"first video happened because there is no cover from lrm's on that map when your team lacks the tools to combat them. second video happened because there were no lrm's or ecm on my team."
No cover from Lrms, on River City Night...news to me, plenty of tall buildings right behind the mech you were observing from, and those were still in range to hit with those LPLs that he had equipped.There is also a tunnel under the airstrip. The super structure by the cargo ship, the superstructure of the bridges heliport. Heck they coulda hugged the space between the two buildings right a the top of the ramp that they decided to ridge hump at. So your argument there just falls into bad game play on your teams part, and since you were already dead and only did 100 damage or so, you prolly charged in like a crack-head on angel dust.
The second map just falls to terribad tactics and situational awareness. Even before you engaged, should have taken high ground and used your long range weapons before they even had a chance to engage you with lrms. That being said, the situation in video 2 dictated that you should have closed the distance to negate the lrms, concentrated fire on the biggest boat first and pulled thru. But no, you pissed and moaned, backed STRAIGHT up, blocked each others firing angles, and threw your fire at everything and anything including each other.
So get off your holy high horse, and take your own advice and L2P.
Current play styles dictate that one, you need to have at least one counter for ecm any mech you play, be it BAP, Tag, NARC, ER/PPC, and two,either equip ecm whenever possible, and none available on your chassis, then AMS or two if avail, and on top of that, learn the damn maps, every map has direct and indirect fire cover and don't confuse cover with concealment.
Edited by Wabbit Swaya, 15 May 2014 - 02:31 PM.