Roadbeer, on 25 April 2014 - 01:43 AM, said:
This isn't the game I was supporting.
No way to play with my friends
and the perpetual goalpost moving of CW
Good then it's agreed. They didn't make the game you wanted. It's a shame, because I would have liked your game better.
Alas, they don't have the expertise or manpower to deliver on the awesome MWO game everyone wants on time. It might even take another few years. Perhaps we can laugh about it in 2016.
I just think that hankering them down every time they make a move is detrimental to the project. I bet you they're afraid to make *any* move now, since it's always met with overly-harsh criticism on these forums.
Seriously, this game company is a lot more honest then many of the other companies you deal with in your lifetime. Think about how much money your financial institutions have skimmed from your hard earned income. And you're supposed to be doing them a favor by lending them your money !