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The Warhawk (Masakari)

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#261 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 09:01 PM

View PostStraylight, on 06 May 2014 - 08:57 PM, said:

That's a bit of a silly place to put an LRM launcher, but it's not like the original artwork could ever figure it out either. At least it's not sticking up off the top of a shoulder with a big "Gauss Rifles Aim Here" sign painted on it like the Timby's ears.

Overall, it looks more like the Adder's big brother than the walking apartment building it's been described as, but that works. We'll see whether the impression of strength and solidity the silhouette gives off bears out in gameplay. It's down, what, a ton from maximum possible armor? That's not bad.

13.5 tons of Clan FF armor (which converts at a rate of 1.3x to standard armor) puts it at a rough equivalent of 17.55 tons of standard armor's worth of protection. So, yeah. It is a brick. :)

Edited by Pariah Devalis, 06 May 2014 - 09:02 PM.

#262 Strum Wealh


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 09:09 PM

View PostPariah Devalis, on 06 May 2014 - 09:01 PM, said:

13.5 tons of Clan FF armor (which converts at a rate of 1.3x to standard armor) puts it at a rough equivalent of 17.55 tons of standard armor's worth of protection. So, yeah. It is a brick. :)

I'm fairly sure it's actually 1.2x pts/ton over Standard for Clan FF, versus 1.12x pts/ton over Standard for IS FF... :P

#263 Black Templar

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Posted 06 May 2014 - 11:35 PM

I can not like this one. It looks big like a barn and what the hell is up with that missile launcher Oo? Is it not supposed to be with one of the torsos?


Edited by Black Templar, 06 May 2014 - 11:36 PM.

#264 Syntillate


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 11:58 PM

View PostRedshift2k5, on 06 May 2014 - 01:38 PM, said:

Stat sheet has it in the arm.

So it does!

#265 xengk


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 12:56 AM

iirc Clan LRM have no minimum range but has scaling damage.
That low hang LRM10 could work as a "SSRM10" to defend against target too close to brawl with cERPPC.

#266 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 04:30 AM

View PostStrum Wealh, on 06 May 2014 - 09:09 PM, said:

I'm fairly sure it's actually 1.2x pts/ton over Standard for Clan FF, versus 1.12x pts/ton over Standard for IS FF... :P

Second Clan tech write up CLan FF is 1.3, IS is 1.2. :)

Edit Maybe. Actually, let me double check. You could be right.

Yep, you are right. Thought it was 1.2-> 1.3 for some reason. It is indeed 1.12-1.2. Makes it 16.2 tons of equivalent Standard Armor.

Edited by Pariah Devalis, 07 May 2014 - 05:08 AM.

#267 Malcolm Vordermark


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 07:55 AM

View PostStraylight, on 06 May 2014 - 08:57 PM, said:

It's down, what, a ton from maximum possible armor? That's not bad.

It is worth pointing out that on the Clan package page hovering over the mech's image will give you details about the mech including stock armor. The Warhawk is listed at 518 points. If I remember correctly the Battlemaster has a max of 526 points. So the Warhawk is almost maxed on armor.

#268 Name140704


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 08:34 AM

View PostJohn McFianna, on 05 May 2014 - 02:54 PM, said:

Funny how all the more expensive series Mechs get shown first :o

Must be a coincidence... :huh:

#269 Alaskan Nobody


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 09:24 AM

View PostBlack Templar, on 06 May 2014 - 11:35 PM, said:

The pictures have always bounced it around - but all the record sheets have put it in the arm.

#270 Vayne Beoulve


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 10:08 AM

No sure whether to laugh or cry, most people here are complaining about
1. LRM10 arm location despite canon record accuracy. I do agree putting on shoulder would make it little prettier and launch angle would be better.
2. Cockpit look, maybe dev could include a wiper incase bird shits start showing up in game.
3. Size accuracy.
Truthfully, I more worried whether Targeting Computer (TC) will be in at all or not! Warhawk/Masakari without it is just an regular Awesome with all her weapons in her skiny arms. Plus whether cERPPC (most the time the strongest weapon around!) will be nerfed badly or not. Most of the time usual TC + cERPPC = munchkin wet dream! Just let say TC will be based on MW3 style and cERPPC is not nerfed by dev, that Warhawk will stomp everyone ass flats (fast running bugs mechs will be easily be capped, as in MW3 style), a lance of them...nobody will like to face them, nightmare of accurate capping.

#271 Redshift2k5

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Posted 07 May 2014 - 10:10 AM

You're right, the Targetting Computer really is the elephant in the room here. BUT, probability of getting a complete answer on the TC? Zip.

#272 Sprouticus


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 11:38 AM

View PostRedshift2k5, on 07 May 2014 - 10:10 AM, said:

You're right, the Targetting Computer really is the elephant in the room here. BUT, probability of getting a complete answer on the TC? Zip.

I am in the Tc does nothing camp, just like the command module.

#273 HorribleGoat


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 03:00 PM

Warhawk seems pretty neat, but I also dread the lrm pod.

Hopefully design department sees this too. As with the Timber Wolf the concept art has somewhat more neater overall look with more sleek angles and whatnot like the slightly narrowing frontside of the armor shell. It might be the angle but the center torso looks really really bulky and wide unlike in the concept picture.

I've already paid for mine, and just wish there is still room for design tweaks.

#274 Navid A1


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 03:48 PM

View PostVayne Beoulve, on 07 May 2014 - 10:08 AM, said:

No sure whether to laugh or cry, most people here are complaining about
1. LRM10 arm location despite canon record accuracy. I do agree putting on shoulder would make it little prettier and launch angle would be better.
2. Cockpit look, maybe dev could include a wiper incase bird shits start showing up in game.
3. Size accuracy.

These are all concerns regarding the warhawk... which is the title of this topic.

View PostVayne Beoulve, on 07 May 2014 - 10:08 AM, said:

Truthfully, I more worried whether Targeting Computer (TC) will be in at all or not! Warhawk/Masakari without it is just an regular Awesome with all her weapons in her skiny arms. Plus whether cERPPC (most the time the strongest weapon around!) will be nerfed badly or not. Most of the time usual TC + cERPPC = munchkin wet dream! Just let say TC will be based on MW3 style and cERPPC is not nerfed by dev, that Warhawk will stomp everyone ass flats (fast running bugs mechs will be easily be capped, as in MW3 style), a lance of them...nobody will like to face them, nightmare of accurate capping.

you are more concerned about clan tech mechanics... not the warhawk.

I'm not sure why you want to laugh or cry?? ;)

Edited by Navid A1, 07 May 2014 - 03:49 PM.

#275 Sennin


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 09:08 PM

Quite frankly, I am suprised at the lack of discussion over the targeting computer. Everyone seems hung up on the appearance. Nowhere in the Warhawk's description is the targeting computer or it's functionality even mentioned! If I spend my hard earned money on this 'Mech does that mean I just purchased a six ton brick of electronics that does absolutely nothing, just like the command console? The advantages of the targeting computer is one of the key attributes to this 'Mechs effectiveness. Has a game mechanic for the targeting computer even been developed? Like maybe providing a basic wire mesh overlay that highlights primary hit boxes and/or an additional aiming point like previous MW games? It would be nice if a developer could elaborate on this.

#276 GalaxyBluestar


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 09:22 PM

View PostSennin, on 07 May 2014 - 09:08 PM, said:

Quite frankly, I am suprised at the lack of discussion over the targeting computer. Everyone seems hung up on the appearance. Nowhere in the Warhawk's description is the targeting computer or it's functionality even mentioned! If I spend my hard earned money on this 'Mech does that mean I just purchased a six ton brick of electronics that does absolutely nothing, just like the command console? The advantages of the targeting computer is one of the key attributes to this 'Mechs effectiveness. Has a game mechanic for the targeting computer even been developed?

it's on the list-

targetting computer what is it in MWO? cause we know how ecm and bap turned out.
medallions, will they be junk like phoenix ones?
bonus modules what are they?
mech lab, we've heard the ideas just like community warefare but what is being made any hints on what the functionality even looks like?
clan affiliations we havn't even got the avatars so will clan nova cat steal vipers diamond sharks be getting choices? we haven't even seen falcon or wolf avatars!
what are the c-bill prices? will pack buyers be P2play as in a newbie will take months to be able to get an clan mech because you can only get the mechs with c-bills which according to sarna come at twice or some even 3 times more expensive than the comparative IS mech, even though the tech won't be worth that price due to "ballancing".

hell the grab deal was launched in all it's premium price glory with just concept art... that's it even for the trailer!? although they've added more buy in incentives and have given prime loadouts which will proberbly be re-written at the last minute to confirm they couldn't build TC's or such a mech with such and such hardpoints. the weapons themselves were and still is theory crafting, no demonstrations of their functionality at all.

only a few months away and so far as i can tell PGI knows nothing of what they're selling so i'm not buying.

Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 07 May 2014 - 09:23 PM.

#277 Clownwarlord


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Posted 07 May 2014 - 09:34 PM

Direwolf please? Please? PLEASE?! FOR CRYING THE ****** OUT LOAD DIREWOLF!!! please :)

#278 Cavendish


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 01:18 AM

View Postclownwarlord, on 07 May 2014 - 09:34 PM, said:

Direwolf please? Please? PLEASE?! FOR CRYING THE ****** OUT LOAD DIREWOLF!!! please :)

Indeed! Enough with the toy-mechs already! Show me the Dire Wolf so I can decide if I want it in gold or not!

#279 Tom1000


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 03:46 AM

Finally a mech with a nice flat roof.

Looks just the right size for a ECM spider to ride along on.

Let no one say you can't fit an ECM on this mech.



Edited by Tom1000, 08 May 2014 - 04:06 AM.

#280 Redshift2k5

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Posted 08 May 2014 - 04:04 AM

View PostTom1000, on 08 May 2014 - 03:46 AM, said:

Finally a mech with a nice flat roof.

Looks just the right size for a ECM spider to ride along on.

Let no one say you can't fit an ECM on this mech.


you win

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