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We Are The 84%

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#81 Sandpit


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:29 PM

View PostAym, on 21 April 2014 - 05:51 PM, said:

I'm glad this was finally brought up as I've been itching to address it. In order, the argument that the people on the forums are not necessarily representative of the player base has been brought up in regards to this topic and many others, most notably in my experience with 3PV. While certainly statistical analysis of the forum posters will show they tend to be a non-representative mix in many regards, how can we say with certainty that they are not representative in terms of these game features? The same argument was brought out during the 3PV debacle with overwhelming support for a 1PV only queue and yet when developers said the forum posters represented a minority, and were on an island, and implemented 3PV they realized they couldn't bother with a 3PV only queue because no one would use it and, lo and behold, practically no one uses it in game, so perhaps the forum posters were by and large right on that one, despite being very non-representative in other ways. I contend therefore that we should not refer to the "vocal minority of forum posters" as such an aberrant demographic and at least see what reasons can be gleaned from this thread, because you're very unlikely to get reasons for solo dropping by just analyzing drop numbers.
By reading the posts I disagree with your assertion that the people reading this by and large "spend large parts (or even all) of their game time as part of the 16%." Furthermore if it's really 16% of drops, not players, the number of players dropping in groups is at least 33% as basic math shows, and based on the reasons shown here (ie being able to immediately drop again after dying, not waiting for the match to finish, team mates to deal with IRL issues, or even have team mates switch things in the mechbay) solo droppers can account for a disproportionate number of drops w/out actually representing relative numbers in the population.
Lastly, I'll admit the flashy title was partly positioning on my part to get views, especially with the merged General Discussion, I felt a little marketing would go along way, and I believe it has paid dividends.


yes the forums are a minority of the player population on a whole. So is any and every survey ever completed by a statistician. We can make educated guesses based on the reaction of the forums (whether I personally agree or disagree with some of the sentiments expressed at times). This is especially true when you have a widely universal response to something. As Aym said earlier, 3pv is a great example. The average poll here gets a few dozen votes usually. A really popular poll might see a few hundred votes. A few THOUSAND voted against 3pv and later for a 3pv only queue. PGI thought their idea was great, the community universally disagreed, they did it anyway. Also as Aym pointed out, the prevailing theory as to why is because PGI knew a 3pv queue would be an utter ghost town leaving new players joining it to be easy pickings for the ggclose and roflstomp crowd.

Now with all of that said, you can also see when it's generally a select few posting multiple threads on the same subject with the same handful of players and noone else arguing it in circles. There's typically no real support for either side. Those are the "vocal minority" often talked about.

In this particular case we have a really solid suggestion that no one can dispute with anything other than the typical rhetoric seen since CB about groups.

As far as the "84%"? That's been disproven, shot down, shown to be poorly collected data, etc. Now we STILL have people clinging to that number as "proof" that people wanting a group queue are the minority in one breath but quickly turn around and say "groups are everywhere and roflstomping and that's why we shouldn't have 2-12 man groups allowed". You can't have it both ways guys. You either agree that groups are the minority OR they're everywhere and "ruining" the game. When you look through post histories, see what's been said, etc. you can clearly see that some just have some sort of bias against groups and will use whatever propaganda tools they can to support their anti-group agenda.

As Aym said, that "14%"? That's also your 84%. That also completely disregards every single solo player that flat out stated they'd rather drop in a group queue than the solo queue. So that automatically and indisputably refutes a solid "84%".

Paul doesn't like groups, that much is apparent. That's fine, for him and everyone who agrees with him. That doesn't mean it's fine to do everything possible to exclude, alienate, and otherwise run off groups. Agree, disagree, or otherwise, you can look through any and every other successful MMO out there that has some sort of persistent campaign in it and the backbone of those games are organized units. Solo/casual players don't make websites, build TS servers, or advertise units on the internet to help promote the game. It goes way beyond any simple %

#82 Artgathan


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:31 PM

View PostCraig Steele, on 21 April 2014 - 06:28 PM, said:

OK, thanks.

Thats not how I believe they presented the numbers but I see where you're coming from now.

The chief problem with their presentation of the numbers is that they use "Launches" and "Players" interchangeably when discussing the data - I think the graph they present is labeled "Launches" but Paul refers to it as representing "Players" during the actual text. Since it's unlikely that these are equivalent measurements (for this to happen, every player would need to 1) play exclusively in either groups or solo and 2) have the same number of drops) the representation of the data is contestable.

#83 Sandpit


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:32 PM

View PostCraig Steele, on 21 April 2014 - 06:28 PM, said:

OK, thanks.

Thats not how I believe they presented the numbers but I see where you're coming from now.

That's not how they presented the numbers. That's part of the problem. Those in the community that are familiar with statistics beyond simple percentages immediately looked at their data and knew something was skewed. PGI looks at that data (won't even go into poor data collection in general, that's been shown in various other threads as well) and makes a fundamental change to what has been a major premise to this game since day one.

#84 Phlinger


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:32 PM

View PostAym, on 21 April 2014 - 03:52 PM, said:

Perfect! Thank you for clarifying.

Ronyn I'm trying hard not to feed the trolls in this thread, can you join me in that? Your solo money is ABSOLUTELY as valid as anyone's anything money. This thread is not about invalidating anyone's game play here. Arguably this post is me trying to find out why people solo drop, because I do not believe it to be as monolithic as Paul's command chair, and that many, if not most, solo-droppers would truly have no problem dropping with groups if it was close to even numbers of teams and Elo on each side.

Fair enough...07

They key here is, don't worry about the solo guys, some do it exclusively, seriously. I do.

I solo drop.. because it allows me to log on, blow away some people in what my son calls 'Mindless stress relieving violence, then log off and have a smile'. Works like a charm=)

#85 Daekar


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:34 PM

View PostArtgathan, on 21 April 2014 - 06:17 PM, said:

Using the numbers PGI supplied for "Launches":

84% Solo -> 84 Players
8% 2-Player -> 16 Players
4% 3-Player -> 12 Players
4% 4-Player -> 16 Players

44 Players in Groups, 128 Total. 44/128 = 0.34, or ~34%.

I would say that this is a possible way to interpret the numbers PGI gave us. In actual fact, we don't know precisely what the numbers mean. This is why statistics can be made to serve any cause.

I have wondered how many of those groups used VOIP, especially the 2 and 3 man groups.

#86 Aym


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:36 PM

View PostSandpit, on 21 April 2014 - 06:29 PM, said:

Paul doesn't like groups, that much is apparent.

Sand please omit such personal references in this thread.

View PostRonyn, on 21 April 2014 - 06:32 PM, said:

Fair enough...07

They key here is, don't worry about the solo guys, some do it exclusively, seriously. I do.

I solo drop.. because it allows me to log on, blow away some people in what my son calls 'Mindless stress relieving violence, then log off and have a smile'. Works like a charm=)

I totally get it, that's a reason I too sometimes solo drop! I'd just like to see how many people really never want to see groups or groups above a very small size, ie the supposed demographic of the upcoming launch module.

Edited by Aym, 21 April 2014 - 06:37 PM.

#87 OneEyed Jack


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:38 PM

View PostSandpit, on 21 April 2014 - 06:29 PM, said:

yes the forums are a minority of the player population on a whole. So is any and every survey ever completed by a statistician.

That's complete hyperbole. A survey done properly, for the sole purpose of gaining data may be only a sampling and not perfect data. But this is more akin to doing surveys about gun rights at a gun show.

#88 Craig Steele


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:42 PM

View PostAym, on 21 April 2014 - 06:36 PM, said:

ie the supposed demographic of the upcoming launch module.

I don't think that's the intent?

If you want to keep the thread fair and impartial to collect the information you requested, this sort of supposition doesn't help.

If you have a pre programmed agenda don't dress it up nicely, just ask for likes and be done with it.

#89 El Bandito


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:44 PM

The reason I play solo is because I'm the Puglord.

I do understand that in the end (when CW comes out, whenever that is), ideally the drops should be with groups and supported by in game VOIP. However, there should be a "Solo only" queue for those of us who just want to **** around with Dual AC20 Cicada or Triple Gauss Murometz.

#90 Lightfoot


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:45 PM

I always drop solo for one reason only right now. There is no CW or League to play in. Until there is CW there is no reason to join or form a player Unit since that is not officially recognized by MWO yet.

#91 a gaijin


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:52 PM

I drop solo because I work a full time job and have 3 mouths to feed that also need attention and looking after which means I can only game when they are all asleep.
This boils down to me playing 5am to 7am before I head to work. Nobody I know is online at that time so I drop solo.

If I'm lucky I get a 'good pug' and we win - with me surviving to share in the glory of victory.
If I get a 'bad pug' I may only do 300 damage & get 1 kill before dying gloriously in battle.

But at least I showed up :)

#92 Zordicron


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:53 PM

I drop solo. 100% of the time, with a few exceedingly rare instances a long time ago where I teamed with my brother, and 2 matches with my brother in law.
For every one "cool" premade I have run with, there has been 5-6 premades with an attitude of "I am god's gift to this pug, so listen to me pug *******." Those 5-6 premades have about a 25% chance to actually contribute to my team, and about a 5% chance to do so without berating my fellow pug team mates. You could say a few bad apples, but really thats isnt representative of the situation- it's the invert.

I dont look to make "friends" in an online video game. Aquaintances maybe, but I am old school, you make friends by meeting them and sharing more life experiances then video games and facebook bullshit can offer. Group of gamers I like to drop with? Err, I guess, but I find enough of them solo(pretty rare i get raged up by a team, and when I do it is usually related to the premade scenario above) that I do not feel the need to go to a third party area chat room whatever to try to find a "group".

That said, I would drop with a group as a solo player on one condition: there is an equal number of solo pugs on each team. I agree with PGI, premades **** up matchmaker, though i do disagree that it always is a benefit. That being the case, pitting a 10 man and 2 pugs vs a 5 man and 7 pugs would be pretty stupid, as the greater the size of a premade team, the higher the probability some or most would have a team speak available. I couldnt pinpoint the specific number, but IMO there would be a critical mass type group size that having that number of players calling targets against a 7 pug team for example would simply be unfair.

Also, with that in mind, if PGI were to make a solo only lobby, I would go there and never look back(except when my bro plays, if he ever does again) because i do not need/want the drama associated with premades/pugs mixed teams and the zealot behavior found on both sides which simply becomes inescapable in the current matchmaker format. I enjoy myself without all the posers, so why would I seek them out? Even in this very thread, feining open minded discussion, the two sides clash, with the pro group side questioning opinions and saying things like "misconceptions about group play" because obviously, and dissenters to the group play conglomorate are in the wrong and have "misconceptions".

i thought about not posting reasons in this thread for a bit before I hit reply. The OP intent to create some kind of summary gave me pause, as so far I have not seen an ability of the group play(or anti group spokesman for that matter) to be able to do ANYTHING scientifically. By which I mean, I have strong doubts this summary of reasons given in this thread will not be rehashed into somthing favorable to the pro group side of the argument.

#93 Aym


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:56 PM

View PostCraig Steele, on 21 April 2014 - 06:42 PM, said:

I don't think that's the intent?

If you want to keep the thread fair and impartial to collect the information you requested, this sort of supposition doesn't help.

If you have a pre programmed agenda don't dress it up nicely, just ask for likes and be done with it.

We may have to agree to disagree, when I read Paul's defense of the current plan, and I quote [color=#00FFFF]A solo player would have MUCH greater success at winning in the regular public match than up against teams[/color], I get the impression that solo players do not want to drop with groups in PGI's view. I could be mistaken, however this is not a thread discussing Paul's intent, so let's go back to the topic at hand, why, Craig, do you solo drop when you do? You have graced this thread with no less than 5 replies, none on topic.

#94 Craig Steele


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:02 PM

View PostEldagore, on 21 April 2014 - 06:53 PM, said:

...By which I mean, I have strong doubts this summary of reasons given in this thread will not be rehashed into somthing favorable to the pro group side of the argument.

I too was prepared to give Aym the benefit of the doubt of his OP but then this was posted subsequently and I empathise with your concern now.

View PostAym, on 21 April 2014 - 06:36 PM, said:

I'd just like to see how many people really never want to see groups or groups above a very small size, ie the supposed demographic of the upcoming launch module.

This reads to me as the view is already formed and it's only the supportive posts that are being considered. So while the OP may well call out a fair and impartial review of the population, this and the questioning of any contrary views suggests otherwise.

It's a shame, I thought the thread had promise, but it looks like more of the propaganda war Sandpit highlighted.

@ Aym, my post wasn't the first one "off topic" if you're trying to imply I am directing traffic. I don't have a reason to solo drop, I don't solo drop (of any substance).

#95 GoatHILL


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:03 PM

We want to group up with our friends and drop in our mis-match of crappy mechs and fight a bunch of people in their mis-matched crappy mechs.

I don't own an ECM mech, I don't own any Highlanders or Victors, I don't own an AC20 you may think I'm dumb or crazy for not having any of those but I don't want to have to own a certain mech or use a certain weapon loadout to have to play I have 36 mechs I want to be able to use them all. But you can't take just any mech if you are going to play competitive matches not without screwing your team anyway.

I want to drop with people who are here to have fun and are not worried about their KDR they just want to use their random mechs and play in groups larger than 4.

#96 Roadbeer


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:10 PM

Posted Image

#97 Navy Sixes


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:29 PM

1) There's no incentive to drop with a group
* Solo, I find matches quickly.
* Using "Any," the matchmaker is performing well for me. My solo matches are challenging and fun as they are.
* I perform well (usually!) as a solo: I'm earning enough (Cbills and XP) especially when I run my champion Phoenix mechs.
* I never find myself thinking, "Damn, this match would have been better if I had dropped with a team!"


View PostMystere, on 21 April 2014 - 12:47 PM, said:

I drop only solo because Community Warfare does not yet exist.

This. While I think being part of a unit would make CW much more fun and I'm definitely going to be looking at getting into a group this summer once the semester is over, the game will still be one battle after another. I don't expect anything to really change, I just think enlisting in a house unit or merc company would make the experience more immersive.

I hope my input helps with your survey. For that record, I'm one of that "vocal minority" that thinks letting 5+ premades drop in against a bunch of PUGs is pretty lame. I'm really excited about the "group only" queue that is allegedly coming down the pipes; I hope PGI forces all groups (including 4 and under units) to play there exclusively. I'd be happy to offer my little mech as solo filler for group teams that need a slot or two filled.

#98 Aym


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:40 PM

View PostEldagore, on 21 April 2014 - 06:53 PM, said:

(Good post edited for brevity)
Even in this very thread, feining open minded discussion, the two sides clash, with the pro group side questioning opinions and saying things like "misconceptions about group play" because obviously, and dissenters to the group play conglomorate are in the wrong and have "misconceptions".

i thought about not posting reasons in this thread for a bit before I hit reply. The OP intent to create some kind of summary gave me pause, as so far I have not seen an ability of the group play(or anti group spokesman for that matter) to be able to do ANYTHING scientifically. By which I mean, I have strong doubts this summary of reasons given in this thread will not be rehashed into somthing favorable to the pro group side of the argument.

First, thank you for replying, given your misgivings I do understand, I have misgivings replying to any number of threads that I fear are troll bait, and I will put anything I summarize on the first page to hopefully allow anyone to challenge the data, especially those who have given their opinions.
The "misconceptions" about team play argument gets thrown around a lot, and I can only speak for myself when I say I am sorry that those blanket statements get made, as they can reasonably be viewed as an attempt to invalidate the experiences. That said, most everyone has had similar experiences, and they could possibly represent the majority of experiences players find in general in internet VOIP pugs. Confirmation bias, emotional experiences standing out more than neutral experiences, and other variables certainly come into play. But I think most of us calling generalizations about group/team-player behavior and mindset "misconceptions" do so because we feel the similar to you but on the other side of the coin, that those blanket statements against groups negatively paint our groups with an overly broad brush.
Once again, thank you for your contribution and if you feel I rehash your opinion to say anything you did not mean to, please address me, I believe we won't have a problem resolving it.

#99 Aym


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Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:43 PM

View PostCraig Steele, on 21 April 2014 - 07:02 PM, said:

@ Aym, my post wasn't the first one "off topic" if you're trying to imply I am directing traffic. I don't have a reason to solo drop, I don't solo drop (of any substance).

You don't solo drop much, I'd still like to add your reasons to the list for consideration, but if you don't wish to participate I respect that, however it could negatively impact the veracity of my summary :-D
Also, you were not the first person to go off topic, nor were the first I called out, as you have rightly addressed in your own, admittedly off topic, posts. So let's bring it back to hand if you would care to share why you, admittedly rarely, drop solo.



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Posted 21 April 2014 - 07:50 PM

I group to play with others and have a good time. Not only that, to beat the enemy knowing my lance outperformed the rest. I solo also when i dont wish to be bothered, or am doing something else while gaming(mostly listening to music). I also solo when i am doing my work between matches and most the time my screen logs out. I will say that my ability to pilot is the same whether or not I'm in a group or not. Nor do i think group players have more ability than solo's. That would also depend on how much you play and the time put into the game.

Edited by BLOOD WOLF, 21 April 2014 - 07:51 PM.

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