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Tips For Running A Rvn-4X

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#1 Tzion


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 06:51 AM

Hey, I'm pretty new to running a light and playing MWO. I currently have two heavies and I enjoy doing running those but I also like being able to zoom around the level as a light.

I purchased a RVN-4x to get used to playing as a light, which was probably not the wisest choice to start with but I am enjoying it. Can anyone give me some good builds and/or some tips on how to run this mech correctly.

#2 kesuga7


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 10:36 AM

This is best for attacking medium mechs or higher - avoid lightmechs if you can

You have a 24 alpha strike that is not likely to overheat with machine guns and jumpjets

however if you aim is good you can use the midpulse and SRM 6 to aim CT for jenners , Legs for spiders and firestarters

your SRM 6 is vital and can also make a good hit and run mech or pop n alpha with pulse and srm

You can drop a jumpjet if you want more armour , however i noticed its rare to lose my arms or Cockpit while traveling at those speeds with jumpjets


Though most other 4X builds iv seen are 2 ER large lasers with jumpjets or ppc's considering its high mount points

Edited by kesuga7, 27 April 2014 - 10:47 AM.

#3 Maverick27


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 06:01 AM

I had fun with this UAC build though it certainly takes strategy and patience given its lack of speed.


#4 _____


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 12:08 PM

See this thread for perspectives of a 4X from a Liao pilot (and others). This is a Capellan mech after all and the units you Davion guys are using are all stolen :D

#5 Ruccus


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Posted 18 May 2014 - 10:17 PM

I bought the Huginn back when it was on sale so I added the 3L and 4X to my stable in order to master the chassis. Since then I've tried various builds on the 4X but aside from a standard 2xERLL build (which works better on the 3L) I haven't had much success with the 4X (an LRM15 build was adequate but I don't want to grind that kind of build when I have much better missile chassis in my collection).

Then I made an AC20 RVN-4X as a joke build but found it plays much like my Blackjack AC20 build. One noticeable difference is that lights will run right up to me when I'm in a Raven, which makes it really easy to cave in their front with an AC20 round. After the first hit they tend to start respecting me a bit more but I usually just need a couple more hits to finish the light off.

I've debated whether to add one JJ by either dropping the ML for a SL or reducing armour so I may drop with some slightly varied builds to see what works. I doubt I'll keep the 4X after I've mastered the Raven chassis (my BJ-1 makes for a better single AC20 chassis) but the AC20 build has been surprisingly viable for me (probably because I play it like my Blackjack, supporting a heavier mech teammate with my extra firepower).

#6 Keira RAVEN McKenna


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Posted 18 May 2014 - 10:46 PM

Put an AC20 on it and go backstab machines! Its fun! Mine has a Std engine, nearly max armour, single heat sinks, Endo and Ferro and 4 tons of pain shots.

The best fun Raven for me is the 3L with ECM, 2 ER LL and 150.2kph, Adv Sensors, Target Decay, Adv Zoom and 360 Target Retention. Its usually the last machine still running at games end and I usually slot a few big machines before I trip up.

Edited by Keira_NZ, 18 May 2014 - 10:48 PM.

#7 TygerLily


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Posted 18 May 2014 - 10:58 PM


#8 MonkeyCheese


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Posted 19 May 2014 - 04:00 AM

After using/having a raven 4x for the entirety of my time in MWO since the moment I got into closed beta and tried one the best builds I have found is an AC20 with jumpjets or 2 erppcs with jumpjets and to a lesser extent a lb10x AC (haven't tried one since the latest tweaks).

Honestly after something like almost 2 years (2 years next month) with this mech I have to say larger ballistics is the way to go with this mech, other mechs/variants do energy better with either ECM or more versitile arms like the commando and firestarters and there is so many other lights that do 2 machine guns or more so much better and faster these days.

My advice would be to build a raven around a large ballistic be it a AC10, AC20, Guass, or a LB10X AC with at least one jumpjet and backup medium lasers if there is room and build it so its is at or near 100kph speedtweaked so say a 195XL engine and ALWAYS hug the fatties on your team, when they start to duke it out then you duck and weave and smack the enemy with your big ballistic weapon.

Quick examples

LB raven http://mwo.smurfy-ne...d30ad4a9950d4f4

AC10 raven http://mwo.smurfy-ne...7e458b2283b2beb

And Finally my personal AC20 raven that I use all the time http://mwo.smurfy-ne...fd54ab83f9ef9f3

I did also have a successful AC2 raven build but I wouldnt bother with the current AC2 status.

#9 Buckminster


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Posted 21 May 2014 - 05:30 PM

I try and play to the strengths of the chassis. The big things about the -4X are the jump jets and the ballistic slots.

Jump jets speak for themselves - you should have at least one.

There's two ways to go with ballistics - go big or go MGs. The stock MG build is actually a decent vulture - the lasers and SRM pack a fair punch and the MGs are great at crits. You could maybe make a change - add in ES or an XL to upgrade the lasers to MPLs or a LL, or something like that - but the basic is sound.

Or you could go big. AC/20, AC/10, LBX - they pack that surprise punch that people don't expect in a mech that size. I find that the small ACs just don't pack enough punch to be worth the weight. The lighter ACs also tend to depend on sustained fire, which means that you have to leave yourself vulnerable.

#10 Koniving

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Posted 21 May 2014 - 05:43 PM

Always an idea...

AC/20, XL 180 engine, 3 tons of ammo, some jumpjets, some small lasers and wee.

#11 Harathan


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Posted 21 May 2014 - 06:03 PM

View PostKoniving, on 21 May 2014 - 05:43 PM, said:

Always an idea...

AC/20, XL 180 engine, 3 tons of ammo, some jumpjets, some small lasers and wee.

If it was anyone else, Kon, I'd accuse them of trolling.

#12 Ingga Raokai


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Posted 21 May 2014 - 06:31 PM

Then that feeling when you lob the bullet worth 20 dmg to the cored ct, Blam! dead. My version is way less armored but, its all preference. You want speed? laser for backup ammo? more armor? sacrifice something to get something else.

(my armor is my team, speed, and sneak :ph34r:) (and UAV+seismic)

AC10 also fun, lower cd you can spam it.
AC5, you might be able to grab ERLLas for that long range poke (or late game in assault mode).

Edited by Ingga Raokai, 21 May 2014 - 06:37 PM.

#13 Roosterfish


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Posted 21 May 2014 - 08:36 PM

Tip for running a Raven 4X: You run it just long enough to Master the Super Chicken then sell it.

A sniper 4X based on a ERPPC could work if you're really good and very careful.

Sure you might get a great game out of a AC20 toting 4X but how many games did you have to play to get it? It might be a fun build to play but you better be willing to spend most of your games spectating the game cause you were legged right off or the BFG took you out from across a map.

A sub-120kph Raven is just to slow to play in any of the matches I get. To many good shots out there to go slow.

#14 Keira RAVEN McKenna


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Posted 21 May 2014 - 09:46 PM

I have noticed I hardly ever play my 3 Jagers now, or the other 2 ravens, I sold off the Spiders, Catapults, Tbolt and Stalker as I only ever play the 3L as its just soooooo much fun and so evil

#15 Myke Pantera


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 05:03 AM

As has been noted before: The stock weaponry is quite ok for a vulture, meaning you wait till the enemies get soft (damaged) and go for the kill.

The real problem with the stock version is the engine, which needs to be upgrade to 275XL. I played it quite excessively since it was the first mech i've ever bought, but i have to say, it's not my favourite light and i hardly play it these days.

RVN-4X without Artemis
RVN-4X with Artemis

Don't go hunting for other lights with any of these. I've run an AC2 version once, but honestly it sucked. I might try a Hollander (Gauss) build at some point, and while that might be fun, it also won't be of much use either.

#16 Edwyndham


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 06:27 AM

I've had success just running 2x ER LL and 2x MG, 3x JJ, XL 245 (first started using it when max engine was 245, stuck with it since)

Long range harasser - don't get yourself so far removed from the main line that you get ganked by faster lights or mediums. The high up weapon mounts mean minimal exposure at distance. If you have a cool shot handy you can sustain enough fire to take out a charging jenner if your aim is good enough. Being able to use the MGs while you cool down from the lasers is nice.

#17 DI3T3R


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 06:41 AM

2x ML, 1x AC5, 5x JJ
Stay with the group, hide behind the big guys, spot when opportune, steal kills. Nobody will waste time trying to hit you when there are bigger and slower targets right next to you.

I used to wield an AC2 with this build and it was a nice suppressor and cockpit-shaker, but the firepower was simply too low.

#18 Bront


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 06:42 AM

View Postkesuga7, on 27 April 2014 - 10:36 AM, said:

This build is mostly decent, with a few problems.

1) The ML range over MPL range is a huge issue in many lights. I'd recommend going standard MLs.
2) No head armor. Bad idea.

Easy fix, swap out the MPLs for MLs, throw in 1 DHS, 1 JJ, and armor the head.

With that build, you can harass mechs with a mixture of jump and fire and chaos of battle attacks. Don't engage alone, as your strength comes form being ignored when larger targets are otherwise occupied.

Hone your fight or flight instincts, which are very different in a light mech (and different for each light mech). In this mech, you need to flee a bit sooner against larger mechs, but not against lots of lights, as you'll get picked appart from behind by them. It takes practice.

#19 Sacred Solace


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Posted 31 May 2014 - 07:37 PM

I've been running the 4X for a while, and I have to say that it is essentially the most versatile of all the light mechs. There are a great number of builds you can go with, from the ridiculous AC20 or even gauss rifle builds, to the practical and effective double large laser build.

Now remember, no one has the final say, and it is essentially your preference and what you like in a mech, but I will try to give you some advice, as I have the "master" rank for the 4X.

If you are just starting off with the 4X and are learning the ropes of MWO, I recommend using a simple build that is very cheap and easy to use. Even the stock loadout is fairly effective if you're just starting out. Or, again, the classic double large laser build is always good:


With this build, you are essentially just swapping out the medium lasers and srm's for two large lasers, and, when you can, I recommend upgrading the heat sinks to double.

However, if you want a more effective, highly developed Raven, I use this somewhat similar build:


This is my primary build for this mech, and it has gotten me over 700 damage in some cases, and in standard matches is anywhere from 300-500. Granted, I have all of the pilot skills, but it is still a great build. I do forgo the jumpjets, but if you want you could remove a heat sink for a couple of those without too much of a penalty.

The raven 3L is notably more popular, but if you're a new player, it's expensive and not really a good introductory mech. Just be patient and invest in an xl engine, and the rest should come.

#20 MonkeyCheese


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Posted 01 June 2014 - 01:18 AM

Furthermore on this topic, I have been messing around with a 2x Raven (Just cus bored and outta new mechs to buy) and have found some quite useful builds that would also work even better on the 4x as it has jumpjets and light weighing MGs

Using a 195xl engine for 99kph tweaked I can put forward these and you can add MGs where you see fit.
- ERPPC, LRM15, Tag -works really well with a zoom module and a good line of sight to your target.
- 2 ERPPC - aka unlimited AC20 with range and the expected heat issues even on colder maps :P
- LRM20, Tag, 1ML - Things go splat and then you re-position using your speed

This is all if you are not much of a big ballistics kind of player but I still think a ballistic bigger than an AC5 is the most enjoyable way to go.

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