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Urbanmech Arrives On The Battlefield!

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#3901 G3 Heathen


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Posted 07 January 2018 - 03:40 PM

I should take a urbie out for a scouting mission, just have to deal with the salt from the other players. does anyone know of a video of a urbie in this mode?

#3902 Urban Renewal


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Posted 07 January 2018 - 03:50 PM

Video? No.

The salt can be real, but it's mostly people who are upset because they got stomped flat in the first couple minutes, and complaining while you're still up and they have nothing to do. They're taking it out on you while you're kiting away from clanners at +/-100kph.

Just focus components while you're ignored, use the 360-twist, and the rest will work out. Make the most of your opportunities to succeed by farming components.

And when you're buddies get stomped because they got rekt in the first clash of wills, and they're angry about it but take it out on you? Hold your peace and wait for the final scoreboard to vindicate you ;)

#3903 UrbanTarget


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Posted 07 January 2018 - 05:13 PM

Haven't been able to play all weekend but UrbanIncognito mentioned to me that he was able to organize an FP match that opened with 9 urbies...

And lo, the salt did run heavily amidst the clams.

#3904 loopala


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Posted 07 January 2018 - 05:14 PM

Update on the 2 urbie/2 highlander deck

No salt in the 2 drops I had time for. Urbies did well (like there was any question they would) the SS Heavy Metal performed better then I had hoped. The 733 shredder , well only got to use it on HOTH and got LRMed to death before I got within weapons range. Must do more testing on this.

#3905 Urban Renewal


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Posted 07 January 2018 - 06:33 PM

View PostUrbanTarget, on 07 January 2018 - 05:13 PM, said:

Haven't been able to play all weekend but UrbanIncognito mentioned to me that he was able to organize an FP match that opened with 9 urbies...

And lo, the salt did run heavily amidst the clams.

I um ...

I have a problem.


I may have played enough this week and weekend to get a free mech.

I got the CTF-3L, instead of cashing out a Summoner. At 70 tons, it lets me make tonnage requirements and run 3 Urbies in a conquest deck where speed is more important anyway. And with a big engine and MASC, it's an awfully fast 70-tonner. It serves Urbie's cause well.

Also, Annihilators are vicious, vicious mechs. They serve Urbie's cause very, very well.

Edited by Urban Renewal, 07 January 2018 - 07:11 PM.

#3906 stealthraccoon


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Posted 07 January 2018 - 10:20 PM

View PostUrban Renewal, on 07 January 2018 - 06:33 PM, said:

I got the CTF-3L, instead of cashing out a Summoner. At 70 tons, it lets me make tonnage requirements and run 3 Urbies in a conquest deck where speed is more important anyway. And with a big engine and MASC, it's an awfully fast 70-tonner. It serves Urbie's cause well.

XL340 and use MASC - it’s fun! The Cataphract is also Liao born, which is the only house that truly embraces Urbanmechs.

#3907 Kargush


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 05:29 AM

Anyone who refuses the gospel of the Urbie is a heretic, and needs to be aquainted with the firepower of the One True Mech.

#3908 UrbanTarget


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 05:01 PM

I only made it to 192 loot bags, but i know i am blessed for Urbie's gaze is upon me. No matter where our adventures take us, his 360 degree range means we are all always in his sight.

...plus i got some killer swag in those 192 bags and leveled 2 more urbies... tnx PGI!

#3909 Urban Renewal


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 11:33 PM

Apparently I ran this account so much just this month that I got into the top 25 on the light leaderboard for kills.

That's even with running a bunch of FP scouting for lootbags. Posted Image

Situational awareness OP.

Maybe I should give it a rest?

#3910 UrbanTarget


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Posted 09 January 2018 - 05:29 AM

View PostUrban Renewal, on 08 January 2018 - 11:33 PM, said:

Maybe I should give it a rest?

That is up to you...

Just ask yourself:


#3911 loopala


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Posted 09 January 2018 - 08:19 AM

update on the 2 urbie 2 highlander drop deck.

the urbies are well urbies and such as doing fantastic

the super stock Heavy Metal is doing much better then expected. the new light engines really help the highlanders. CT is still way too fragile for an assault.

the main hold up is finding a load out for the 733c or 733p. more testing is in order.

so far with the mighty urbies carrying the highlanders the salt is at a minimum. this deck is holding it's own. not a great deck but not a total loser ether.

#3912 MovinTarget


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Posted 09 January 2018 - 08:28 AM

"Urbanmechs... They can even make Highlanders look good!"

j/k! Just because I suck in them doesn't mean they are unusable...

#3913 Urban Renewal


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Posted 09 January 2018 - 11:22 AM

View Postloopala, on 09 January 2018 - 08:19 AM, said:

update on the 2 urbie 2 highlander drop deck.

the urbies are well urbies and such as doing fantastic

the super stock Heavy Metal is doing much better then expected. the new light engines really help the highlanders. CT is still way too fragile for an assault.

the main hold up is finding a load out for the 733c or 733p. more testing is in order.

so far with the mighty urbies carrying the highlanders the salt is at a minimum. this deck is holding it's own. not a great deck but not a total loser ether.

Willing to entertain ideas?

Commendations on your care and attention to finding worthy accompaniment for your Urbies. That's what we're all about here, right? ;)

When the Rule of 3 was a thing, I picked up the -C and the -P as part of my HGN set. (On my main account)


I settled on 4xLPL at the time for the -P, because LPLs were in their best place at the time. They're still decent weapons, and the variant has an energy range quirk at the moment.

Set your weapon groups so you can fire the torso lasers together, and the arm on chain. That way you van get a ghost-heat-free 30-point burn and follow it with the 2nd arm laser if the opportunity presents itself.

You can also set another group to fire both arm lasers at once for things like UAVs, extreme angles, or times when you just alpha and take the extra heat because it's worth it at the moment.

It's not spectacular, it runs kinda warm in extended poke-fests, but it should still be very capable and steady. Sometimes, steady is what you need ;)


This one comes down to what kind of ballistics are.your thing. The classic meta-ish version was (is?) a couple PPCs in the torso and an AC20 in the arm. I enjoyed it, but then I used to like that build on the Misery too. With NuTech, there might be new variations on this worth exploring.

If snapshot PPFLD isn't your thing, or your rig doesn't make it easy for you to aim pinpoint, then may I suggest something with UAC(s) in the arm and blue lasers in the torso? Point center-mass and apply damage until one of you has to back of because self-preservation overrules your bloodlust. I found a pair of UAC5s in the arm was nice. The exact flavor of blue laser will depend on how many heatsinks you want to run to manage however much heat you want to deal with.I think I elites it with 2LPL and 2UAC5, which may not be as good now.

NuTech changes things:

Have you considered running MRMs in those missile points, accompanied by lasers in the torso (and -C's arm)? I haven't run these since the new skill system, but MRMs seem to work really nicely on other assaults. Simply point at enemy and apply MRM-sandblaster damage.

The -P even has some missile cooldown and velocity buffs currently. The more that I consider it, this is probably the way to go. I may even give this a whirl at some point (probably on my primary).

(Because it all comes back full-360 to Urbie in the end ...) MRMs might make it/them kind of a triple-sized Urbie-68. :D


May Urbie inspire you to yet more great things! \o/

Edited by Urban Renewal, 09 January 2018 - 11:30 AM.

#3914 loopala


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Posted 09 January 2018 - 01:36 PM

Thanks for the thoughts UrbanRenwal. Great mines must think a like as my C and P are set up very similar to what you have posted. The problem has been the current FW drops I have had the clanners are more then happy to sit at long range and enjoy their range advantage. Of course my pug teammates seem to be happy to let them. The Highlander is a jj dancing mech that is very good in a med to short range setting. Unlike the mighty urbie, they just don't have the ability to close in and attack the clanners without support. So I have been playing with a bit more of a mixed build, like my Heavy Metal is carrying. Gauss, lrm 15, 2 ersl, and SNPPC. When I was in my groove had a mistlynx pilot compliment me on my jj dancing. The 2 ersl SNPPC actually made nice light repellent. A lot of my frustrations with the Highlander comes from not playing them in years, not since the great JJ Nerf.
Also due to the longer range combat I am experiencing in FW Santa urbie maybe trading out the SNPPC for an ER PPC, maybe.

#3915 Urban Renewal


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Posted 09 January 2018 - 09:27 PM


1st match I dropped in a 91-node, fully skilled Urbie K-9, was a skirmish match on HPG.

TK troll proceeds to kill 2 teammates before being ended vigilante style. He'd likely damaged that 3rd teammate as well.

And thus we rapidly proceed to lose another teammate, this time to enemy fire.

"Make the most of it," I figure. It's practically a motto.

We proceed to keep shooting (a lot), moving (reasonably cohesively), and communicating (at least a little), and falling to the enemy's guns. My Christmas bells kept sounding off over and over, until one valiant teammate and I stood against a cored KGC, a cored MAD, and an unknown 0-ping.

Twice more my warhorn sounded. The 7th time as my teammate died opening up the Marauder, and I finished the King Crab. I harangued the Marauder as he tried in vain to locate me, finally getting a clean shot on his CT. The blue achievement box for "Ace of Spades" popped up as my bells sounded for the 8th time.

Except now I had a problem. Instead of waltzing to the DZ to finish a defenseless mech, ...

... he now had a ping. He'd reconnected while I was attending to the 10th and 11th mechs on the other team.

Now, it was my K-9, at 60% health and numerous still-armored components having taken overheat damage from gambling on override to get this far, facing an unknown, as-yet-unsighted enemy mech.

I went looking, figuring the payout would be better even if he gunned me down (which is true by the way, a tie pays worse than a loss).

Alas, it was not to be anything other than a tie. Never even laid sensors on that last enemy mech. Still feels pretty good considering the start we had.

Posted Image

Posted Image

Thanks for sticking in there teammates, we made something special out of that match despite the odds Posted Image

Edited by Urban Renewal, 09 January 2018 - 09:52 PM.

#3916 MovinTarget


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Posted 10 January 2018 - 03:29 AM

Pffft, it was just a KDK-3 even... that would have been a pushover for a 20% stock Urbie held together by spit and duct tape.

Regardless of the outcome, our Munificent Domed One smiles down on your valient effort!

/RP off
What are you running on your K9? I usualy go 5 ML and STD engine or 2 ERLL

#3917 Urban Renewal


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Posted 10 January 2018 - 07:45 AM

View PostMovinTarget, on 10 January 2018 - 03:29 AM, said:

Pffft, it was just a KDK-3 even... that would have been a pushover for a 20% stock Urbie held together by spit and duct tape.

Regardless of the outcome, our Munificent Domed One smiles down on your valient effort!

/RP off
What are you running on your K9? I usualy go 5 ML and STD engine or 2 ERLL

It's the 5 MPL version. (Edit: XL180, 2JJ, stripped right arm, whatever else makes it fit in terms of endo, DHS, etc. It's a tryhard Urbie, but, well, results speak for themselves. I'm worried that Chris will nerf our Urbie's with too many matches like that)

Heavy on firepower (all the range, heat gen, and duration) and survival (all the armor, most structure) in the nodes, 4/5 Cool Runs.

While I have the coolshots and strikes unlocked, I forgot to equip them before the match. That result was 100% pure Urbie (and friends, they really stuck it out and worked hard), no consumables whatsoever in that match.

Edited by Urban Renewal, 10 January 2018 - 07:55 AM.

#3918 MovinTarget


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Posted 10 January 2018 - 08:22 AM

But matches like those, where you expect nothing good to happen under those circumstances, are the *best* for playing loose..

The other team often gets overconfident and your team, down men early is snapped to attention...

Its like I've noticed in Domination matches if one team runs the clock down to 30 seconds or lower right off, it seems like they often lose when you'd think they'd have the advantage...

Edited by MovinTarget, 10 January 2018 - 10:20 AM.

#3919 G3 Heathen


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Posted 10 January 2018 - 05:01 PM

If we get 200 pages of comments, do we get the urbanmech IIC?

#3920 UrbanTarget


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Posted 10 January 2018 - 06:39 PM

They'll get to it eventually... they have to build up to it though... they'll put out the tier 2 mechs like the blood asp and dasher and such first... then when the vatborn are starved for a REAL mech, an MAN'S mech... BAM! The Urbie IIc arrives on the battlefield!

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