1453 R, on 23 April 2014 - 09:17 AM, said:
You argument assumes that all mechs are created equal. They are not. There are inherent drawback to some mech's over other's. Want your mighty peepeecee boat? You rock an Awesome. Enjoy! Oh and by the way you are a giant barn door. Better use cover to you're advantage. Otherwise you may be able to get one or two in a mech but not 3 or 4 without running an Awesome (or some other mech's that are not in the game yet).
Want to use a ppc in a light. Here is a Panther (if it was in the game). Enjoy being outran by most other lights in the game.
Another flaw with your argument is that one weapon type would replace another and again you are assuming a lot. PPC's will not replace LL for some builds especially brawlers. You also say that single instances of smaller AC's are useless. They are not, you just need to understand their roll. I use a single AC2 in my CDA-3M to great effect. Being able to reach out at pepper ridge humpers while giving my team ECM cover is very effective.