Sennin, on 07 May 2014 - 09:08 PM, said:
Quite frankly, I am suprised at the lack of discussion over the targeting computer. Everyone seems hung up on the appearance. Nowhere in the Warhawk's description is the targeting computer or it's functionality even mentioned! If I spend my hard earned money on this 'Mech does that mean I just purchased a six ton brick of electronics that does absolutely nothing, just like the command console? The advantages of the targeting computer is one of the key attributes to this 'Mechs effectiveness. Has a game mechanic for the targeting computer even been developed?
it's on the list-
targetting computer what is it in MWO? cause we know how ecm and bap turned out.
medallions, will they be junk like phoenix ones?
bonus modules what are they?
mech lab, we've heard the ideas just like community warefare but what is being made any hints on what the functionality even looks like?
clan affiliations we havn't even got the avatars so will clan nova cat steal vipers diamond sharks be getting choices? we haven't even seen falcon or wolf avatars!
what are the c-bill prices? will pack buyers be P2play as in a newbie will take months to be able to get an clan mech because you can only get the mechs with c-bills which according to sarna come at twice or some even 3 times more expensive than the comparative IS mech, even though the tech won't be worth that price due to "ballancing".
hell the grab deal was launched in all it's premium price glory with just concept art... that's it even for the trailer!? although they've added more buy in incentives and have given prime loadouts which will proberbly be re-written at the last minute to confirm they couldn't build TC's or such a mech with such and such hardpoints. the weapons themselves were and still is theory crafting, no demonstrations of their functionality at all.
only a few months away and so far as i can tell PGI knows nothing of what they're selling so i'm not buying.
Edited by GalaxyBluestar, 07 May 2014 - 09:23 PM.