KisumiKitsune, on 12 May 2014 - 01:01 AM, said:
- The kind of collision issue. (What happened?)
Rounds hitting invisible geometry.
Forest Colony
B3, D2
- The Mech and/or weapon used to achieve the collision issue.
AC 20
- A screen or video capture to help locate the bug.
At 1:40, and 5:07
Quality is a bit iffy, but I'm rusty with youtube compression finicking. The video's HD in the raw form, and played well after being converted to .mp4, but on uploading it turned it to potato. I'm recording nearly every match now, kept or discarded at the end of each round as suited. I may be coming up with a lot of videos displaying collision derpery.
Hi ... I watched your video and I am not sure that a geometry issue is to blame in either case.
The problem I think is arm mounted weaponry and weapon convergence. Not necessarily terrain collision.
1) At 1:40 your firing reticle is just barely above the ridge line.
There are three factors in this case:
a ) Your AC20 is arm mounted though the arms are mounted high I don't know the relative position of the gun barrel compared to the cockpit viewpoint. If the barrel is any lower than the view then the path of the projectile will track lower than your cockpit view and could hit the ridgeline even though it looks clear from the cockpit
b ) There are two aiming reticles - the cross for the torso weapons and the circle for the arm ones. At the moment you fire the circle is aimed slightly lower than the cross-hair center of the reticle so the arms are actually firing slightly down
c ) All ballistic weapon trajectories are arced. AC20 is the most arced. This is really noticeable at long range but if you are aiming just barely above a ridge ... arm aim slightly lower than torso and the round drops at all it will likely hit the ridge.
So based on the video I don't see any big reason to say that there was a bug in terrain though it is still possible.
2) At 5:07 you are just coming around a corner with the obstacle on the left AND the AC20 on the left arm. The gun does not fire from the cockpit - it fires from a meter or two to the side and the arms on the BJ are fairly widely spaced. In this case, it seems likely that although your cockpit had a clear line of sight to the target, the lines of sight from the gun itself was still obstructed by terrain.
Mechs are big, it takes time for the arms to clear obstacles that appear clear from the cockpit.
I can't recount the number of times I have had low slung arm weapons hit the ridge I was trying to hide behind instead of the target I was firing at ... this is not a geometry issue ... this is a line of sight/fire issue ... the gun is firing from a viewpoint much lower than the cockpit view and hits objects that I think it should clear. I have had this happen going around objects ... especially buildings where my right side weapons could hit for example but my left side ones might still be partially obstructed behind the building. It has nothing to do with a hidden geometry but rather the fact that the weapon fire is traced from each individual weapon mount to the aiming point separately and some of these can hit terrain and others not even though the view from the cockpit looks clear. This is simple to test on the training grounds.
On the convergence front, I have fired arm mounted weapons on an Atlas at a light mech at close range ... and had them both miss ... the laser paths crossed in a nice big X on the far side of the mech I was aiming at because they were too close and there were limits to weapon convergence.
Also, weapons instantly converge ... this means that the weapons always aim at the pixel of terrain under the aiming reticle at the moment when the SERVER thinks you pressed the firing button. This can cause a lot of confusion if you are brawling in a light mech and only keeping on target for the time you fire. If the server doesn't get it right with lag and HSR then it is quite possible to miss ... or unexpectedly hit terrain that you didn't think you were aiming at.