has NO SPLASH, this would be exceedingly rare, because there is no Area of Effect for this missile bombardment, no automatic homing or adjustment to hit a near target...such an adjustment seems to be seen as "no skill" so simply cannot be allowed.

The flip side 360 of this is the camp that argues even the slowest real missiles are travelling at 10 to 20 times the speed of these missiles, 1000 - 2000m/s, so 175m/s is nothing and people should just learn to play. Since these players likely already respected missiles before this change, they were used to always using cover, multiple AMS systems in their teams and clustering around ECM mechs. They also likely know how to suppress LRM mechs, forcing them off of good vantage points and recognizing spotters activity, so that they can quickly counter it. To them, they see LRMs, even 175 m/s LRMs as being something that they CAN DO SOMETHING about. I'd say this second "camp" is healthier than the first "camp", the "Get Rid of NO SKILLZ LRMS" camp, but I'd argue it's not really looking at things correctly either. 175 m/s missles are fine I think for a game where the maximum engagement ranges are a few kilometers at best, and a map is only ever a few kilometers across. Missiles that are 1000 - 2000 m/s are used to hit targets 7, 10... 15 kilometers away even. They need to move this fast to get there within a few seconds and hit things moving as fast as the targets likely are... such as jet airplanes etc. With engagement ranges and targetting systems only reaching out to a kilometer or so though, having missile speeds as they are now is merely creating a similar "feeling" of that tension/suspense as a missile is homing in... hit or miss, but in an unrealistic range that we do have to accept, given the premise that in 3050, jamming technology, ecm and other countermeasures are so good that you have to be right up close (within about 1000m) to even detect the enemy units, let alone get targetting and hit them.

Though the folks who argue LRMS are something that can be countered are not wrong, many are discounting how much they actually have learned to be able to counter these LRMs. They ignore the fact that often they work with a group of likeminded people, who are taking AMS, who do not split group and wander off into the open. They work with people who even though they may not be in teamspeak communication, may state things like "LRM boat on Antenna, lets flank it using left ridge cover...". Because this happens, they think this should just be done more by everyone else. However, very often that sort of coordination is just not possible, whether because of pugging, or because of entrenched beliefs. Like minded players often group with thier peers and this can really dominate the play styles of groups you otherwise would think could learn to easily deal with LRMs. I have seen very serious followers of the meta, pop tarting victors, highlanders, shadowhawks everywhere... who refuse to use LRMs and respond only with derision to fellow teamates trying to incorporate them. This means also that they deliberately refuse to support LRMs on thier team. They then simulaneously deride LRMs because in thier team, those mechs who carried LRMs die (unsupported) and decry enemy LRMS now that a buff has made them a bit more viable unsupported, as well as more vicious when properly supported with spotters. Even now, I dropped a few games in my LRM40 artemis Battlemaster, with 12 tons of ammo... and I had an entire lance of people I know and play with who were by chance in the game I pug dropped into... who refused to lock, deliberately. I know that sounds odd, sad or unbelievable, but they literally said to the dead players spectating them, while I was asking for locks and trying to tag for myself..." Quit telling us to lock, we don't want to lose our kills to LRM spammers like Mad P."

Now for the most part, I don't often LRM, Nor do I run LRM5 flooders, nor do I sit waiting for open opponents who've been nearly cored, then and only then dropping missiles into them for a kill. When something dies to my LRMs, likely they wandered out in the open and are taking shots from all comers. Rarely, they have been lit up like a christmas tree by a spotter and even a NARC. More often that not, I see 500-800 damage, with 1 or 2 kills and a bunch of assists. Many of those assists got a large helping of LRM love from me, BEFORE someone else managed to take that last bit of armor off and core them. With LRMs doing 1.1 damage per missile and even a volley of 40 rarely actually being more than 25 hitting, they really do compare with direct fire alphas in terms of overall damage. However, it's all spread out, with slight concentrations - but not the percieved "focus" on center torso that everyone is screaming about.

What people seem to miss about LRM damage is that it's supplemental to what one's allies are laying down on the enemy. At the same time those missiles are in the air, I guarantee you that PPC shots and Large Laser Beams are flying too, and much faster. These likely hit the easiest to hit piece, the CT. Very very often that CT and the side torsos are quickly yellow, even orange. Then when a huge barrage of missiles hits too, all these areas lose 5-15 damage. Likely, what with the beam and ppc hits, the CT now reads cored. But the truth of it is the missiles DID NOT SEEK the CT, the CT, RT and LT all took comparable damage, but the CT also was taking direct fire. Very often due to delays in the update of a person's damage model/readout the thing that finally updates the "model" and gets the player's attention that they really are being plastered IS THE MISSILE VOLLEY, even though it's not the sole or primary source of the CT coring.

The newly dead mechwarrior looks at their screen and sees the last thing hitting them listed as LRMs, so of course that's what cored him, when the actuality is that the Large Lasers, PPCs, SRMs and other things that had all focused on thier CT earlier had been taking thier inevitable toll, all finally being revealed when the damage model/readout makes it's final update.

Edited by Mad Porthos, 22 March 2014 - 08:32 AM.

#26 Livebait


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:24 AM

I agree OP. If you wanna play the game for now, just use an Assault or fast heavy. Anything lighter and you will be destroyed by LRM's.

I never had an issue with LRM's before this patch. I had no problems running a Missile boat and getting plenty of damage & kills. IMO the folks who are all exited about the LRM changes are just not very good at using LRM's in the first place.

LRM's are broke again. If I was new to this game and did not have but loads of C-bills & mechs laying around, I'd move on to another game pretty fast. It is very un-fun having a bunch of mechs fight to hid behind one object to prevent being LRMed to death. Hold on...INCOMING MISSILES INCOMING MISSILES INCOMING MISSILES

#27 Eddrick


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:26 AM

Some of these people remind of the ones that use to exploit Lag Shield in Open Beta when HSR was implemented. They tryed to use the speed of Light Mechs to avoid being hit, instead of using it to avoid being shot at.

A way to use a Light Mech that will work regardless of what happens to the game is to avoid being shot at. Out smart the opponent, be sneaky, be cunning. It will get you farther then relying on your opponent not being able to hit you and it will work if you get to the point were people almost never miss a Light Mech with PPCs and ACs.

#28 Mazzyplz


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:29 AM

View PostIqfishLP, on 22 March 2014 - 07:23 AM, said:

Once they fixed SRMs and Brawling in general, people will start using different weapons again.

what is this Once word?
you mean IF? as in "IF DUE TO SOME MIRACLE"

#29 Odins Fist


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:30 AM

View PostBone Mutilator, on 22 March 2014 - 07:03 AM, said:

Totally agree with OP. The norm for an assault missile boat is now about 600 damage and between one and three kills. Essentially, you camp with the group, wait for someone to spot,

Yep, you're right.

Noticed a lot of it going on, then ran a Atlas D-DC for a while, and did the EXACT same thing.
Why you ask..?? Noticed enemy teams were doing NOTHING BUT THAT.

Face it people, it has started RAINING again, and it's not likely to stop for a while.

When in Rome.. :P

Edited by Odins Fist, 22 March 2014 - 08:32 AM.

#30 Mazzyplz


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:33 AM

View PostOdins Fist, on 22 March 2014 - 08:30 AM, said:

Yep, you're right.

Noticed a lot it going on, then ran a Atlas D-DC for a while, and did the EXACT same thing.
Why you ask..?? Noticed enemy teams were doing NOTHING BUT THAT.

Face it people, it has started RAINING again, and it's not likely to stop for a while.

When in Rome.. :P

oh okay i get it so it's either you drive a boat and use the most boring weapon in a mindless way


#31 Iqfish


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:35 AM

View PostMazzyplz, on 22 March 2014 - 08:29 AM, said:

what is this Once word?
you mean IF? as in "IF DUE TO SOME MIRACLE"

Go away black knight

#32 Sinthrow


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:37 AM

I have no lag shield .. trust me.. I know. there is a reason you wanted to be at 600m.
but thanks for the gaming lesson. I will be sure to put it to good use.

#33 Odins Fist


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:39 AM

View PostMazzyplz, on 22 March 2014 - 08:33 AM, said:

oh okay i get it so it's either you drive a boat and use the most boring weapon in a mindless way


No sometimes run a light, then get cried to that i'm not spotting enough..

Running a build that doesn't perform decently is not what people are going to do, I think everyone should have been aware of that a long, LONG time ago.

#34 Mazzyplz


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:40 AM

they have stated

View PostIqfishLP, on 22 March 2014 - 08:35 AM, said:

Go away black knight

you're hilarious bro, they have stated over and over they are not gonna buff SRM.

they ignored requests to buff it ever since the big nerf (40% dmg nerf + no splash)

and now in devlog #3 paul inouye states: "weapon balance seems good now, except for Autocannons which will get adjustment next patch"

i am a black knight?
or maybe you're living a fantasy

#35 Thorqemada


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:41 AM

Tbh i wont call it brawling or fighting when a Cataphract with 4xAC5 steps out of cover and kills me in 3 seconds...

What happens now is that not only Poptarters and Snipers deny to fight and only seek the kill, they are now joined by the many crowd of LURMERS.

Fighting is gone - only Killing is left...

#36 Mazzyplz


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:43 AM


Running a build that doesn't perform decently is not what people are going to do, I think everyone should have been aware of that a long, LONG time ago.

idk, it seems when i play street fighter i don't immediately pick m bison and try to sweep kick the whole match.
nor when i play winning eleven or fifa do i choose barcelona every time
and in mechwarrior online i don't switch my loadout to the latest flavor of the month.

i'm still doing ok, and i still see people driving cicadas and stuff so. if there was real balance there would be no overpowered thing to be chasing at, there would be real variety; of which there is none right now

you know who does all those things?
my real life buddies who can't really play, so they need the crutches

Edited by Mazzyplz, 22 March 2014 - 08:44 AM.

#37 Iqfish


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:44 AM

View PostMazzyplz, on 22 March 2014 - 08:40 AM, said:

they have stated

you're hilarious bro, they have stated over and over they are not gonna buff SRM.

they ignored requests to buff it ever since the big nerf (40% dmg nerf + no splash)

and now in devlog #3 paul inouye states: "weapon balance seems good now, except for Autocannons which will get adjustment next patch"

i am a black knight?
or maybe you're living a fantasy

I have one more star than you, I must be right

#38 topgun505


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:48 AM

If the only thing to counter a given weapon is more of the same, that is the red-flag hint that something is broken within a game.

View PostIqfishLP, on 22 March 2014 - 07:23 AM, said:

The LRMs seem OP/too much right now because there is no viable alternative,

#39 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:53 AM

View Postgeodeath, on 22 March 2014 - 06:35 AM, said:

LRMs were fine before. Just right actually. This has killed brawling. Yet another stupid move by PGI. How about some Community Warfare work and forget dumb Achievement stat resets and weapon breaking? And **** your Golden **** Mechs.

No,. no they weren't fine. They were useless past 500 meters, except on the occasion fat and stupid Stalker or Atlas pilot sitting in the open without ECM.

Do you know what "LRM" means? "LONG range missile". Long range. And yet, they have the worst range of any long range weapon, and past 500 meters were child's play to avoid, and even now, are pretty easy except in the slowest of mechs. They are finally to the point where 1-2 Launchers are useful to carry, whereas before a single LRM was nearly pointless to mount.

People just got lazy in the poptart meta, and forgot about concepts like hard cover, instead of just hiding behind a rolling slope waiting for your JJs to recharge.

I freely agree Brawling is still nowhere near where it needs to be, but LRMs are actually rather useful as a counter to Poptarts now. and since I have exactly 2 mechs mounting LRMs (both of which I do far higher damage and kills in non LRM variants) it certainly ain't because I am afraid of my "pet weapon" being nerfed. I also don't own ECM mechs and only run AMS on a handful of slow Assaults. Yet I have yet to die to LRMs, and only a few times been significantly damaged by them.

The game has always been played with a bunker mentality. Just that a week ago, everyone bunkered down and hid from Poptarts. Now they Hide from LRMs. And those of us who use cover and tactics and coordination, still manage to get on just fine.

#40 Mcgral18


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Posted 22 March 2014 - 08:54 AM

View Posttopgun505, on 22 March 2014 - 08:48 AM, said:

If the only thing to counter a given weapon is more of the same, that is the red-flag hint that something is broken within a game.

SRMs register 60% of the time, while only doing 2 damage compared to Streaks at 2.5 damage and register 80%+. FLD is the best counter to LRMs, Spotters, brawlers, FLDers, etc...

LRMs are second best, since they can actually hit and hurt. Lasers fit into this category as well, while SRMs, the brawling weapon, is left to chance.

So, no LRMs are not best countered by spread LRM damage, they are best countered by pinpoint frontloaded AC and PPC fire and maneuvering. If you can get within 180M, they cannot do a thing.

So, throw an arty on them, and rush. 30% of the time, the pugs will join you. If you have 3 friends, the pugs are much more inclined to follow. Remember to twist your arm towards the incoming missiles, you'll get a solid buffer and block up to 40% of the missiles towards your torsi.

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