Levi Porphyrogenitus, on 26 May 2014 - 09:15 PM, said:
Re. the discussion of randomized shot deviation.
1 - BattleTech is a setting where, whether due to post-apocalyptic tech level decay or super-advanced integrated countermeasures, it is quite difficult even to hit another mech, let alone concentrate fire on a single point.
2 - A cone of fire does not have to be always-on. Indeed, an always-on CoF would be terrible. Rather, MWO should borrow a concept from the TT, where situational modifiers dynamically reduce precision. Throttle %, heat capacity %, stability state, etc., should all impact just how precise your shots are. Want to land a volley exactly at your aim point? Slow down, cool off, and make sure both feet are firmly on the ground before you take that shot. Need to shoot now because waiting is likely to get you killed/move your target out of the line of fire? Then your shots will deviate around your aimpoint based on how fast you are going, how hot you are running, and whether you are jumping or getting knocked around by enemy fire.
3 - Any CoF-style mechanic should not touch accuracy. Instead, it should only modify precision. Accuracy is how close to the aim point the center of a pattern is. Precision is how small diameter of the pattern is. Accuracy should always be perfect. Precision is what should be changing dynamically based on conditions. Having accuracy change means that pinpoint FLD is still a problem, it just becomes less predictable where that single impact point will be. Precision reduction, though, means that aim still matters a lot, but it reduces pinpoint volley fire by spreading shots around the point of aim.
Problem. The varied scale of the Mechs in action would make things very complex. Speed for one. Does a Light that can run 140kph get a different scale than an Assault max at 46kph.
Set a single scale that accommodates all Mechs the same way, and let the players decide what to drive? Not going to be very pretty. If the shot deviation at 45kph is set to X%, then at 140kph it will have to be X%(x3) for parity.
Can't seem many Lights wanting to slow to 45kph to get a decent/quasi accurate shot off.
Jun Watarase, on 26 May 2014 - 09:56 PM, said:
3x large lasers are overpowered, 4x ac5s are not. According to PGI anyway.
27 vs 20 damage and one carries ammo... 3 LL's are totally doable btw. Those AC5's still have to face the target unless Alpha'd as well. Alpha miss chance is total damage lost. Lasers can graze and still do damage.