Ronyn, on 05 June 2014 - 12:35 PM, said:
I like this idea.
Most lights are actually very stable up to 112. Some to 120 already. It's when you go 129+ that they become unstable.
But then again recall the leg damages for touching rocks? Those were from an age when they were planning for mechs to 'trip' if they were going too fast over those parts of maps. Too fast being above 97 kph. (Seriously slow down to 90 or below and you'd never get damage from those areas). But without knockdowns and thus without falldowns, no one would 'click in' on what the intention was.

So in a way it'd restore that original intention of getting mechs to slow down now and then instead of always being top speed. I know I miss the days I'd walk up next to a building in a commando and peek around it to see if it was clear to move. Glad you like it. It motivates me to continue to put work towards it and try to push it on PGI.