Joseph Mallan, on 01 May 2014 - 03:51 AM, said:
The player base hasn't helped either Roughneck. Do you remember how prolific recruiting used to be? You could not drop without seeing a "ad" for This that or the other Unit.
The PUGs whined, "We don't like groups, stop bragging!"

Eh. It's not just PUGs. I'm a unit leader and I find that sort of advertising extremely tacky.
Every unit wants to be a household name, but most don't do anything to stand out from the crowd but spam the ever-living **** out of everything in an attempt to, I dunno, get their name stuck in someone's head I guess. Whether it's an avalanche of garish signatures, constant advertisement in the game chat, or spamming of the Outreach forums, these units end up merging into one big echo chamber for anyone who isn't already drinking their koolaid. No shit it gets annoying after a while =/.
We decided to go a different route. You know, actually do something to make ourselves known rather than spam until people couldn't get our name out of their heads? We're
The Other Guys With The Videos. You know, the ones whose videographer was
hired by IGP to produce their official launch trailer.
I don't think I've ever seen a forum thread complaining about too many fan videos.