Haven't read much in this thread, only the comic in the original post and the post title.
I think i've played MWO, maybe.. two weeks. Looking at my stats, ive played a total of 77 matches in various trial mechs, and the mechs I own.
What got me to try MWO to begin with? It's the only mechwarrior game in town. The only thing that drew me to it, was nostalgia. I played the snot out of all the MW titles up to MW3. Call me an old DOS dinosaur if you want. If there was a modern reboot of any of the previous MW titles, i'd probably drop this game like a bad habit. That's not to say i'm not having fun, I am, and I'll continue to play, however, if there was a list of things that would make this game get old, it would be this:
1. Game is already getting repetitive. Terra Therma is a great example. I've already caught myself going, "Not this map again!". That and the play on the maps tends to get predictable. Every once in awhile something different is done, but for the most part, the maps seem to play out a certain way. What keeps me playing, despite the repetition, is building up skills , cash, and my mechs - but only to a certain point. Maxing out pilot skills for certain mech types by grinding out 3 mechs of the same type? NOT HAPPENING. Getting 4 to 5 million in cash takes a tediously long time, which prompts the purchase of MC, and that gets expensive. I've already plunked down 45 dollars on this game, and i wont pay a penny more. When I have maxed out my existing mechs builds , and filled my mech bays, I will probably stop playing because they'll be nothing left to strive for or work on. The same handful of maps, with three gameplay modes just doesn't cut it in the long run. If there was a persistant world ala the MMOFPS Planetside, (havent played the second one, maybe i ought to) then THAT would draw me in for the long haul. Right now, all MWO is, is a team death match with mechs, with no overall arcing objective.
2. This game is highly competitive, and I don't blame people in the slightest for this. I think people want to win at all costs, because the cash rewards are greater. Simply put, i think winning ingame equates to less real world currency being spent. The more C bills you gain in game, the less likely you are to need MC. I on the other hand, am not that competitive. Not because I have real world money to spend on MC, but because I enjoy playing a mech warrior game with modern graphics. Win or lose, I love piloting a mech again. Pure and simple. Win or lose a match, I really don't care. Winning is nice, but it's not why i'm playing.
3. People tend to be harsh in game. I've played enough online games in my years to have grown a thick skin, but at some point high competitive ego's get old. 10 minutes ago, i got called "chicken" and "worthless" in one game alone. People, if some jackwagon makes a user name like "Running Scared", what do you expect in the way of "bravery"? As for worthless, what type of knowledge and skill level do people expect from someone like myself?
Now, I choose my username deliberatly. It's the anti-thesis to "My E-Pien is bigger then yours".I don't stroke an ego, and i'm here to have fun. I could care less about being the baddest kid on the block. I think people make the assumption that everyone's a vet, and there's few newbies. Lots of people in many online games make this assumption.
That's all I got. Thanks.
Edited by Running Scared, 01 May 2014 - 07:57 AM.