Aym, on 21 April 2014 - 05:51 PM, said:
By reading the posts I disagree with your assertion that the people reading this by and large "spend large parts (or even all) of their game time as part of the 16%." Furthermore if it's really 16% of drops, not players, the number of players dropping in groups is at least 33% as basic math shows, and based on the reasons shown here (ie being able to immediately drop again after dying, not waiting for the match to finish, team mates to deal with IRL issues, or even have team mates switch things in the mechbay) solo droppers can account for a disproportionate number of drops w/out actually representing relative numbers in the population.
Lastly, I'll admit the flashy title was partly positioning on my part to get views, especially with the merged General Discussion, I felt a little marketing would go along way, and I believe it has paid dividends.
yes the forums are a minority of the player population on a whole. So is any and every survey ever completed by a statistician. We can make educated guesses based on the reaction of the forums (whether I personally agree or disagree with some of the sentiments expressed at times). This is especially true when you have a widely universal response to something. As Aym said earlier, 3pv is a great example. The average poll here gets a few dozen votes usually. A really popular poll might see a few hundred votes. A few THOUSAND voted against 3pv and later for a 3pv only queue. PGI thought their idea was great, the community universally disagreed, they did it anyway. Also as Aym pointed out, the prevailing theory as to why is because PGI knew a 3pv queue would be an utter ghost town leaving new players joining it to be easy pickings for the ggclose and roflstomp crowd.
Now with all of that said, you can also see when it's generally a select few posting multiple threads on the same subject with the same handful of players and noone else arguing it in circles. There's typically no real support for either side. Those are the "vocal minority" often talked about.
In this particular case we have a really solid suggestion that no one can dispute with anything other than the typical rhetoric seen since CB about groups.
As far as the "84%"? That's been disproven, shot down, shown to be poorly collected data, etc. Now we STILL have people clinging to that number as "proof" that people wanting a group queue are the minority in one breath but quickly turn around and say "groups are everywhere and roflstomping and that's why we shouldn't have 2-12 man groups allowed". You can't have it both ways guys. You either agree that groups are the minority OR they're everywhere and "ruining" the game. When you look through post histories, see what's been said, etc. you can clearly see that some just have some sort of bias against groups and will use whatever propaganda tools they can to support their anti-group agenda.
As Aym said, that "14%"? That's also your 84%. That also completely disregards every single solo player that flat out stated they'd rather drop in a group queue than the solo queue. So that automatically and indisputably refutes a solid "84%".
Paul doesn't like groups, that much is apparent. That's fine, for him and everyone who agrees with him. That doesn't mean it's fine to do everything possible to exclude, alienate, and otherwise run off groups. Agree, disagree, or otherwise, you can look through any and every other successful MMO out there that has some sort of persistent campaign in it and the backbone of those games are organized units. Solo/casual players don't make websites, build TS servers, or advertise units on the internet to help promote the game. It goes way beyond any simple %