Lachesis Muta, on 30 May 2014 - 09:00 AM, said:
Balancing the Strikes isn't as easy as one might think. They should punish clumped up and camping people, what they do perfectly - the main issue are those lucky headshots which need to be adressed. Everything else is fine.
House of (Strikes) Lords weren't the only one throwing masses of airstrikes in this game btw, they just utilized them better.

Definitely, which is why I used them as the example. They used them so much that it was obvious at least some of them had brought more than one per mech.
The fight after the turtles finally engaged was a good one, and the whole match was interesting to watch because you could feel the tension of "who was going to break first", unlike a couple of the earlier matches were the commentators were having to explore the map just to have topics to talk about...
Jonathan Paine, on 30 May 2014 - 10:45 AM, said:
I have nothing against long, drawn out games and enjoyed watching the streams. If someone *cough*paul*cough* spent some time watching the tape, re-watching it, taking notes, thinking, that someone might learn something about weapon's balancing.
As for the strikes... *sigh* (less damage per shell, more shells over a longer duration, require COMMAND CONSOLE)
Anyway, looking forward to the semi's!!!
I know Paul was present during the first round on at least one occasion, because he posted a couple times in the chat, but hopefully they are lurking in the background the whole time and taking notes like you suggest - it would be the smart, professional thing to be doing, even if they aren't being vocal the whole time.
The Command Console idea is BRILLIANT, btw. That would make the equipment useful, as well as limit the number that were brought to most matches. They could even make the Command Console required for UAV as well.