Roland, on 25 May 2014 - 05:00 PM, said:
How would you balance a game with BV then? Have MM making games over 10k BV a side with a 200BV buffer? MW:T uses BV straight out of the book, and matches your lances BV vs another one of the same number, or within 50. Same stuff that happens on TT.
It however can never take into account the SKILL of a player behind the mech. I could take a low BV mech, with few weapons, and just pwn everyone else because they were lower skilled then I. I am not saying our "ELO" system is any better (its not) but solutions do need to be factored in to give more to the ELO system then just W/L. Such as damage dealt that match/kills/assists all need to factored in, which will give the MM a better picture of how "good" you are.