i am in this from the start and i supported you a great deal all the way. I made plenty of posts on the forums regarding a variety of topics and i have certainly vented alot of frustration over certain developments in the past and present.
Why am i writing you this letter now you ask?
The answer is easy. I'm the last!
Noone that started out with me when this game was still in closed beta is left. They are all gone.
My brother and me we got so hyped back then. "Wow finally a Mechwarrior game again. This is gonna be great!"
And yes it seemed to become a very good game. We both got the Legendary Founders Pack back then to support what seemed to be the long awaited revival of our beloved franchise.
And so we played and we were happy for a while. Sure the game was a little rough around the edges and there wasn't much content there back then but we enjoyed it.
Then time went past and the stream of content we got promised did not arrive.
Sure we got a map here and then. There was a Mech released every now and then. But the core concept of what we got promised never showed.
And yes i am talking about Community Warfare but this is not the main reason i write to you.
The main reason i write to you is you are loosing you core fanbase. Those guys like my brother and me that supported you right from the start no questions asked and long before all these players that spent not one dime on this game arrived at the scene.
Not that it matters really but i bought the Legendary Founders pack, the Phoenix Overloard pack + the Saber pack and recently i bought the Masakari Clan pack.
That adds up to a total of 470$ if i did not miscalculate or remember the pricing wrong.
I am sure i am not the only one that has a similar investment in this endevour and there is surly people out there that spent even more then me.
Yet i don't have the feeling i am beeing appriciated or heard.
In the last Q&A you stated that you wanna listen more to what we the players have to say to you the Developers.
Ok then here goes what i feel is right for this game and needs implementation. Most of this i have discussed with plenty of players over and over and i need to get this heard.
1) Monetization
While i do understand that this game is very costly to develop you really should give a thought towards you pricing. I mentioned before that i spent about 470$ on this allready. Do you realize what 470$ are? Do you realize what i could have done with this money instead ? What in Godsname makes you think it is ok to charge us so much money for so little actual content. I'm not even mad at the Packages. I get it they are Exclusive. But your general pricing ? 350MC for a Mechbay ? Every mech you buy with or without MC should come with a Mechbay included.
Mech pricings in general are slap in the face. ~30$ for a Atlas ? 1000 MC for a color ? 1500-1750 MC for a camo ?
For the money i have spent in this game allready i should have every Color and every camo unlocked for every mech. Lets draw a example here. Planetside 2 is free to play and it has monetization like its normal today with free to play games. If i spent the amount of money i have spent in this game i have everything unlocked twice for all factions. all cammos all stickers all gimmicks all weapons and sidegrades everything.
To make it short your monetization comes off as greedy and milking the customer. And you have been called on this many many times before. This game has not nearly enough to it to be so pricy in basically everything.
You know i have worked in a buisness aswell some time ago and i studied economics there for a while. And there is one rule that goes for pricing your product. "Find the sweetspot!"
The sweetspot is right where you see an increase in purchases across the line while still maintaining positive income. Yes i know you have investors and they want their share and yada yada.
I am seriously convinced that if you lower your general pricing you will make more money because the incentive to make a purchase is higher. If i go and buy a color now i have buyers remorse after i am honest with you here.
2) Balancing
Oh boy, i'm pretty sure you are sick to the bone of this topic. And i get it yes this game is hard to balance but what you do its not working man. Have you ever created a alternative account and played your own game over a period of lets say 8 hours. Because if you do you will realize how much unrest there actually is. The Meta sucks. And the Meta before that and before that sucked aswell.
Why do you try to forcefeed us Ghostheat, 3/3/3/3, Double Heatsinks with 70% efficiency?
This has nothing to do with Mechwarrior or Battletech anymore.
You have to realize that some of these things are broken by design from the very get go.
Battletech had a very elegant solution to Tech differences and high alpha builds. Its called Battle Value and i'm pretty sure you are very aware of this.
Battle Value applied to every weapon, module, equipment, Mech Chassis and Upgrade would make for a wonderfull matchup system. Players with roughly the same Tech Tier would meet each other in combat and if players decide to bring there current Meta pinpoint "Machine o' Doom" they better be up for a equally equiped enemy.
I mean lets face it. You increased the Armor to a full double very early on. This doesn't even show anymore.
I had a situation earlier with a CTF-3D as enemy he gaussed me from 100% to dead in about 2 salvos without having a chance to react to it. Dual Gauss that is. Sure its a viable build but why do i have to face it in a much lower tech Tier then he is. Why can't he play Gauss duels with other pinpoint Maniacs out there.
Alot of people requested you make a Stockmech mode available a while back.
Whats the problem with that. Stock mechs are all pretty balanced and have their own right to exist compared with other stock mechs.
All i hear these days is "Nah that Hunchback is ****, there is way better Mech that can fit a AC/20 then him." O'really ? Well in Stock there is not many mechs with AC/20's now is there?
Many problems in the current meta are made by the lack of stock viability. All Players do is pick the mech that has preferably the ability to mount Jumpjets 1-2 PPC's and/or Gauss/ AC/5's - AC/20's. Does this sound very varied to you ? Does this stale soup of sameness sound any fun ?.
Stock Matches please add them. If anything i write is to be considered please for the love of God let it be stock matches.
And i know we have privat lobbies now. I know that but they aren't really what i am looking for here. And they are not nearly there where they should be. Which brings me to the next point.
3) Privat matches / E-Sport viability
Without a proper value system we can stop talking about E-Sport alltogether but what really grinds my gear these days is the fact that a Privat Lobby needs active Premium time and as i recently read will possibly cost MC in the future. Really ? Are you seriously suggesting you want to make this game more attractive to competetive folks. To hold tournaments and leagues and to do this you want to add yet another Paygate ?
This might come as a shock to you and the rest of the Development Team but this stuff should be free of charge. This should be a sellingpoint to play this game. Look what cool custom matches we can create with this game and they do this as a fanservice.
Instead you just come of as greedy yet again. Allways with the money... 470$ just a quick reminder... its ok
To end my wall of text on a positive note here i will stop complaining and tell you this. WE have not yet given up on you guys. And i think that showes atleast for me and a couple few that still purchase those preorder packs. But i will be truthfull with you i do not know how long this will stay this way anymore. There are plenty of players comming and going i know this and this is good as customers bring you money and if they leave they no longer cost you server bandwith, BUT!
If you really put all your heart and soul into this New Mechwarrior as you stated so many times in the past then you will realize that you owe US the core Battletech/Mechwarrior fans a great deal to your succsess and you need to implement what we ask for. And i'm not saying this will allways be the most profitable of ways to handle it but i do think it will be the most sensible way to do this.
So what do i ask for in short?
1) Rethink your monetization model. Buyers remorse is no way to found a good customer relationship.
2) Please add Battlevalue and throw away these useless ideas of fixing what has allways be broken in the core of Battletech. (On a quicknote this would make your effords of balancing Clan Tech way easier aswell because clantech is expensive thus giving claners a challenge in combat. Thats what playing clans is all about really)
3) Privat matches with all custom options need to become free of any charge if you ever want to have this game become a focuspoint of competitive League play of anyform.
4) and this one is very dear to me please go into yourselfe and find a way to realize what you promised us all the ways back. Put your heart into it and keep true to your promises.
best regards,
Jack Corban
Edited by Jack Corban, 24 May 2014 - 08:43 PM.