Most games I play at the moment victory isn't decided by who pilots a mech better but by who lands their consumables better or as often just by who has more of them.
If your team has none or one/two and the enemy has 5 (or 10+ as my last match) your team loses- very rarely does anything else seem to effect the outcome as much as this.
Anybody else finding this or is it just me? The Doubly annoying thing to me is that because of the c-bill cost people like me who still don't have a big stable of mechs can simply not afford to spam 2 per game while also saving for new gear.
Am I being stupid and missing something?
The reason I ask for Mechwarrior back is it's become'call in an airstrike and destroy the enemy team' online in the games I've been in today.
Edited by Egomane, 10 May 2014 - 09:12 AM.