Catapults used to take a pretty good beating. You could have died from ST (XL) or CT torso blowout unpredictably. However, after one of the patches sometime last winter they just seemed to turn into huge CTpults without any mentioned reason why.
You can almost certainly wager your entire life savings on a CT blowout now and double your retirement fund .
It was mentioned shortly after and confirmed by a few but the subject died without much thought or investigation.
I'm bringing this up again in the hopes that Catapults can once again become a formidable mech on the battlefield and we may be able to recommend them as a good buy.
Please feel free to confirm this and maybe the devs will dig into this a bit for those of us that love our kittas.
I have talked to a few others who would agree with this.
Can we talk about the huge

Edited by BLUPRNT, 27 March 2014 - 02:25 PM.