crossflip, on 28 April 2014 - 09:23 AM, said:
It changes things up between games for me. I like having premades around. Sure, there's the smart ones and the coordinated ones and the ones with callout macros and a plan and whatnot, but there's also the wacky ones, the nonstop offense LSLs, the light wolfpacks and the LRM boat lances. And there's the pure shitty ones. While premades do affect the outcome of the game more than pugs, on average I'd say it doesn't degrade my experience as a pugger.
It's also funny how much less a boogeyman premades are if PUGs actually remotely try to coordinate. Nothing elaborate, just sticking roughly together, and using a little tactical awareness, commonsense, and the "advantage" of the premade can be minimized, most often.
(I've been in the pre made with 8 PUGs who derped off, and faced a semi-organized PUG team..and lost, because 10-12 semi coordinated guys usually still beat 4)
I've also been the PUG when the Pre-Made decided to make a "Long Flank" in Assault mechs (CompSpeak for letting the PUGs eat the damage, drain their ammo and poke holes in the OpFor, so the Premade can stack their stats coming in after and getting easy kills even if they still lose the match.), and cost us the match because they were simply there statwhoring.