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Updated! Timber Wolf Screen Shots Revealed

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#201 Haxxplz


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:31 PM

I'm going to enjoy legging this mech!

#202 Tank


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:34 PM

I have no problem with the legs, but they do seem have Terran bionic predecessor vibe going on.

#203 Blazing Angel


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:35 PM

View PostSilverlance, on 10 April 2014 - 03:02 PM, said:

I was really hoping and praying that the 'Mech at the top of my favorite list would come out looking phenomenal, seeing as how quite a few of the 'Mechs already in game look fantastic.
PGI, ya done ****** up again.
You took what you already had in game, the uppers of a Catapult, arms and legs of a 'Phract and slapped it all together to call it a ******* Timberwolf. You know what? **** you. Legs and arms on this "Timberwolf" look ridiculous. Way too straight and narrow and way too damn blocky. Where's the streamlined sexyness of EVERY OTHER IMAGE OUT THERE?! A previous post asked who designed this? A first year graphic design intern? What the hell, seriously?? You take IS 'Mechs and make them look great but totally BOTCH the rendering for the most iconic Clan Mech ever. You ******* fail. And you ******* fail hard.
Go back to the drawing board, publicly flog the poor ******* to put this together and start from scratch taking into account already existing art work that's EVERYWHERE to reference from. Then come back to us when you get your heads out of your asses with something that's actually decent and WORTHY of the names ICON and TIMBERWOLF.

Dude, calm down.

#204 THOR Dominion


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:42 PM

I like the overall look of the Timber Wolf, but I think there are couple thing that could be tweaked. First off I think that the stance is a to tall it needs to be a little more crouched. The reason being that the legs feel to strait. Also the toes need to be longer as to be more proportional to more standard designs. It would also be nice to see a front picture to get a better idea of it's overall proportions.

#205 Durahl


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:45 PM

Someone, somewhere totally messed up on the proportions of the Mech.

Even lying in bed in front of my TV doing a quick measure with my Thumb in front of my Eye to measure the Concept vs. the Model I can see that the legs have gotten way to long and probably too fat as well.

On the Concept Art - The distance from the top of the Missile Pods down to the bottom of the Pelvis is about the same as the distance from the bottom of the Pelvis to the Ankles - About a 1:1 ratio.

On the 3D Model - The distance from the top of the Missile Pods down to the bottom of the Pelvis will only get you about down to about half the calf - About a 1:1.2 ratio.

Quite a change in dimensions if you ask me.

#206 Sprouticus


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:46 PM

For everyone concerned about the legs, it is a weird angle. If you look at the other ones you will see that the legs are more in line with the torso size.

It looks like the leggy picture is a bad selfie....

Using the std layout


As for the mech itself, the TW is going to suffer from the same issue the Atlas does, low slung arms and torso weapons will mean shooting over obstacles is going to be a PITA.

Here are the omni slots (minimum)

LA/RA- prine(2E)
LT- 1E 1M(20 tubes)
RT- 1B 1M(20 tubes)
CT- 1B

LT- 3E
RT- 1M(2+ tubes)
CT- 1E

LA- 2E
RA- 1B
RT/LT-1M (10-20 tubes)

LA- 2E
RA- 1B
LT- 1AMS 1M (15-20 tubes)
RT- 1M (15-20 tubes)
CT- 1E

RT/LT- 2M (2+ tubes)
CT- 1E

So lets look at the std MW:O layouts and see what we can do (assuming they fix Streaks)

Infighter w/missiles
RA/LA- prime (4E)
RT/LT- D (4M)
CT- A/C/D (1E)
a good infighter with 4xSSRM6 plus and 5 E slots. Remember you have to take out both torsos or CT on clan mechs so XL engines are not a problem at close range.

UAC20 /ERML infighter
RA/LA -prime (4E)
RT- Prime -(1B/1M)
LT- A(3E)

Beam boat (LR or SR)
RA/LA -prime(4E)
LT- A (3E)
RT- any
CT- A/C/D (1E)

SRM or lrm5 boat
RA/LA -prime (4E)
RT/LT- D (4M)

RA- B (1B)
LA- prime (2E)
RT- prime (1B 1M)
LT CT- prime (1B)

As you can see, it is kind of hard to boat anything, you end up with a mix of 2 2 or more weapons. With the low slug arms I am thinking it will excel as an infighter, with ERML or cLPL tear through IS mech at effecticely medium range and UAC20's or UAC2's getting the kills.

If the current meta continues

in the dakka variant above will do a LOT of damage.

#207 Aurawind


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:51 PM

I think the biggest problems with the legs is that it looks weird because it needs more crouch. Timberwolf torso should be lower to the ground than in thoses screenshots.

#208 FuzzyLog1c


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:51 PM

That is the most fugly mech I've ever seen.

#209 AWOL 01


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:51 PM

I actually like the way this Timber Wolf looks... I never really liked the weird pipe arms they're always shown with. They just don't make very much sense. The blocky arms look like they could actually support the weapon pods and they help support the missile racks instead of those just hanging off the corners of the torso. The legs look fine to me and realistically speaking, longer legs would be an easy way to increase the speed because each stride would be longer. Plus it doesn't have clodhopper feet cause the toes aren't as large as they usually are. I'd say this is probably the most realistic representation of a Timber Wolf (Mad Cat) I've seen in a MechWarrior game. Definitely two thumbs up for PGI.

#210 Creovex


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:52 PM

Close.... Sexy, but the legs need a little thinning and some more crouch in them.... A little too tall and thick on the legs, the top looks rather solid though!

Think LESS cataphract legging... more crouch!

Edited by Creovex, 10 April 2014 - 03:54 PM.

#211 Solahma


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:53 PM

View PostTank, on 10 April 2014 - 03:34 PM, said:

I have no problem with the legs, but they do seem have Terran bionic predecessor vibe going on.

Mad Boomer :blink: <_< :lol:

Edited by Solahma, 10 April 2014 - 03:53 PM.

#212 White Bear 84


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:54 PM

What is the deal with the fat legs? It looks odd.

#213 Mike Getsome


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:54 PM

Timber Wolf being on the cover of third Aidan Pryde book is what got me into Battletech. The love to it lies deeply in my Mechwarrior's heart.

Timber Wolf on your screenshot look like feces, I'm glad I won't have to waste 55$ just to pilot Timber Wolf in a dumbed down, broken promises, catering to bad players, poorly designed game.

Great job PGI, you ****ed up once again. Enjoy feeding off of brainless fandom hillbillies until you **** the game so much even they won't eat it.

P.S. Looks even worse than on concept arts, while other Clan mechs are great on concept arts. This is Timber Wolf:
Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image

Your junk IS NOT Timber Wolf.

#214 SgtMagor


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:54 PM

sometimes with the screenshots the view seems a little skewed, I didn't really like the Madkitty, but it looks kewl. scary looking beast.

#215 SilentWolff


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:54 PM

Legs are too big, head/ torso areas are too small and lawlz to anyone who wants to run missles. They are part of the torsos and are a huuuuge target.


Color me disappointed.

#216 Sevronis


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:55 PM

As someone on the bandwagon for having the Timber Wolf as my #1 mech, I am a bit disappointed as well. I have to agree the legs are way too big and even too blocky. The current reverse leg bend seems too high, making it appear too tall. In that screenshot it almost looks like it would be bigger than an Atlas even.The concept art looked much better - the legs were thinner, shorter (enough to still be a big mech but smaller than Atlas), torso was a bit bigger (or maybe just wider), and still looked stocky-yet-streamlined. I don't mind the thicker arms either and they do look like they could hold up better in a fight than the old thin ones.The images posted by Mike Getsome earlier are much closer to the look of a Timber Wolf I am used to and love, but I wouldn't mind a beefier look to match its toughness as a heavy, just still streamlined and smooth.

Another nit-pick is with the hardpoints. Timber Wolf is an Omni-mech, yet all I see listed are fixed weapon type hardpoints. If I recall there are at least omni bays in the side torsos. Also every image of the Timber Wolf Prime did not have a ballistic in the CT, they were in both the RT and LT, or at least appeared that way since they were usually under the sides of the cockpit (EDIT: Looking back at the images Mike Getsome posted, I do see that the machine guns are CT and RT. Didn't see that earlier). Now I know there was talk about swapping non-CT parts for customizing, but if the parts have all specific weapon types, it doesn't seem to make me think it would feel the same. I could be wrong though as none of us have yet actually SEEN how its played out in mech bay.

I was kept in suspense waiting for this only to let out a dissapointing lack-of-perfection sigh. However it is still looking awesome in general. I can't wait to get mine on release day.

Edited by Sevronis, 10 April 2014 - 04:23 PM.

#217 I R O N


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:55 PM

The legs are TOO BIG!, Torso TOO SMALL, Missile Racks are part of the torsos? wtf to that? So glad i only spent on the daishi.

Edited by Irontygr, 10 April 2014 - 03:56 PM.

#218 verybad


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 03:56 PM

Kind of hideous model. Really not liking this. legs don't look at all sleek like the previous models in games or artwork looks.Perhaps might be a biased view because it's from below, but that's really not a good marketing screenshot IMO.A front or side view might help, but currently *bleach*

#219 Damon Howe


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 04:01 PM

Welp, that's money well saved! Thanks PGI, you assured me that not spending money on clans was a very solid idea at this point!

Constructive Criticism:
-Legs look like they belong on an Atlas-sized mech
-Torso looks like an anorexic catapult

#220 I R O N


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 04:04 PM

This is what happens when Free-Birth Innersphere Fan boy (SCUM) create a clan mech..

Posted Image


Edited by Irontygr, 10 April 2014 - 04:05 PM.

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