Chronojam, on 16 April 2014 - 07:52 PM, said:
Okay, this was a well thought out post and I wanted to respond not to argue, but to just clear something up thast a previous post did. I'll admit I worded that in a very general fashion and that it does not seem to fully say WHEN these timeframes were announced.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong. (Its' okay to do so. I won't deny actual quoted facts and stuff. Facts are cool. )
But, when I said they originally did not give a timeframe, I was referring to when this game was first like, an idea and they only really had some beginning code and design pillars. I don't recall them saying a timeframe or date for that initial design pillar of Community Warfare. I'm aware they gave the "date" at least 3 or 4 times afterwards which you have luckily given me in your post. thank you.
I just wanted to clear that up is all
Now then, before I leave I just want to say one thing.
We argue to find out who is right. We debate to find out WHAT is right
Now, with that clearing up the intention behind my post that you quoted, you may all resume your
arguing debating.
Edited by dangerzone, 17 April 2014 - 03:25 PM.