Tank, on 11 May 2014 - 06:38 AM, said:
Your information regarding my faction are very limited at this moment, thus you misunderstanding how thing really work.
For your information, we as independent unit from one side, will send forces in to IS in following war to counter Clan invasion. Despite our simpaties and limited trade, we don't hide that from them, nor will we.
Yes, that mean that we will be diverting IS houses resources to us and to League, and those are not "taxes", we have our own operations in motion - witch are always beneficial for League, same benefits will also be shared by IS houses that will accept us as their contractors.
Also you misunderstand League state status - it's ruled by wealth, wealth is margin of your power and influence in League. This basis alone does allow us to make make our own rules and act as we see fit - we are not governed is traditional sense.
I have started question value of beneficial relationship with your group - Clans have manufacturing plants, research labs and fully equipped forces and fleets.
As for now, your faction is just a migrant fleet with few valuable assets.
We had stated our hostile intentions to the Clans before. There for I see it fit do against your faction, if as I sad before you will violate our laws.
P.S. You you think you escaped Clans and think rest of Periphery is a pleasant place, your wrong - it's far from it. Freedom here is determined by ability of fight and survive of every person. Last time it was invaded by Star League and it lost.
What makes you think I'm running from the Clans, the Dark Caste from Lore is known to have anti-clan sentiments and also to live in the periphery areas aswell as the Kerensky cluster. And small as we are the Clans will be aggressed against by the Dark Born as part of that lore relationship. So even as a small unit we are not afraid to take on the task of being the "thorn in Clans soceity" as we are meant to be. It does not mean that all Clans will be effected, it does not mean that IS Houses will be excluded from those interests either. It also means that with the inter waring in the Clans that under the table dealings with the Clans themselves could occur to support their war efforts against other clans. Most noticeably with Clan Burrock but not limited to only that Clan. So we too may have "mercantile" dealings with the Clans also, just not politically visible.
As living in the periphery region I already previously corrected your interpretation that any so called "raids" would not be against periphery interests, that you "assumed" were going to happen. Which they would not have as this is where we would consider our homeland even if nomadic. So from the lore the Dark Caste would attempt to form neutral if not good relations with the periphery states and perpihery elements for those very survival reasons you state.
The Hanseatic State then from lore supporting from a mercantile perspective Dark Caste factions or splinter groups with their mercantile dealings. It states that we have the opportunity to have economic interests with your state. So if this is recognised then it is of significance to your government.
However in your previous communications you said that your justifications was that you judged the Dark Born as an enemy to the Clans and therefore as a result you then stated we were enemies due to your allegiances with them.
Tank, on 15 April 2014 - 11:01 AM, said:
You know that Periphery consist of many proto-states and fractions, no doubt you will easily find someone to trade with even within Hanseatic League - it's merchant state. Just not with one specific merc coalition within it.
Speaking about your offer, I should decline again. My relations with Clans will be based on respect to them and their ways, with no plans of exploiting any weaknesses. As I mentioned before, any encounter will be meet with all of the formalities of batchall and rules of zellbrigen.
There for, there is no need in such information from my side.
So to recognise that you have similar interests like ourselves against Clan interests in some cases and then previously and persisantly tring to appear honourable also inconsistant and at dissonance based on your motivations and objectives.
The lore however does state neutral relations with the Hanseatic state and there would be no reason for your government to recognise hostile actions with any element of the Dark Caste unless it aggressed their specific interests. And since the Hanseatic State is concerned about generating economic turmoil for the Clans for their benefit whilst also trying to maximise all trading opportunities (which should include the Dark Caste for regular trade and their Black market elements also) if anything they would be supportive to some extent of the Dark Castes efforts to the Clan supply lines and economy. And remember it was secret information that the Comstar forces had at Tukkiyad about Clan capabilities that allowed them to win.
So me previously offering information of a nature about the economic activities of the Clans would still have been valuable to you as information even if not acted on. But you immediatley interpreted this as a means to simply attack their shipping. Of which I would not be suprised that the coffers of the Hanseatic state paid bandits and the Dark Caste if not Merc foces like oyurself to actually do this dirty work for them anyhow.
You being a Merc Unit with independant issues from the state you represent and showing an opposition to supported trade elements relations and objectives of that government is then seeing to go against those interests. Though I'm more happier now that you seem to be changing your tune to show the more aggressive side of your nature with your relations with the Clans more readily.
As a Merc unit I understand you go where the money is and as a result I could easily understand those motivations when as a periphery unit you are trying to survive also. But recognising aggressive actions against the Dark Born without due cause as they havent formed any aggressive stance against your state and yet you feel obliged to be aggressive against the Clans yourself and also then going against your governments objectives is not in any way "honourable" and if anything hypocritical to then judge and show aggression to our unit if you support the same thing yourself.
The idea of having similar interests and "geography" should if anything make you consider having allied interests with us as needs to help support your interests also, even if under the table dealings. As as the various periphery interests you have recognised trading with.
So yes by all means, be the mercenary unit that follows the "big score", but don't try the propoganda that you are some kind of honourable "force of light" as a result. And also recognise that we will have and try to maintain good relations with periphery states as mentioned previously in our exchanges in this thread. If you have been paid to be a Clan Lackie and we meet on the field as a result of our interests then so be it. But please don't think this would have any real significance with the politics of the Hanseatic state and their interests. If anything I would be more concerned if you accidently thwarted their efforts due to any dealings we may have with them also for their objectives. But I guess you don't want to open diplomatic channels and appear to want to try and take the moral high ground behind your actions when at the end of the day, your now saying your a paid gun just like ourselves.
Edited by Noesis, 11 May 2014 - 12:00 PM.