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Dear Atlas Missile Boats:


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#21 Sarlic


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 09:38 AM

I had alot of fun with my Atlas RS LRM40 build - I don't care what people think of my builds. Or 4 PPC. Those are my fun builds.

I do still well with these builds. Atleast good enough.

Mind your own business please.

Edited by Sarlic, 27 April 2014 - 11:12 AM.

#22 Crotch RockIt


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 10:35 AM


#23 Dauphni


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 11:15 AM

I like running LRMs on my Atlas, especially triple 5s on my D-DC. Of course those are strictly support weapons, so I still have something to do while my opponents flee and/or cower in fear from the OMGATLASRUN-factor.

#24 Hex Pallett


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 11:37 AM

View PostVoid Angel, on 26 April 2014 - 10:53 PM, said:


You're being too kind. I would just say "dear Atlas missile boats: F**K YOU."

#25 Aegic


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 11:40 AM

LRM boat Atlases are not that terrible. 3x LRM 15s with Artemis and 2 large lasers can still do some damage. They are far from ideal however I cannot except that they are terrible.

#26 Kjudoon


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 11:42 AM

Are you kidding???? I LOVE DDC Missile boats! My LRMboat Orion eats them alive! Next to LRM Stalkers, it's my Orion's favorite dish.

Edited by Kjudoon, 27 April 2014 - 11:42 AM.

#27 Divine Retribution


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 12:03 PM

I agree that LRMs shouldn't be boated on the Atlas. An Atlas with LRMs as support weapons (such as 3 LRM 5s) is fine. I find it a bit funny that many people consider having any LRMs on an Atlas makes it an LRM boat. Often it's experienced players (of various skill levels) running meta builds, without ECM or AMS who think this way.

View PostAegic, on 27 April 2014 - 11:40 AM, said:

LRM boat Atlases are not that terrible. 3x LRM 15s with Artemis and 2 large lasers can still do some damage. They are far from ideal however I cannot except that they are terrible.

I think the usefulness of that build is very situational. Without TAG, you rely on friendlies to spot for you. If ECM is popular in the enemy ranks the build won't be useful. With TAG you have to expose a large portion of your mech to enemy fire, also limiting usefulness.

I was playing last night and one game made me laugh. The enemy team had multiple LRM boats (Battlemasters, Stalkers, and Catapult A1s). None of them brought TAG... none. Each figured someone else would cut through ECM and maintain locks (A1s don't really have a choice in the matter), so they filled their couple of energy points with lasers. Was surprised not even the Stalkers invested in TAG. It was funny walking straight towards a group of enemy LRM boats firing our couple of LRM racks (around 40 tubes total between several mechs) to cause panic and watch them try to return dumbfired missiles. Needless to say the slaughter once we closed to brawling range was ridiculous.

The point is you can't count on someone else spotting for you. If you can't spot for yourself or play with someone you know will spot for you, you shouldn't bring LRMs as a primary weapon.

Edited by Divine Retribution, 27 April 2014 - 12:08 PM.

#28 Darwins Dog


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 12:09 PM

My advice to anyone thinking about running their Atlas as a missile boat is: go for it! It's a nice change of pace.

To anyone looking for a good LRM boat: keep looking. For the reasons that OP stated, they are not good at it.

It's your mech, run it how you want.

#29 Dredhawk


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 12:18 PM

I do just fine with LRM on my Atlas's and have no plans to change any of my LRM Atlas's setups...my Atlas K I run 4 Medium Laser 1 LRM 20 and AC20,2 AMS...funny thing is on all of my Atlas's I loss my AC20 before I lose my missiles...

Edited by Dredhawk, 27 April 2014 - 12:24 PM.

#30 Zeede


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 01:34 PM

It's not the number of tubes or what kind of launchers, it's the play style. An Atlas should NEVER sit 750m away from the enemy trying to play the long range game.

The Banshee-3S has a 20 tube launcher on the shoulder, and it's great to support with missiles as you close in. But to sit back and let all of your armor go to waste is just screwing your team over.

#31 oldradagast


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 01:43 PM

LRM's are not bad on an Atlas - they give you something to do while advancing on the enemy or during the sniping phase of the battle since the Atlas is useless as a sniper. However, the LRM's are to provide long range pressure - up close, you still need to be able to do damage since you're an assault mech. The Atlas's that fail in that role are basically failed builds, IMHO.

#32 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 02:09 PM

View PostKjudoon, on 27 April 2014 - 11:42 AM, said:

Are you kidding???? I LOVE DDC Missile boats! My LRMboat Orion eats them alive! Next to LRM Stalkers, it's my Orion's favorite dish.

Dude, they were lunch for my LRM15 (3x5) Centurion

#33 Void Angel


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 06:41 PM

View PostModo44, on 27 April 2014 - 07:34 AM, said:

Quit answering after reading the first sentence, and you will not mistake anything for something else.

You were unclear in your original post by giving an explanation of how it worked, called it a joke build in passing, and closed by saying that a skilled pilot could "pull it off." In that context, "joke build" is not automaticaly synonymous with "bad build," which is why I posted my response. I'm not responsible for what you thought you said, or meant - I can only see what's there. Kindly reread your original post before you jump on me for taking you at your word and accuse me of skimming, ok?

View PostModo44, on 26 April 2014 - 11:06 PM, said:

AimRobot did it, but he did not leave highlights. Basically, you bring enough missiles to spam 3xLRM15 all match -- including dumb firing to drain AMS early. You sit in the middle of your team to give ECM and have protection from anyone trying to charge. And even if they do, it takes a while to break all that armor, giving your friends time to kill. It is certainly a joke build, but skilled pilots in PUGs can pull it off.

#34 _____


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 07:10 PM

Other chassis can boat LRMs better, but don't brush an Atlas build off just because it has some launchers. Before you comment, I do realize it's the lights that won this game, but the Atlas supported and tanked. Look at the side we beat, which is chock full of metamechs (there are some veteran players on both sides).

In other words, if you want a serious Atlas, do your standard DDC builds. If you want some casual fun and contribute to your team an LRM Atlas is just fine.

Edited by BlackhawkSC, 27 April 2014 - 09:01 PM.

#35 Charons Little Helper


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 04:55 AM

View PostShar Wolf, on 26 April 2014 - 11:25 PM, said:

Which is not to say I say don't put LRM on your Atlas, just that you really don't want to make them your primary weapon on an Atlas. :D

25-30 LRMs on an Atlas are great. They give you something to do while trudging to battle. You're about the only mech that has the tonnage for both LRMs & a solid brawler loadout.

And the best part about running an Atlas with LRMs plus AC20/ large lasers is that when people follow the missile stream back - instead of finding a relatively defenseless boat, they go "Aaaahhh! Atlas!". :D

#36 Magna Canus


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 05:19 AM

A few LRM's in a good mixed build for softening up the target and support is great.

Actually "boating" LRM's at the expense of real up-front power.... well...

I think it's super-duper and I thank you for being considerate enough to provide an Atlas target that is "easier than average" to kill. No streaks? My lights are happy. No SRM's, the rest of my mechs are happy. Less Atlas goodness to worry about inside that easy to reach sub 180m range. :D

So, keep boating those LRMs in that nice slow mech and don't forget to take out the ECM for all that Artemis might. :D

#37 Lianesch ZA


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 05:26 AM

You guys are blaming the wrong people. Most new guys will continue to do this because its easymode / faceroll. Blame PGI for making the flight speed 160m/s. Before the patch, i havent seen a DDC LRM boat in a long time. Well, pretty much last time I saw one was in Beta.

#38 giganova


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 05:27 AM

Ah, silly min/maxing munchkins using "empirical" evidence to force others to their playstyle. I've had the same ALRM40 Atlas AS7-D(F) build with 2 LLs and 2 MLs for over 2 years, and it has rarely failed me. I suggest the OP stop playing solo/4-mans and find himself 11 other friends to do group-drops, problem solved.

#39 Ultimax


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 05:28 AM

I agree with oldradagast.

I don't really believe in missile boating in general as it's a bit too limiting, but a few LRM tubes on a DDC with solid mid/short range weapons (AC 20 or 2x AC 5 + 2x LLAS/ERLLAS/LPL etc) works pretty well for PUG teaming at least.

I personally run 3x LRM 5s. It's just to pepper and soften the enemy as I advance.

I try to focus on assaults and remember who they are for the eventual brawl (since their CT will be soft already) - I'll also fire on Lights if I have visual lock.

No artemis needed with LRM 5s, no TAG needed - and I've repeatedly done more damage with 3x LRM 5s no Art than I do with 1 LRM 15 with Art.

It's mostly to give me a way to support the team without having to expose my entire body to let a few shots off during the hill hump phase.

View PostCharons Little Helper, on 28 April 2014 - 04:55 AM, said:

25-30 LRMs on an Atlas are great. They give you something to do while trudging to battle. You're about the only mech that has the tonnage for both LRMs & a solid brawler loadout.

And the best part about running an Atlas with LRMs plus AC20/ large lasers is that when people follow the missile stream back - instead of finding a relatively defenseless boat, they go "Aaaahhh! Atlas!". :D

This is really true.

That happens on my 3F all the time. Every few matches you'll get some light who thinks they are going to single out and snipe the "missile boat" only to find a Stalker behind cover waiting with 2x ER LLAS + 3 or 4x MLAS. :D

#40 Harathan


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 09:27 AM

View Postgiganova, on 28 April 2014 - 05:27 AM, said:

Ah, silly min/maxing munchkins using "empirical" evidence to force others to their playstyle. I've had the same ALRM40 Atlas AS7-D(F) build with 2 LLs and 2 MLs for over 2 years, and it has rarely failed me. I suggest the OP stop playing solo/4-mans and find himself 11 other friends to do group-drops, problem solved.

It certainly failed the rest of your team. I suggest you stop thinking your build is any good just because your 11 friends pull the weight that you're not.

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