Paul Inouye, on 24 March 2014 - 11:10 AM, said:
About the interesting find I was talking about:
- Lower Elo players adapted to the changes much faster than the higher Elo players.
- LRM use spiked hugely on the day of the change and has been dropping off slowly as time goes by.
About the reason why the slight nerf? Had nothing to do with the outcry... it was the monitoring of games and seeing the impact on the various types of gameplay that was observed.
I did not have time to play many matches right after the change, so most of my games last week were from the weekend.
I was expecting a 5 to 10% increase in damage, but it was more.
From running LRM boats most of the time I saw some old remedies come out.
- Runnings ECM mechs more. Some having 4 ECM mechs on a team.
- LRM boat hunters going after the boats.
- using terrain to block missiles that are targeted.
- limiting exposure to targeting by running behind the intervisibility line (IV line)
- More AMS
What I really did not expect.
- using NARC to draw fire while under a bridge or behind cover. (cover being buildings, terrain to protect you from fire.) I am guilty of this and I could not bring myself to shoot that raven, he was like our 13th mech. They wasted thousands of missiles on me for 3 minutes.
- Counter battery fire. I have always done this, but others were also doing the same. Kill the LRM boat by LRM boat, one by one with concentrated fire.
- The glorious spotters, TAG and NARC lights being used.
God I love them, but having 6 or more mechs running around with them was funny. Then it was also confusing, since which ones were in cover and protected baiting me to fire.
Now about missiles hitting the center torso more.
I have been doing this for a while and with a 15 second exposure to engage a mech it is dead. Even an atlas. With TAG and Artemis coring a mech is easy, but you have to guide the missiles in. Great for when you are right behind the firing line, but the AC rounds can core you faster. The 175 gave us maybe 1 to 2 seconds less time to be exposed to AC fire, but Even the 160 speed will be good and still give LRM boats the time they need to guide missiles on target for coring. I do not think this needs to be changed since it was there for a long time. This also could be added up to the LRM 15's being fired out of 6 tube hard points. It fires in three vollies out of stalkers. so for all 60 missiles to be fired there are 10 period of missiles hitting a mech. Since these are smaller groups they focus more on the CT.
I think it is a mechanic to look at. The jager A would chain fire 60 missiles, but only in 4 groups of 15, no so with the stalker, with 10, 5, 10, 5, 6, 6, 3, 6, 6, and 3.
I was thinking a nerf down to 160, but none for coring a mech, unless looking at changing missile hardpoints with limited tubes and allowing a larger launcher to fine at once out of them. I will do more damage out of a 6 tube launcher to the CT than I will with a 15 tube launcher firing an LRM 15.
Edited by Barkem Squirrel, 24 March 2014 - 11:52 AM.