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Ransom's Corsairs - Press Ganging Politely Since 2012

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#1 Synapse49


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 10:12 AM

RANSOM'S CORSAIRS - Flank Hard, Carry Harder

Merc Corps and Privateers

www.ransomscorsairs.com for key military intelligence, membership application and contracting information

ts3.ransomscorsairs.com to open contract negotiations, petition for membership, or simply drop in-group and talk shop

Ransom's Corsairs Participate in:
MWO - Group drops with unit members, friends and allies
MWO - Community Warfare
Many 3rd party leagues and tournaments:
-->currently Marik Civil War Season 4
-->previously Inner Sphere Coalition Season 1, Clan Nova Cat International Community Tourney, etc

Active mechwarriors: 25

Current recruiting goals:
- Expanding to 35 active members thru winter 2015
- Competitive and Casual players both welcome, RCs play enough to keep all parties engaged and happy
- Currently contracted to IS houses in MWO-CW (most of us do own and enjoy Clan mechs as well)

Key RC Contacts:
PuppeteerXerxes - command
Arkadash - command
Synapse49 - command
Mott - recruiting
Muzakman - competitive management
moonglum - competitive management

Edited by Synapse49, 26 February 2015 - 06:39 AM.

#2 Jaranath


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 10:50 AM

Now now...as I recall you were chained to an Oxide for just a week. Whereas I was in the neighboring bay chained to a Hunchback for a whole seven days!

Ah, memories. I wish I had one. It's the rum ration, y'see...QUITE generous.

What was I saying? Oh, right! Shanghaiing! So if you find the life of a not-entirely-disreputable, vaguely romantic, certainly grog-addled pirate appealing, but inexplicably don't want to shirk such responsibilities as diaper-changing and soccer-shuttling, we might be the right outfit for you. Go to your nearest public house, become profoundly inebriated, and pass out in the alley by the dumpster. One of us will be along shortly to size you for manacles and issue your mop.

(Just to be clear: Despite the nature of this notice, every day is NOT Talk Like A Pirate Day at Ransom's Corsairs. Easygoing, remember? But we won't hold it against you if you want to.)

#3 Muzakman


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 01:51 PM

What Terciel said. At the moment, we're looking to fill a team roster for the upcoming First Engagement tournament. Unlike cold sores, playing in the tourney with us won't stick you to us for life (or vice-versa), so it could be a great opportunity to get to know and play with a new crop of people even if you don't want to join up permanently!

PM myself (Muzakman) or Terciel1976 with your interest, or submit an application at ransomscorsairs.com. You can also hop onto our TS server (click the TS icon on our website's homepage) to come introduce yourself to us - there tends to be at least one person there more or less sporadically throughout the day - picking up in the later afternoon and into the evening (Central/Eastern time zone)

#4 Mott


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Posted 20 May 2014 - 08:20 AM

I just sent in my official request for recruitment though. Eager to get an official looksee from the group and maybe help y'all train for the tourney by offering up my meatholes for target practice.

Edited by Mott, 03 December 2014 - 04:37 PM.

#5 juxstapo


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Posted 21 May 2014 - 07:59 PM

Snrk.. perhaps we should push the recruitment angle a little harder.

Do you have kids? Lots of kids? With lots of responsibility?

Do you see people being really competitive or combative over chat and snicker, smug and satisfied in your own mature perspective?

Can you reference MST3K, SNL, Tolkien, Star Wars, Herbert, Adams, Firefly, Monty Python and M*A*S*H all in the same sentence?

Do you have a mole?

If you answered "Yes" to all of these questions... then you are me; and that's really really creepy.
But if you answered "Yes" to some of these questions, then Ransom's Corsairs Want You.
We want you really bad.
We lay awake at night wanting you, our want for you is like a physical thing.

Whats more, You want Ransom's Corsairs...

you just don't know it yet.

Find us in the Hiring Hall on Outreach, look for the kiosk with all the energy drink cans scattered around.

Edited by juxstapo, 21 May 2014 - 08:01 PM.

#6 Pekiti


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 06:52 AM

Do you have a 'most active' timezone? I work nights (on a variable shift schedule) and have to squeeze in my MWO around the work schedule and 'quality time' with She-Who-Feeds-Me. I don't know that I'm active (or skilled) enough to be an asset, but your recruiting ads made me laugh out loud.

#7 Mott


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Posted 22 May 2014 - 07:34 AM

View PostPekiti, on 22 May 2014 - 06:52 AM, said:

Do you have a 'most active' timezone? I work nights (on a variable shift schedule) and have to squeeze in my MWO around the work schedule and 'quality time' with She-Who-Feeds-Me. I don't know that I'm active (or skilled) enough to be an asset, but your recruiting ads made me laugh out loud.

Generally 10pm Central... which is a little late for my schedule, but I'm hoping that as the unit grows there'll be a few more members on by 9pm Eastern. Any later than 11pm Eastern and my decision making and danger response reflexes become null & void.

I pretty much just turn into a frantic seal trying to dodge great white sharks. My mech piloting devolves into something resembling...

Posted Image

Edited by Mott, 22 May 2014 - 07:35 AM.

#8 Pekiti


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 05:36 AM

Application sent, registered on the RC forums and synched it with TS. Hope to see you all in game over the holiday weekend. Many thanks to Juxstapo for the PMs and explanations!

#9 Mott


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 07:17 AM

Posted Image
Posted Image

#10 Muzakman


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 12:12 PM


Broadly speaking, our active times are essentially in the evening U.S. Central and Eastern time, 7pm (CT) - 12 (CT) during the week with more variability on the weekends. Since many members have little ones, weekend density can also be clustered around childs' nap times.

#11 Nightmare1


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 12:34 PM

Hey guys, welcome to the MWO community! Wanted to give y'all a friendly bump from Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade. I think our Units have a lot in common. ;)

Maybe we can do a scrim sometime. Y'all have a great weekend!

#12 Nightmare1


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Posted 24 May 2014 - 06:20 AM

o7 y'all! :ph34r:

#13 juxstapo


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Posted 24 May 2014 - 06:24 AM

:ph34r: Love to get in some private matches vs. other teams. We are slowly coalescing into a viable competitive force (Some quicker than others... okay, most quicker than me). But twould be splendid.

#14 TercieI


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Posted 24 May 2014 - 06:24 PM

View PostMott, on 22 May 2014 - 07:34 AM, said:

Generally 10pm Central... which is a little late for my schedule, but I'm hoping that as the unit grows there'll be a few more members on by 9pm Eastern. Any later than 11pm Eastern and my decision making and danger response reflexes become null & void.

I pretty much just turn into a frantic seal trying to dodge great white sharks. My mech piloting devolves into something resembling...

Posted Image

Um. Man, we gotta coordinate better. You're talking about my sweet spot, but I'm usually late because of CT brethren.

View PostNightmare1, on 23 May 2014 - 12:34 PM, said:

Hey guys, welcome to the MWO community! Wanted to give y'all a friendly bump from Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade. I think our Units have a lot in common. :)

Maybe we can do a scrim sometime. Y'all have a great weekend!

Sounds great!

View Postjuxstapo, on 24 May 2014 - 06:24 AM, said:

:angry: Love to get in some private matches vs. other teams. We are slowly coalescing into a viable competitive force (Some quicker than others... okay, most quicker than me). But twould be splendid.

Don't believe him. He doesn't need to coalesce because he's already the ****-nizz-bitt. (Somebody tell me what that means some time OK?)

#15 Mott


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Posted 26 May 2014 - 05:12 AM

View PostTerciel1976, on 24 May 2014 - 06:24 PM, said:

...he's already the ****-nizz-bitt. (Somebody tell me what that means some time OK?)

Just stick with your Pirate Talk, Terciel.... you're less likely to hurt yourself that way.

#16 juxstapo


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Posted 26 May 2014 - 02:56 PM

19 years as a contractor allows me to inform you that a ****-nizz-bit is a Dado blade , which is frightening enough to begin with, that has become severely warped and/or broken. Attempting to use such produces the **** sound from the carpenter, the "nizz" sound from the blade, and sends "bits" of blade, wood, and carpenter flying about.

Not sure how I'm classified as such though. Unless I produce that effect on the enemy team. :D

#17 TercieI


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 09:28 AM

View PostMott, on 26 May 2014 - 05:12 AM, said:

Just stick with your Pirate Talk, Terciel.... you're less likely to hurt yourself that way.


#18 TercieI


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Posted 28 May 2014 - 08:09 PM

Loved having some guys drop with us tonight courtesy of this thread. You know who you are. :D

#19 Mott


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Posted 29 May 2014 - 07:03 AM

Yeah... and having a planetoid-sized AWS-9M along for the fun was nice too... he provided much needed shade on the hotter maps.

#20 InKerenskyWeTrust


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 07:25 AM

Hey don't say those things about my awesome, he is literately twice the mech anybody brings. But seriously love dropping with you guys. Just finished a new video from last nights drops and heres a link to it: Awesomeness Come join us for some fun.

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