Darth Bane001, on 15 May 2014 - 04:42 PM, said:
So you dont mind handing over that much money to people that have lied about the progress of the game since the beginning? A fool and his money...
No you are just a fanboy. You dont care if they keep failing to deliver. Go right ahead and keep sending them money.
I've only been playing since January and though I've read about the missed deadlines, I'm patient. I understand a bit about project management and how scope creep in conjunction with (I hate to say it but...) poor planning causes delays.
And yes you are absolutely correct and I am
proud to say
I am a MechWarrior fanboy! Have been since '98 and I doubt that'll ever change.
Hey, it beats being a
Justin Beaverlake fanboy right?
Pariah Devalis, on 15 May 2014 - 05:24 PM, said:
He will, and at the end of the day that is what matters to him. It is his money and he can choose to spend it on hookers, or drugs, or expensive trips, or gold mechs. Regardless of what any angry people say or do.
That is his right.
Hey do I know you in real life?? You seem to know me
-Hookers, check! (Well, loose women I meet in bars actually, but close enough, right?)
-Drugs, check! (Alcohol! "Can I get another Long Island Iced Tea please, and a pint of Kilkenny to chase it down!")
-Expensive trips, check! (Fortunately those are "business trips" and the company covers the cost
Pariah , you ever come to the Yokohama area, your first six pints are on me!
GalaxyBluestar, on 15 May 2014 - 08:15 PM, said:
is it really his right to give a hobo cash because he's taleneted enough to give you some art work even though he's said he'll give you the whole graphic novel year after year and you get the idea it's going towards more booze anyways? that's what this clan deal feels like.
it might be irresponsible to keep buying after a company fails to deliver for such a long time.
I understand you're frustrated, rightfully so. Since I'm late to the game I'm more patient.
oh sure it's his right but
with clans, until i see what the burst fire will be like, what the varients will be like, how the omnipods are used in the mech lab {pics or its not happening} the bonus modules, the warhorns, the medallions, the targeting computer, is stars still on the table? are we still only going to have c-bills to buy them there by putting an enormous grind wall infront of F2Players and what are factions getting out of this? will you have a novacat avatar beside your name or are you sticking to the lone wolf? some of these questions should've been answered by now so it's my right to consider this whole pack as a dodgey investment till proven otherwise, because i'm also responsible with my money. i've splashed support once, not again until obligations are met {CW and loyalty points}
Your frugal and that's cool. I'm a pretty hardcore MechWarrior fan and plan to keep buying items as long as I'm having fun playing MWO.