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Why Don't You Want To Join A Team?

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#1 Veranova


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 09:00 AM

I've been seeing a lot of posts recently from pure Pug players who are resistant to joining a team/unit, and complain about pre-mades?
Why is this?
Do you think that joining a team means you have to compete, run meta, not have fun?

There are groups of players out there for every flavour of play-style.
Casual units who play for fun, House/Clan units who love the lore and play under a banner, Competitive teams who play to win and compete, there are open servers that you can drop in to irregularly (Comstar).

I don't understand the resistance, when there literally is a group of players for EVERYONE out there.
This is a game where whoever works together, wins. It's designed to be a team game.
Hell if more people joined teams/groups then there would be no 5-11 man moaning, because every group would have more than 5 players on their roster.

Anyway, I'm genuinely interested to hear the actual reasoning. Because I haven't seen it at-all.
Just instinctive resistance to joining groups of players.

Edit: I've re-phrased some of the "team" to "unit"
I wrote this really quickly earlier, and the word was lost on me at the time! Fixed :D

Edited by Veranova, 29 April 2014 - 11:37 AM.

#2 vondano


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:07 AM

dude... are you serious...

i speak french, i play with real life friend, we speak of personnal thing, on skype, we play in québec hours,

i often play 1 or 2 game cause i have 30 minutes free time, you think i will connect to team speak, wait for a team to finish a game and have a free spot?

really man...

i have nothing against team... its just not realist to think much people are gonna join them

most guys like me have a couple friends and limited free time, if MWO cant accomodate that, we wont pay or play.

#3 FupDup


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:22 AM

I play on a team in every match I play. In every match, I see 11 blue triangles.

#4 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:24 AM

View Postvondano, on 29 April 2014 - 10:07 AM, said:

dude... are you serious...

i speak french, i play with real life friend, we speak of personnal thing, on skype, we play in québec hours,

i often play 1 or 2 game cause i have 30 minutes free time, you think i will connect to team speak, wait for a team to finish a game and have a free spot?

really man...

i have nothing against team... its just not realist to think much people are gonna join them

most guys like me have a couple friends and limited free time, if MWO cant accomodate that, we wont pay or play.

So, are you just an avowed troll, then? You DID just start this whole other topic about playing with your group of 5-7.

Lol, cross-posting fail.

I apparently misunderstood the poster, and we discussed it below. :D

Edited by Ghost Badger, 30 April 2014 - 06:43 AM.

#5 Phlinger


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:24 AM

Simple answer... Because we are not you...

People have their own lives, their own responsibilities and above all, their own preferences on how to do the things they enjoy.
I prefer to play in 30 minute to 2 hour stints, sometimes a 'planned' 2 hour stint turns into me being forced to log off in 10 minutes.
And above all, not everyone likes to commit to the 'absorption' of video games. The fully immersed feeling of virtual reality. I like being fully immersed in life, I play games to allow a break from that immersion.
I'm cool with your play style, please respect mine the way I respect yours.

#6 vondano


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:26 AM

View PostGhost Badger, on 29 April 2014 - 10:24 AM, said:

So, are you just an avowed troll, then? You DID just start this whole other topic about playing with your group of 5-7.

Lol, cross-posting fail.

i dont know what you mean??? i wanna play with my 5 french friends ffs, not with 8 other guys i dont know.

when i drop solo, i dont have time to wait for a team to finish a game, set up my teamspeak, etc...

the OP is asking why i/we dont join 12man teams

Edited by vondano, 29 April 2014 - 10:27 AM.

#7 AlmightyAeng


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:28 AM

View Postvondano, on 29 April 2014 - 10:26 AM, said:

i dont know what you mean??? i wanna play with my 5 french friends ffs, not with 8 other guys i dont know.


i often play 1 or 2 game cause i have 30 minutes free time, you think i will connect to team speak, wait for a team to finish a game and have a free spot?


can i play with more than 3 friends if im not on premium time or do we have to quit this mess of a game?

we are 5 to 7 playin video game, (when 4 or less we used to play this but we're often 5)

Perhaps I was just confused, then. The OP isn't talking about JUST 12-mans. He's talking about any group, including 2-4 (which I assumes includes you and your buddies).

If you don't live under a bridge, my apologies :D

#8 CeeKay Boques


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:31 AM

Here is a 16 page thread full of these answers.


#9 vondano


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:32 AM

the OP is sayin joining a team would solve the 5-11 man problem, (the problem I am having)

so i am explaining to him why im not joining teamspeak with my 4 friends.

i do drop solo when i have time for 1-2 game, but most time we drop 4 and wanna drop 5-6 (most time we're 5)

we cant join TS since we speak french and are close real life friend... (we talk about lots of thing, not MWO related)

#10 1453 R


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:33 AM

View PostVeranova, on 29 April 2014 - 09:00 AM, said:

I've been seeing a lot of posts recently from pure Pug players who are resistant to joining a team, and complain about pre-mades?
Why is this?

Let me tell you!


Do you think that joining a team means you have to compete, run meta, not have fun?

Pretty much, yep! Either that or adhere to strict attendance requirements – that’s the real deal-breaker for a lot of folks. I can and have gone months at a time without playing MWO – can you think of a single group that’ll put up with a player not being around for longer than three consecutive days? I asked people if they would, once. Notice nobody took me up on it.


There are groups of players out there for every flavour of play-style.

No, there really aren’t. There really, really, really aren’t. Name me one group that’d be all “Sure!” when I come back after a month-long GW2 binge and say “You know what? I’ve got an itch to run me some Durgan tonight, who wants to go and do that thing?”


I don't understand the resistance, when there literally is a team for EVERYONE out there.

No there isn’t. Every single team out there, EVERY FROGGING ONE, requires a time commitment that I am unwilling/unable to make. There is an hours-per-week requirement, or a drops-per-week, or a “be here for Saturday night gametime or you’re out.” I have other stuff to do, I have friends beyond MWO, and I will be danmed if I let some two-bit goose-stepping power tripper tell me that making my weekly drop schedule is more important.


This is a game where whoever works together, wins. It's designed to be a team game.

Yep! And I understand and accept that I’m at a disadvantage when I drop solo against what may very well be a premade lance. I read the articles and guides on silent cooperation with PUGlies, and I do my best to be a valuable member of any given drop even without voice coordination or a prebuilt lance. I’m cool with it. If I’m cool with it, why shouldn’t you be cool with me being cool with it?


I just don't understand why you would shun all of that, when the central pillars of success in MWO are teamwork.

First of all, because the notion of dropping in a group alongside some of the people I see in the GD section of the forums makes me physically ill. Second of all, because the people I’d like to drop with – Koniving, Void Angel, Redshift, and others who make the Guides and New Player Help sections of the forums into the excellent and helpful community that GD most emphatically is not – are already busy dropping with their actual buddies, for which I do not even remotely blame them. Third of all, because the only guild I’ve ever found where I’m welcome to play when, where, and as I like doesn’t play MWO.


Hell if more people joined teams/groups then there would be no 5-11 man moaning, because every group would have more than 5 players on their roster.

Optimistic much? There’s plenty of reasons why this statement is not nearly as true as you might like, but that’s a discussion for a different thread.


Anyway, I'm genuinely interested to hear the actual reasoning. Because I haven't seen it at-all.
Just instinctive resistance to joining groups of players.

It’s not instinctive. It’s a highly practiced, well-thought-out, and quite thoroughly tested intense dislike of the gibbering bassholes who populate the forums, long experience with avoiding second-job “Here’s your schedule, here’s your kit, you get one sickday a month, and we’ll tell you what you’re doing Saturday night” competitive guilds/units/whatevers, and the knowledge that the ‘Mechs I love to run are ‘Mechs that would get me thrown out of any half-decent unit no matter how good I am with them.

Oh, also I was/am a total junkie for the Invasion and FedComm Civil War-era novels, wherein House Davion were the Good Guys, Katrina Steiner was the Bad Girl, Ulric Kerensky was a hero and Morgan Kell was a motherfrogging sorcerer until Katrina’s venomous, spiteful self had him poisoned on his flagship halfway to Strana Mechty. I grew up with those books. Victor Steiner-Davion, Kai Allard-Liao, and Phelan Kell were my childhood heroes. The very same characters, in the very same books, that all the old TT diehards claim Ruined BattleTech/MechWarrior FOREVER, and which they spit on with every ounce of spite and derision in their bones whilst exclusively flying the CapCon flag in protest (and never mind that Romano is even worse than Katrina is) and burning effigies of one of my favorite authors. So the lore-based units are just right out, aren’t they?

I play what I want, when I want, and with who I want. These three factors combine to ensure that there is not a single unit in the entirety of the greater MWO community which would take me, so why bother? I’ll just drop solo and take my lumps as I need to. It’s what I’ve done in every other MechWarrior game I’ve ever played.

#11 Funky Bacon


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:34 AM

Cause we don't have a simple chat for people to get to together and group up before a game? Cause actually forming a team, let alone add people and make friends is such a hassle? Cause such a simple thing as chatting with your team prevents you from even using the UI?

Maybe, just maybe those are part of the reason no one wants to join a team.

#12 Wraith0177


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:36 AM

As a new player, I didn't even know that was an option. I thought PUGs were it. There are no obvious social aspects to the game interface. Now that I know about it (by reading this post), I intend to find it and stop the PUG monkey-business.

#13 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:44 AM

View Post1453 R, on 29 April 2014 - 10:33 AM, said:

Let me tell you!

Pretty much, yep! Either that or adhere to strict attendance requirements – that’s the real deal-breaker for a lot of folks. I can and have gone months at a time without playing MWO – can you think of a single group that’ll put up with a player not being around for longer than three consecutive days? I asked people if they would, once. Notice nobody took me up on it.

No, there really aren’t. There really, really, really aren’t. Name me one group that’d be all “Sure!” when I come back after a month-long GW2 binge and say “You know what? I’ve got an itch to run me some Durgan tonight, who wants to go and do that thing?”

No there isn’t. Every single team out there, EVERY FROGGING ONE, requires a time commitment that I am unwilling/unable to make. There is an hours-per-week requirement, or a drops-per-week, or a “be here for Saturday night gametime or you’re out.” I have other stuff to do, I have friends beyond MWO, and I will be danmed if I let some two-bit goose-stepping power tripper tell me that making my weekly drop schedule is more important.

Yep! And I understand and accept that I’m at a disadvantage when I drop solo against what may very well be a premade lance. I read the articles and guides on silent cooperation with PUGlies, and I do my best to be a valuable member of any given drop even without voice coordination or a prebuilt lance. I’m cool with it. If I’m cool with it, why shouldn’t you be cool with me being cool with it?

First of all, because the notion of dropping in a group alongside some of the people I see in the GD section of the forums makes me physically ill. Second of all, because the people I’d like to drop with – Koniving, Void Angel, Redshift, and others who make the Guides and New Player Help sections of the forums into the excellent and helpful community that GD most emphatically is not – are already busy dropping with their actual buddies, for which I do not even remotely blame them. Third of all, because the only guild I’ve ever found where I’m welcome to play when, where, and as I like doesn’t play MWO.

Optimistic much? There’s plenty of reasons why this statement is not nearly as true as you might like, but that’s a discussion for a different thread.

It’s not instinctive. It’s a highly practiced, well-thought-out, and quite thoroughly tested intense dislike of the gibbering bassholes who populate the forums, long experience with avoiding second-job “Here’s your schedule, here’s your kit, you get one sickday a month, and we’ll tell you what you’re doing Saturday night” competitive guilds/units/whatevers, and the knowledge that the ‘Mechs I love to run are ‘Mechs that would get me thrown out of any half-decent unit no matter how good I am with them.

Oh, also I was/am a total junkie for the Invasion and FedComm Civil War-era novels, wherein House Davion were the Good Guys, Katrina Steiner was the Bad Girl, Ulric Kerensky was a hero and Morgan Kell was a motherfrogging sorcerer until Katrina’s venomous, spiteful self had him poisoned on his flagship halfway to Strana Mechty. I grew up with those books. Victor Steiner-Davion, Kai Allard-Liao, and Phelan Kell were my childhood heroes. The very same characters, in the very same books, that all the old TT diehards claim Ruined BattleTech/MechWarrior FOREVER, and which they spit on with every ounce of spite and derision in their bones whilst exclusively flying the CapCon flag in protest (and never mind that Romano is even worse than Katrina is) and burning effigies of one of my favorite authors. So the lore-based units are just right out, aren’t they?

I play what I want, when I want, and with who I want. These three factors combine to ensure that there is not a single unit in the entirety of the greater MWO community which would take me, so why bother? I’ll just drop solo and take my lumps as I need to. It’s what I’ve done in every other MechWarrior game I’ve ever played.

Do you have 3 friends on the forum? Or In game? You can get on the TS3 servers and not have to deal with Merc Corps. Have you thought about starting your own guild? OR getting a friend with some time to do it? As to the who when where those three factors do not stop you from linking up with a play you know who isn't part of a guild. Goose, Dazur and a few others are not Lawmen but when we are on we can link up and drop together. We are friends who make snarky jokes, trade build ideas and share stories of the dumb we read on the forums... while shooting you(General not specific) in the face.

#14 Votanin FleshRender


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:46 AM

Yes, it's a team game. Which is why I find it so mind bogglingly stupid there's no ingame VoIP.

Personally, I did put up a post in the hiring hall. 95% of the PMs I got included the following phrases "interview process" "training programs" "weekly practice" "must be active" "TS and working mic" (I can't TS due to RL, although I can listen in). None of that sounds as *extremely* casual as I need to be (60-70 hrs a week working, 4 kids, great wife I won't ignore to play). I did join one very friendly, small group of folks, but their playing times were often not my playing times, and then I ragequit after 1 (well, more like 50) roflstomps too many.

But I'd love to be able to just drop in and hear my random team coordinate.

Mostly, I'm not very social. I tend to be very introverted by nature.

#15 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:46 AM

View PostWraith0177, on 29 April 2014 - 10:36 AM, said:

As a new player, I didn't even know that was an option. I thought PUGs were it. There are no obvious social aspects to the game interface. Now that I know about it (by reading this post), I intend to find it and stop the PUG monkey-business.

I suggest you read the forum a bit more. See the names you like and check their Banners. Go talk to em on TS or other Comms. Its better for all involved if you get to know the group before joining.

#16 EyeOne


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:46 AM

Has anyone ever said "Playing in a team is stupid"? Have those words been uttered by anyone? If so I missed it.

Now, I PUG just about all the time. I play in 2 and 3 man groups sometimes with some real life friends when our schedules line up (usually on Friday nights) but that's about it. I don't have a problem with people that group up, why would anyone have a problem with that? I wish the game was way more accommodating toward them that it is right now.

But, it's just not something I have a lot of interest it. Usually when I have time to play I just like to sit down and have some relaxing time to myself. My first gut reaction was to blame my kid, wife, or job but honestly I doubt my play habits would change much of those situations were different.

When VOIP comes online I intend to use it to coordinate when I can.

TL;DR: Why don't I play with a team? I don't want to.

#17 Abisha


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:51 AM

because the 84% like to play MWO in PuG.
also wanna add if i notice a more Premades, i will stop supporting MWO financial
that's around 60 to 85$ a month.

#18 Vlad Ward


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:55 AM

That's a lot of hate to unload on groups up thar.

I don't think I've ever removed someone for lack of attendance. Well, no, I do regularly remove users who register for the site but never actually post or appear on teamspeak or generally demonstrate that they exist and are not a spam robot. That's about it, though. Once someone's confirmed as a living, breathing human being who occasionally says stuff to someone somewhere at some point, they're pretty much set for life.

We had one guy move to Germany last May? I think? Still on the roster for whenever he gets back.

It helps that most of the leadership consists of grad researchers who take random time off to go to conferences and shit.

#19 Ihasa


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:56 AM

To 1453R - The unit I'm in, Comstar Irregulars has no play time requirements or restrictions even. We have students, professionals and all kinds of odd time players (we even have members from South Africa and Australia). We understand not everyone can play all day every day, and that's not our thing. We have casual players, casual/competitive players and competitive players. We have players that take months off at a time, and players that do play everyday (like me). We don't have k/d or w/l ratio restrictions either. In fact our only requirement is that you not be a douchebag. So I have to say to your disbelief of there being a unit for everyone's style, nonsense. There are hundreds of units, every one of them has their own flavor.

#20 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 29 April 2014 - 10:59 AM

View PostAbisha, on 29 April 2014 - 10:51 AM, said:

because the 84% like to play MWO in PuG.
also wanna add if i notice a more Premades, i will stop supporting MWO financial
that's around 60 to 85$ a month.

PGI won't care. I used to drop that kind of money every month for around 6 months. They went and did all the things I didn't want to see anyway. :D

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