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A Fresh Perspective... Premades & Mw:o.


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#221 Roadbeer


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 10:45 AM

View PostGhost Badger, on 04 April 2014 - 10:37 AM, said:

Damnit Road, I've been going nuts during this maintenance reading 'cached' pages trying to find it. I distinctly remember reading it, too, but I've gone through ALL the Ask the Dev's, all the Command Chair posts...NADA.

I'm thinking it may have been in a Dev response to someone else's thread?

That said, I've found plenty of old gem's, including Garth's personal post on stomps below, lol.

Yeah, I've been scanning Peiper's summary of the recent NGNG interviews with both Bryan and Russ, I *KNOW* it's been since the State of the Inner Sphere CC Post where that was stated, NADA, I just can't bring myself to listen to those interviews again to find it. They just remind me exactly HOW mad I am about how their porking groups right now.

#222 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 10:52 AM

View PostRoadbeer, on 04 April 2014 - 10:45 AM, said:

Yeah, I've been scanning Peiper's summary of the recent NGNG interviews with both Bryan and Russ, I *KNOW* it's been since the State of the Inner Sphere CC Post where that was stated, NADA, I just can't bring myself to listen to those interviews again to find it. They just remind me exactly HOW mad I am about how their porking groups right now.

I also ran into the quote saying "Lobbies and matchmakers aren't for private matches, they'll be for CW." Of course, this is at the same time they're still assuring us that groups of 5-11 will be returning to us, governed by the matchmaker, with no need for a lobby.

#223 Lyoto Machida


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:03 AM

View Postwanderer, on 04 April 2014 - 08:28 AM, said:

I beg to differ. When we were in 8-man matches, I'd go on the Liao TS, we'd get an 8-man together.

We didn't lose matches for hours on end unless we ran into another 8-man premade. That's where the "premades stomp PUGs" comes from. And heck, I am NOT a l33t player, just an average MWO veteran. But yeah. Stomping PUGs. For hours straight. Running into another 8-man was a treat, everything else was generally grinding out PUGs for exp/money.

The reason it's less true now is that 4 of 12 is less effective than 4 of 8, or 8 of 8 being organized. Put PUGs back into a situation where we could generate groups that were 50% premade, and the grinder would once again be turning.

This is, unfortunately, the truth. I DO miss the days of playing til like 8am Saturday morning with a bunch of guys from my unit. Now we're lucky if we have more than 3 or 4 guys on past midnight. Then again, the game is pretty much the same except for new mechs/maps and weapon tweaks.

#224 Deathlike


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:25 AM

I honestly want to know what is the actual fear solo PUGs have.

If it's the tools we have in game, it's mostly PGI's fault for not proving a command rose, or "proper VOIP" (C3 is not an optimal solution). The best you can do is download TS3, JUST LIKE YOU DID WITH THIS GAME, and learn to use it in place of systems missing for the moment, until PGI "gets its act together someday".

If it's trying to "manage people that seem to fire their medium lasers past 540m", tutorials should cover that, but they don't quite have enough of them yet.

If it's in terms of skills... some people are "more vocal in chat"... and some have a "natural reaction" to the situation. These things can be taught and refined, but people don't ultimately understand the value of these things, in place of VOIP (you can only have a 4-man premade, so you still HAVE TO communicate with 8 other people).

Then again, some people don't know how to take responsibility for just not doing what needs to be done to win. Some people often blame everything else but themselves to the failure of a match. It can be hard to understand sometimes, but it's up to the player to recognize his/her own faults and occasionally recognize there can be other outside factors (not the boogeyman, premades, VOIP) but bad decisions, bad actions, bad reactions (like "chasing the squirrel", dropping down into a valley trying to get the easy kill).

There's just too many "mememe" attitudes instead of "what do I have to do to give the team a chance to win". That's the problem of the current game and its lack of tools which is what fostering such bad play. I know the MM doesn't help matters either, but if you don't treat adversity as a challenge to get better, then you'll never succeed when "the competitive players" show up on CW's doorstop.

Edited by Deathlike, 04 April 2014 - 11:26 AM.

#225 Amsro


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:27 AM

View PostCraig Steele, on 04 April 2014 - 08:59 AM, said:

all your quotes are in bold and 18 font. Too many quotes caused errors in my post.

1. PGI disagrees, and they have more data than all of us. Or do you have some insight that PGI are not aware of?

Having more data and using the data correctly are 2 different things, PGI's own words from March 2013 is that most players TEAM UP.

I would say that some data has been purposefully neglected to confirm that 84% drop solo. If not why the 1 year switch, an obviously flaw to PGI's game metrics.

2. OFC not, we are talking about the proposed changes. Why be argumentative about it and cite the current state of arrangements? PGI are however proposing to empower 5 - 11 man teams to create their own game environment. Go read the official communication. Then come back and discuss.

If you think paying MC and needing premium time to play matches vs people you find from 3rd party sources is "empowering" then we might as well stop the debate now.

I think you need to read FULLY what PGI are implementing and then think about the implications involved. Then come back and discuss.

3. Really, you are the elected spokesmperson for all "team players"? I didn't get my voting slip. I suspect what you mean to say is that YOU think that PUG stomping will continue. However PGI have said they think this is a point of progress towards enhancing the PUG game experience. Can you quote your source that gives you more information / judgement than PGI has?

Again PGI already claimed that in recent times 84% of players are Solo, do you think that they can't be the source of their own pain?

Merely a year ago 50% or more players dropped in groups.

WE WANT A SOLO QUE. Why does this point not get through to people. The team players DO NOT want to play with the zerg solo players just as much as the other way around.

I'm not alone in this view, I've never claimed to be the spokesmen.

4. How about you stop with this recurring un based opinion that PUG's do not have an opinion on their game experience. The fact is they have expressed their opinion on their game experience and whether you agree with it or not, it is their game experience. Try embracing the feedback and working with it instead of sticking your head in the sand and saying "it ain't so".

Because as I've stated I "pug" just as much as I lance up. Mostly due to team size limitations.

Even when I pug I still smash face and ruin other solo puggers days. This has to do with poor matchmaking, nothing to do with team size. I know it is a hard concept but sometimes the problem is much simpler then people think.

Again. Solo Que, I'm for it. Lets do it. But nope PGI won't because.. Derp.


[kuhPosted ImagePosted Imagen-jek-cher] expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof.
2.an opinion or theory so formed or expressed; guess; speculation.

Dictionary.com is fun isn't it. I still don't see any proof.

So asking a question is now expressing an opinion? English language has clearly changed markedly since I went to school. Whats lamentable is that you don't have an answer. WHY ARE PRE MADE TEAM PLAYERS UPSET WITH NOT BEING ABLE TO TRASH PUG's? Because as PGI have said, that is the only material change they propose. So why the angst?

Premade teams aren't upset with not being able to trash pugs, because, wait for it. We don't trash pugs, aren't interesting in Rolls, do not get jollies out of GGclose matches.

Again as above, solo Que please. We just want to play with our friends, such a simple concept that gets turned into pug farming rage.?! I don't see the connection.

So why the constant misguided conclusion that "team" players want and easy overpowered experience? Where did you get this idea from?

If you want to deflect and attack me thats fine, I got broad shoulders. But do you have an answer or is this just a case of play the man?

I made no attack at you, and have never dropped that low. This isn't personal, I'm sorry you feel singled out.

Whats comical with your post is that you offer not alot except to attack the questions. Can you actually answer them with anything of substance?

I've answered all questions, I'm not sure what more you're expecting.

Let me reiterate.


AFAIK (from PGI's official advices), the only material change PGI proposed is that 4 man teams will not queue with PUG's. Why is this such a point of contention for 'so many' team players?

Where did you get this info from? I would be ecstatic to find out that pugs will get their own solo que.

AFAIK (from PGI's official advices), organised teams will be empowered with the flexibility to manage their game experience to a much larger degree than PUG's have, why is this a problem?

The cost (MC/Premium time) and the lack of search function. I will need to know 23 other players to make a match. They will all need to be on at the same time and want to play the EXACT same match as me.

This is called acrobatics, the "lobby" will be less used then the current 12 man. And that place is scarce.

The finer details are the problem not the idea in general.

AFAIK (from PGI's official advices) They want to enhance the gaming experience of team based play and are keen to retain that player demogrpahic, even though it is a minority. Why do people say PGI don't care about team based play?

Again the fact that team play is a minority considering it was the majority merely a year ago begs the question?

What did PGI change to chase all the teams away?

4 Man Team limit.

Now the cycle has come full circle. Perhaps you understand this point of view a little better now.

Can you answer these questions, or are you just going to refute them and "say it ain't so?"

Over to you. :D

Check Mate

I hope you understand that we are not pug farmers, game L33t, trolling players. We just want to get back to the team game that existed once in this VERY SAME game.

2 Que's


Edit; Many edits to be honest, I kept getting a error with regards to quotes, so I just replaced the quotes with Bold Larger Text.

I'm not sure if it was maintenance related, but a pain to be sure.

#226 TheNef


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:40 AM

I have to say that I thoroughly enjoy pugging, I've been playing this game now for over 2 years and I've never been in a group. Not only that but i don't have any in game sound and to be honest haven't missed it(by my own volition). I try where possible to play as part of a team and I have no problem playing against coordinated premades, I actually quite enjoy the challenge.

On previous games I used TS servers or whatever and had great craic playing in coordinated groups but I think that this game works well enough as it is, for those that like teams they can benefit from that and those that don't well, like me they get to play in their own style and fill whatever role they think the match/ team mechs calls for.

I have a few little gripes with the game but the pug/premade argument has always just washed over me. I'm sure there must be others like me who are perfectly happy, and after all the game is free, I can't really get up the nerve to complain about the game or PGI when I haven't probably payed enough for 1 hour of a developers time.

#227 Roadbeer


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:45 AM

View PostCraig Steele, on 04 April 2014 - 08:59 AM, said:

So what I read from this is my opinion / thoughts are irrelevant because you have a longer tenure with the game than I do. Is that the message you intended to communicate because thats what I heard. If you intended to communicate otherwise, maybe you need to re phrase.

No, what he is saying is that you haven't been around to see the changes and how they've impacted play, and player retention as a whole, and also, that once you've been around longer, you'll see things that you've been told to expect (and look forward to), only when they arrive, they are a horribly bad representation of what was advertised (if not outright nixed after-all)

View PostCraig Steele, on 04 April 2014 - 08:59 AM, said:

My point is that team players have no basis for complaining about the proposed changes. They are being given much more empowerment than they ever had before. The only thing they are loosing is the ability to wail of PUG's who do not have the same advantages as them.

Why is that a problem?

Ok, you CLEARLY haven't been paying attention.
The proposed changes are only benifical to competitive players (which most groups aren't). If you are greater than 4 and less than 12 then:
1. They are required to have premium time (and MC down the road) just for the privlidge to be able to group with more than 3 people.
2. There are NO rewards in private matches. No CBills, No XP, No Acheivements. So even being GRACED with this option, we are STILL forced back into the PUG queue to replenish CBills to purchase consumables, weapons, mechs, etc.
3. There is no lobby system proposed to accomidate those groups between 5 and 11, so we are forced to utilize 3rd party software just to find a match.
4. I'm sure there is more, I've just become so sick of having to explain this to people over and over again...

View PostCraig Steele, on 04 April 2014 - 08:59 AM, said:

I have yet to see a adequate response from anyone as to what the actual issue is for team players with the proposed amendments. It sounds like complaining for the sake of complaining or complaining because they haven't bothered to digest what the actual communication from PGI is and just grabbed onto the headline in forums that some scaremonger has posted.

Again, you haven't been paying attention, there are quite a few threads on the topic, but in my limited time interacting with you, I've found that you don't enjoy doing your own research, but in this case, i'm going to leave it to you to educate yourself on the topic, because almost everyone else in this thread knows EXACTLY what we're talking about

View PostCraig Steele, on 04 April 2014 - 08:59 AM, said:

1. PGI disagrees, and they have more data than all of us. Or do you have some insight that PGI are not aware of?

2. OFC not, we are talking about the proposed changes. Why be argumentative about it and cite the current state of arrangements? PGI are however proposing to empower 5 - 11 man teams to create their own game environment. Go read the official communication. Then come back and discuss.

3. Really, you are the elected spokesmperson for all "team players"? I didn't get my voting slip. I suspect what you mean to say is that YOU think that PUG stomping will continue. However PGI have said they think this is a point of progress towards enhancing the PUG game experience. Can you quote your source that gives you more information / judgement than PGI has?

4. How about you stop with this recurring un based opinion that PUG's do not have an opinion on their game experience. The fact is they have expressed their opinion on their game experience and whether you agree with it or not, it is their game experience. Try embracing the feedback and working with it instead of sticking your head in the sand and saying "it ain't so".


[kuhPosted ImagePosted Imagen-jek-cher] expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof.
an opinion or theory so formed or expressed; guess; speculation.

1. PGI's data often conflicts itself, or is presented in such a way that it leave the reader with more questions than answers.
In the span of one year, PGI has gone from stating that most of it's players were in groups to most of its players are solo. What's changed in that time? The implementation of group caps. That's kind of a self-fullilling prophesy and a no brainer, don't you think?
2. Nope, it punishes 5-11 with the inability to earn rewards in the matches AND taxes them with premium time, because you cannot be 5-11 in the free private match system (it's not one of the custom parameters)
3. Nope, PUGSTOMPING will continue because I've already laid out in a few threads how the 3/3/3/3 system is easy to game and actually ENHANCE the sync dropping ability, not inhibit it. Again, do your research.
4. LOL, Pot have you met kettle?
5. see 4.

View PostCraig Steele, on 04 April 2014 - 08:59 AM, said:

WHY ARE PRE MADE TEAM PLAYERS UPSET WITH NOT BEING ABLE TO TRASH PUG's? Because as PGI have said, that is the only material change they propose. So why the angst?

Nope, that's just your interpretation of the changes, but as was pointed out before, you lack the actual experience with the game to fully understand the ramifications of the changes.

View PostCraig Steele, on 04 April 2014 - 08:59 AM, said:

AFAIK (from PGI's official advices), the only material change PGI proposed is that 4 man teams will not queue with PUG's. Why is this such a point of contention for 'so many' team players?

Completely wrong, 4 player teams will still queue with solo pugs, the only change is that there will only be ONE group per team, whether it be 2,3 or 4 players

View PostCraig Steele, on 04 April 2014 - 08:59 AM, said:

AFAIK (from PGI's official advices), organised teams will be empowered with the flexibility to manage their game experience to a much larger degree than PUG's have, why is this a problem?

Except for the reasons I listed above, so aside from appealing to the <1% of competitive players, this solution lacks any substance that a good portion of players who play in groups want or need.

View PostCraig Steele, on 04 April 2014 - 08:59 AM, said:

AFAIK (from PGI's official advices) They want to enhance the gaming experience of team based play and are keen to retain that player demogrpahic, even though it is a minority. Why do people say PGI don't care about team based play?

Again, it doesn't enhance it, it inhibits it, it puts unnecessary hurdles in the path of group play, and for over 500 days, PGI has made it increasingly difficult to just play with your friends (between 4 player/8 player cap, then raising the threshhold to the 4 player/12 player caps)

#228 Disapirro


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:53 AM

View PostDeathlike, on 04 April 2014 - 11:25 AM, said:

I honestly want to know what is the actual fear solo PUGs have.

Why do you so fear pugs having the tools needed to fight on an even field, hmmm? In game comms, or some other form of quick communication is necessary to compete against teams that are using them.

#229 Roadbeer


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:57 AM

View PostDisapirro, on 04 April 2014 - 11:53 AM, said:

Why do you so fear pugs having the tools needed to fight on an even field, hmmm? In game comms, or some other form of quick communication is necessary to compete against teams that are using them.

Hey, if PGI can't take the time to give us a group queue because "nobody wants them to divert resources from CW", then you don't get integrated VoIP or command wheel or any other tools.

See, now we're both sad pandas

#230 Roland


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 11:59 AM

Seriously, it would take essentially ZERO effort to make a solo queue and an unrestricted queue.

The idea that it would "divert resources" is totally nonsensical.

#231 Disapirro


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:02 PM

View PostRoadbeer, on 04 April 2014 - 11:57 AM, said:

Hey, if PGI can't take the time to give us a group queue because "nobody wants them to divert resources from CW", then you don't get integrated VoIP or command wheel or any other tools.

See, now we're both sad pandas

Well that makes sense... not.

#232 Roadbeer


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:09 PM

View PostDisapirro, on 04 April 2014 - 12:02 PM, said:

Well that makes sense... not.

LOL, how... 1993

Let me break it down, organized group play has been hemorrhaging players for over 500 days, and in all that time, people have been asking for things like integrated VoIP, command wheel, etc (even people who group exclusively so as to not make the experience of playing with the derpherd so frustrating by at least attempting to be able to corral them into something other than a spectacular suicide)

To each, PGI has said "SoonTM" and we all know what that means.

So, why should you get things, that PGI has no interest in making, when they're equally disinterested in making something that will actually RETAIN customers?

#233 Jon Gotham


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:09 PM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 03 April 2014 - 04:00 AM, said:

If you think you are having fun playing the game in silence talking only to your Cat, Dog or significant other you are missing the fun of laughing with/at you buddy who just killed/died that last guy standing. You are really missing the best part of the game.

And, you DON'T have to commit huge time or sign unholy pacts to achieve this. I went from solo pugger to unit member INSIDE 30 mins on one evening.
Being an adamant solo player and cursing at the "evil premades" and giving it the big "why should I, I want to just log on" really is just helping you miss the best this game has to offer.
Why stay solo guys?
Why cut your nose off to spite your face?

#234 Disapirro


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:16 PM

View PostRoadbeer, on 04 April 2014 - 12:09 PM, said:

LOL, how... 1993

Let me break it down, organized group play has been hemorrhaging players for over 500 days, and in all that time, people have been asking for things like integrated VoIP, command wheel, etc (even people who group exclusively so as to not make the experience of playing with the derpherd so frustrating by at least attempting to be able to corral them into something other than a spectacular suicide)

To each, PGI has said "SoonTM" and we all know what that means.

So, why should you get things, that PGI has no interest in making, when they're equally disinterested in making something that will actually RETAIN customers?

Why should I (people other than you) get this, oh I don't know, maybe because it would enhance the game for the casual player and actually increase the player base.

View Postkamiko kross, on 04 April 2014 - 12:09 PM, said:

And, you DON'T have to commit huge time or sign unholy pacts to achieve this. I went from solo pugger to unit member INSIDE 30 mins on one evening.
Being an adamant solo player and cursing at the "evil premades" and giving it the big "why should I, I want to just log on" really is just helping you miss the best this game has to offer.
Why stay solo guys?
Why cut your nose off to spite your face?

Still not a good argument for not bringing comms to the masses.

#235 TheNef


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:19 PM

View Postkamiko kross, on 04 April 2014 - 12:09 PM, said:

Why stay solo guys?
Why cut your nose off to spite your face?

I play solo and love it, my face in no way feels spited. And i'm sure that if i feel like this there are many more like me so the argument probably works both ways.

#236 Roadbeer


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:19 PM

View PostDisapirro, on 04 April 2014 - 12:16 PM, said:

Why should I (people other than you) get this, oh I don't know, maybe because it would enhance the game for the casual player and actually increase the player base.

Still not a good argument for not bringing comms to the masses.

Nope, you're unnecessarily hostile in the original post I quoted, by implying that Deathlike is "afraid of PUGs having tools", when in fact he has been a big proponent of that very thing.

But in your "EVIL PREMADE BOOGEYMEN DON'T WANT US TO HAVE TOOLS" attack, you imply that your needs are greater than ours. Because I can throw back that there is no good argument for not having an unrestricted queue as it will enhance the game for the established player and help retain, regain long time (lost) players.

PGI isn't interested in doing either.

In fact, after re-reading Deathlike's post, he's actually ADVOCATING the implementation of those tools, and faults PGI for not giving them to the masses

Edited by Roadbeer, 04 April 2014 - 12:25 PM.

#237 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:24 PM

View PostDisapirro, on 04 April 2014 - 12:16 PM, said:

Why should I (people other than you) get this, oh I don't know, maybe because it would enhance the game for the casual player and actually increase the player base.

Still not a good argument for not bringing comms to the masses.

Instead of poorly trolling players here, how about you write PGI a nice letter about the things you want? The forumites here aren't preventing you from getting anything, they're just pointing out how low you are on PGI's totem pole of priorities.

Edited by Ghost Badger, 04 April 2014 - 12:24 PM.

#238 Disapirro


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:24 PM

View PostRoadbeer, on 04 April 2014 - 12:19 PM, said:

Nope, you're unnecessarily hostile in the original post I quoted, by implying that Deathlike is "afraid of PUGs having tools", when in fact he has been a big proponent of that very thing.

But in your "EVIL PREMADE BOOGEYMEN DON'T WANT US TO HAVE TOOLS" attack, you imply that your needs are greater than ours. Because I can throw back that there is no good argument for not having an unrestricted queue as it will enhance the game for the established player and help retain, regain long time (lost) players.

PGI isn't interested in doing either.

Really... I dont believe I said anything about premades. I said voice comms for the masses. You as a premade, I guess, have gotten your feathers ruffled.

#239 Roland


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:26 PM

View PostDisapirro, on 04 April 2014 - 12:16 PM, said:

Why should I (people other than you) get this, oh I don't know, maybe because it would enhance the game for the casual player and actually increase the player base.

Still not a good argument for not bringing comms to the masses.

Honestly, a game like Mechwarrior is gonna be supported by the guys who are a bit more "hard core" rather than casuals. This isn't angry birds. This type of game will, inherently, always have a more narrow appeal than the more mainstream games.

But the thing is, even with that narrow appeal, you can still rake in mountains of money.

We gave PGI millions and millions of dollars already... Chris Roberts has demonstrated that what is certainly a "niche market" (old-school space-sim combat games) was able to generate him over FORTY MILLION dollars, before a game even existed at all.

The "hard core" mechwarrior fans tend to be like me... guys in their 30's who have a good deal of disposable income. We CAN support a game's existence... And honestly, a ton of younger players will enjoy that kind of game too.

PGI's mistake thus far has been in thinking that they need to make this game into farmville, where millions and millions of people are gonna play it. Sorry man, that's not gonna happen. What's gonna happen is that they'll have a game that still doesn't appeal to millions of people, while also no longer appeals to the hard core mechwarrior fans who waited for a decade to play this game.

Remember how these forums were back in 2012? They were absolutely FULL of hope and support for PGI. They were pretty much the most supportive, posivitive game forums I had ever seen on the internet. PGI was basically walking on water back then.

And look at them now... Folks are not happy. Not only have they failed to deliver on things they promised, but they actually TOOK AWAY thing that we had back then... like the ability to simply play with our friends and units.

And the thing is, the folks who are so negative about the game now? THEY ARE THE SAME FREAKING PEOPLE WHO HAD NOTHING BUT PRAISE FOR PGI TWO YEARS AGO. It's not like we're newcomers who just showed up to beat up PGI. We are the folks who were once PGI's greatest fans! We gave PGI mountains of money!

Generally, in a F2P game, if you get a customer to give you ANY money you have them hooked for life... But look around. You've got folks, like myself, who have paid PGI hundreds of dollars already. Holyfuck, Roadbeer bought them a god damned CAKE. And yet PGI has basically totally turned us against them at this point, where we have lost absolutely all faith.

That kind of thing is unheard of... You gotta try REALLY HARD to screw up the way your customers view you, to get folks who have already given you hundreds of dollars to just hate your face like that.

Edited by Roland, 04 April 2014 - 12:27 PM.

#240 Roadbeer


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 12:30 PM

View PostDisapirro, on 04 April 2014 - 12:24 PM, said:

Really... I dont believe I said anything about premades. I said voice comms for the masses. You as a premade, I guess, have gotten your feathers ruffled.

Yeah, because you didn't even read his post past the first sentence.


View PostRoland, on 04 April 2014 - 12:26 PM, said:


Can't like this enough, you sir, win the Forum today.
(however it was Imperius who gave them the cake, unless, they're the same person)

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