Thee Tactician, on 02 August 2014 - 11:03 AM, said:
I have been busy these last few days, I have raised my expectations of those who drop with me on regular bases and decided to help them improve. I am working on getting them to focus arms and legs, then core and calling the mech type and grid location over the phnetic alphabet, working on defensive holds and lines against rushes.
We continue to hold out against odds not in our favor as long everyone does his/her part. I have also seen this unit grow quite a bit this week and new units are coming to our ts3 to group with us and seek a more professionally run ts3 then com-star, though its a good ts it might not be for everyone.
The focus of our drops is tactical and strategic not brawl or rush purely. We use the whole map not a piece of the map and change our tactics to fit the style of mechs and map we bring and use. So much is going on, we have open a wing over on planetside 2 as well but it only takes 20% of our time in a given week and the other 80% is spent on mechwarrior online. So about two days a week and much more is coming. I am still working on the streaming radio station at the moment and should have news in about a week or so on it lunch date.
That's what I'm talking about I miss those days oh well hopefully tonight I can do a few of these drop..I hate being label as not a active member when I am its just I can stay up wee hours in the morning when work takes those hours blah..Plus my other activities for my job,well i hope I can have better time or play time with the banner unit and my follow house members this week before I take a nice break this weekend before heading back out for a nice camping trip...But I will say this around Oct or next month after I find a good performance lap with a good graphics card and can handle Plantside 2,Elder Scrolls online, mechwarrior and Warthunder plus teamspeak with it. I know a few laptops that can I just got to save for it and buy it lol..Unless anyone has some suggestions?..Well gents and ladies I will talk to you later on or blast you on the battlefield and fun while doing it lol