Joseph Mallan, on 04 April 2014 - 05:30 AM, said:

To be fair, the skill isn't just a in clicking a button, but in the fine motor control needed to line up snap shots AND click the button without disturbing aim.
This is a single very specific skill that's highly prized by eSports players who play in highly contrived environments with low random variables. Until the game provides a method of dealing with recoil, windage, the ability to crouch, crawl, stabilize a weapon, or any number of realistic variables an actual machine of war needs to account for to achieve success, there's not much different between ANY weapon the game for overall skill needed.
DFW need the afforementioned twitch, while LRM's need a larger dose of situation awareness, but less fine motor control.
Streaks are perhaps the lowest skill weapon the game as they remove the need for greater situation awareness without adding in fine motor control. As a compensation they now suck for most uses, at least until we Clan streak packs again. I'm just waiting for the crying about them then. I'd much prefer if streaks and SRM's could both be fired off a lock, but only travel in about a 30° arc off the centerline of fire and bone target. SRM's would be slow, and could be fired without targeting for terrible spread, SSRM's should do less damage and travel at least 2x as fast to the target, but can't be fired without a lock. The weapons shouldn't heat seek and still only hit if you've got a target that stays right in front of you.