However it appear that they are leaning towards it at a bare minimum. It also appears that they will be allowing mixed config lbx's. Both of these are things I think would help balance quite a bit.
However, Paul indicated that only clan weapons would be getting this treatment. I woulld like to voice my feelings on this and give some suggestions:
IMO PGI shoulds:
1) Make the IS AC's burst fire as well. This will go a LONG way towards alieviating the high damage alpha issues in the game.
- some folks claim that high damage single point of damage for AC's is not an issue. It IS an issue at the highest levels of play. Same with the PPC (but that's another topic.
- Some folks say making Ac's burst would make the game boring. Perhaps, but burst is different than DoT and it also would make the game a lot easier to balance.
- Making the IS AC/UAC's and the clan UAC;s operate the same is ok IMO.
- Make the DPS the same.
- If the lbx10 shelves the AC10, you are no worse off than today
- You could lower the recycle on the AC10 slightly if it still underperformed.
- If the slug rounds are burst (see #1 above), you could make the slugs for the lbx10 have a higher # of shots (2.5/2.5/2.5/2.5 in the lbx and 4/3/3 in the AC10). That gives the lbx slug rounds slightly less value than a pure AC10 and gives each weapon value.
My suggested weapons values for AC/UAC (# of slugs x dmg per slug)
AC2- 1x2dmg slug (same as today)
AC5- 2x2.5 slug (1 shot every 0.33sec, 1 sec cooldown)
UAC5(IS or clan)- 2x2.5 + 2x2.5 slug (if 2nd shot is taken, it has the same 0.33s burst)
AC10- 3x3.33 slug (1 shot every 0.5 sec, 1s cooldown)
UAC10- 3x3.33 + 3x3.33 alug (same 0.5s burst on 2nd shot)
Ac20- 4x5 burst (0.33 seconds, )
UAC20- 4x5 + 4x5 (0.33 sec, 2.68s cooldown)
This would work out really well because
- you get some damage spread but not as much as lasers (which have 10 ticks per beam)
- The AC20/UAC20 still concentrates the most damage
- At lower Elo's where torso twist is less common the game really doesn't change much
- At higher Elo's it will increase TTL. (still need to fix PPC's but that is another story)
My suggested values for lbx's would be
LB2x- 2x1dmg slug. (0.25s per shot, 0.16s cooldown after 1nd shot)
LB2x- 1x2 pellets (2 pellets, almost no spread out to 3/4 range)
LB5x- 2/2/1 slug (0.4s per shot, 0.4 s cooldown)
LB5X- 5x1 pellets (5 pellets)
LB10X- 4x2.5 slug
LB10X- 5x2 spread (IS or clan, yes this is fewer pellets, but the damage is much better, might want to bump the internal HP damage to make up for fewer pellets)
LB20x- 5x4 slug (0.33 seconds, )
UAC20- 4x5 + 4x5 (0.33 sec, 2.68s cooldown)
As you can see, the slug rounds on the lbx slightly underperform the UAC slugs by having 1 additional slug in the burst (2 for the lbx2, 3 in the lbx5, 4 in the lbx10, 5 in the lbx20). It is not perfect because the damage is not linear so the lbx2 & 5 are more impacted than the lbx10 oe 20, but it is still significant enough IMO.
For the IS, the Ac10 is the weapon you use for pure DPS, but the lbx10 is more flexible and the pellets crit.
Would this change the feel of the weapons? Yes. Is that a bad thing? Not IMO. In MW3 the burst still felt like an AC, not a machine gun. I think if done correctly these would feel the same.
Edited by Egomane, 24 April 2014 - 12:02 PM.