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Different Faction - Pirates

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Poll: Include a Pirate faction? (119 member(s) have cast votes)

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#1 Ryvucz


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 04:08 PM

To give more of an MMO type feel, and a BattleTech Universe overall feel, I suggest the addition of a Pirate faction.

They would be good to disrupt supply routes, worlds and anything else that would be fun (raids against Clan and/or inner Sphere holdings to shake things up?)

Thoughts, feelings, outrage, too much for people, bad idea, good idea, bestest evar idea, not so fast that's dumb, see where I'm going with this?

Edited by Ryvucz, 11 July 2014 - 09:12 PM.

#2 Novakaine


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 06:04 PM

Well if we had or were getting CW that would fantastic.
Sign me up.
But the truth of the matter is it ain't gonna happen.
Far too bad.

#3 Ryvucz


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Posted 26 March 2014 - 11:56 PM

View PostNovakaine, on 26 March 2014 - 06:04 PM, said:

Well if we had or were getting CW that would fantastic.
Sign me up.
But the truth of the matter is it ain't gonna happen.
Far too bad.

If, is a good place to start, this is a suggestion thread after all. ^_^

If everyone with a suggestion just thought to themselves.. "it aint gonna happen", this whole section would be empty. -_-

#4 Ryvucz


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 09:06 PM

As someone had interest in a Pirate Faction idea during a game I was in recently, I'm bringing this back up for them to find it.

#5 MechWarrior319348


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Posted 11 July 2014 - 09:14 PM


#6 Red Legs Greaves


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Posted 12 July 2014 - 05:16 AM

My unit the Brethren is a pirate unit, we're up to two battalions now so there is quite a few of us who would like to see pirates in community warfare. And we're not the only pirate outfit in the game there's at least one other unit that is pirate based.

#7 Timuroslav


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Posted 12 July 2014 - 05:45 AM

I support this idea, but I question how it would implemented.
I can see the scenario going either way:

1>Being a pirate is easy, access to all equipment, and can't be destroyed regardless of base of operations is. In this scenario, Everyone wants to be the pirate. No downsides. No base of operations. Can't be destroyed and territory does not matter, any way.
2>There is no benefit to being a pirate. They don't get access to the good mechs, and the higher tier mechs. Clan Mechs, have to be stolen, in near impossible duels. Land Holdings are negligible spots. IN this scenario no one wants to be pirate because there is no benefit.

Don't get the me Wrong, I want pirates. But, I don't see how they can be in the game without having Major draws and Major Disadvantages.
How does a Non-Faction Faction, participate in Community warfare? Do they participate as a giant distraction? Do they have to be coerced like Mercenaries? Or are they non-participants?

Edited by Timuroslav, 26 July 2014 - 04:22 PM.

#8 JimEvolved


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Posted 12 July 2014 - 11:09 AM

I don't think it has to be all-or-nothing as far as benefits and drawbacks, but it's definitely something I hope PGI would consider.

#9 Red Legs Greaves


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Posted 12 July 2014 - 11:25 AM

Actually being a pirate would be a disadvantage. You only get what you can take, you have no support system that the factions and mercs have, and all your gear is going to be old and worn out. And pirates are a big part of battletech and I don't see them being any different from a merc corp except you don't have the support of the great houses. I for one would like the challenge of it. Pirates could provide a bit of balance between the factions by providing a distraction from getting attacked by a larger one.

#10 General Taskeen


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Posted 12 July 2014 - 11:45 AM

There are multiple independent periphery and pirate faction nations that were officially involved in small and large ways during Inner Sphere conflicts, they are (they could also be your chosen faction in Table Top, and had their own Mech/Vehicle assignment tables):

The main ones are

St. Ives Compact
Magistracy of Canopus
Outworlds Alliance
Taurian Concordat
Rim Worlds Republic

At the very least people want to be able to "select" these as their factions.

A list of medium and minor independent powers is listed here:


#11 Red Legs Greaves


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Posted 12 July 2014 - 02:34 PM

View PostGeneral Taskeen, on 12 July 2014 - 11:45 AM, said:

There are multiple independent periphery and pirate faction nations that were officially involved in small and large ways during Inner Sphere conflicts, they are (they could also be your chosen faction in Table Top, and had their own Mech/Vehicle assignment tables):

The main ones are

St. Ives Compact
Magistracy of Canopus
Outworlds Alliance
Taurian Concordat
Rim Worlds Republic

At the very least people want to be able to "select" these as their factions.

A list of medium and minor independent powers is listed here:


This. It doesn't have to be completely different from the major factions but it would be cool if it was. But just having the option to run as a periphery nation would be cool. I myself have always ran as independents in my tabletop games.

#12 Ryvucz


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Posted 12 July 2014 - 03:45 PM

I just think it would be nice to shake things up, mostly like the Pirates attacking supply lines, disrupting reinforcements, etc.

Lore wise, they just harass the Periphery like mad, and I think the border worlds need shaken up by players, disrupting Inner Sphere Houses and Clanners alike.

"Send reinforcements to >insert planet/moon<"

"Aww, but that failed because Pirates took over."

But I'm also evil like that. ;)

#13 Bad Katz


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Posted 12 July 2014 - 04:36 PM

We would like to be recognized as our own faction for sure. As for our abilities we would be at a disadvantage for securing equipment and rarer mech styles, but we should have a boost to our salvage abilities as that's how we would survive. Used primarily as shock troops, the kind of Warriors you send on missions deemed to dangerous to risk your own equipment, there would always be a calling for us. As for lore, the Pirate Kingdoms have been in the game since the 1st boxed edition, the clans weren't. We should have existed before them as well in this game too. Hopefully PGI will fix this issue and add further flavor to the game canon and history

Edited by Capt Killian Hook, 12 July 2014 - 04:36 PM.

#14 Will9761


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Posted 12 July 2014 - 06:20 PM

I support the pirate factions as well. Heck even the Clans had to fight pirates in the Periphery before they reached the Inner Sphere.

#15 Red Legs Greaves


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Posted 12 July 2014 - 09:48 PM

The clans even have their own version of pirates, the Dark Caste. So it would give players that option too. We could be that annoyance that keeps one faction from completely dominating the others.

#16 Red Legs Greaves


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 05:57 PM

Since this is an important subject to my unit and the fact that there are now atleast 3 pirate outfits in the game now I am going to give this a bump.

#17 Night Rapier


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 07:39 PM

New to the whole lore stuff, but is it possible to be "employed" by a faction/factions via "letters of marque" to raid/pillage (hit/run) and operate similar to merc units? Maybe be unofficially "sponsored" to gain the more advanced tech? We'd still have to watch our backs though.

#18 Asmudius Heng


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 08:31 PM

We are traditionally a pirate unit. (well its about the only place our unit lore fits anyway)

But yes i think that pirates could be mercs of a certain type within the system if a new system for pirates cannot be worked out.

Pirates may also be small periphery powers etc not just raiders for the sake of it and would form alliances of convenience with major houses (under the table)

So yes please pirates!!!!!

#19 Red Legs Greaves


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 09:34 PM

View PostAsmudius Heng, on 16 July 2014 - 08:31 PM, said:

We are traditionally a pirate unit. (well its about the only place our unit lore fits anyway)

But yes i think that pirates could be mercs of a certain type within the system if a new system for pirates cannot be worked out.

Pirates may also be small periphery powers etc not just raiders for the sake of it and would form alliances of convenience with major houses (under the table)

So yes please pirates!!!!!

This is our back up plan, if they don't add pirates we'll just hire ourselves out to House Liao and raid the rest of the Innersphere.

#20 Kalimaster


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Posted 19 July 2014 - 10:40 AM

I like this idea alot.

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