mogs01gt, on 23 April 2014 - 12:17 PM, said:
WTF are you talking about? The issue is that the player base isnt big enough to support groups and PUGs. The Dev SHOULD be striving for a basic FPS. That is what brings in the player base which also brings in money. Look at the direction Modern Warfare took. Its designed directly for casual and lower skilled players.
If their goal is to go for a Modern Warfare clone then why play this instead of Modern Warfare? They should be going for the MMO money from guilds/clans/factions/houses that are fighting for control.
Alexandrix, on 23 April 2014 - 12:25 PM, said:
Seems to to me like it was the vet premades in coordinated meta mechs stomping my newbie friends in trial/barely customized mechs into the the dirt when they tried this game out.
The premade boogieman is mostly just a myth. I'm sorry but you and your friends were looking for someone to blame. Either way I have had friends leave as well, and you know why? It was because of the lack of support for group options, and a lack of content beyond a mindless series of slow paced FPS matches with few options for even interacting with the players on your team.
Alexandrix, on 23 April 2014 - 12:25 PM, said:
We didn't actually get to play together much due to work/schedules...and the fact that they decided the game was garbage in less than a week or two.
That is unfortunate, but it isn't the fault of the group players who are also just trying to play together. It comes off as you saying your friends aren't sticking around so people that actually get to play with their friends shouldn't be allowed to.
Alexandrix, on 23 April 2014 - 12:25 PM, said:
Besides that,how would it harm to groups if there was a solo drop only queue? if you want to group,join the group queue and fight other premades.
That's fine and something that they should probably add, but perhaps ask for that without all of the nonsense about how evil groups are. Separate queues are something the groups have asked for, but the devs have been reluctant to do it so if anyone deserves your ire it is the devs not the group players.
Alexandrix, on 23 April 2014 - 12:25 PM, said:
Just have a random wait interval(a few seconds or so) in the matchmaker algorithm to botch sync drop attempts (because you know that's the first thing the tryhards will do) and it would be fine.
Sync dropping happens because people want to play together, but are limited to four players because of people whining that groups are evil and the devs can't bother to add separate queues.
Alexandrix, on 23 April 2014 - 12:25 PM, said:
They could even kill 2 birds with one stone.The group queue could be opened up to allow groups of any size,so people would stop complaining about not being to play with more than 4 of their friend....and solo's could have a place to not get pugstomped by vet premades in meta mechs.
Again, this has been asked for and the devs have said no so stop bitching about groups and start joining them in their frustration with the devs.
Alexandrix, on 23 April 2014 - 12:25 PM, said:
please,tell me how this hurts the game in any way?
Separate queues would only hurt the game if the community is too small to support it, and given all of the devs poor choices in that regard it probably is too small.