I'll be at work during the AMA (stupid time zones), but would really appreciate an answer to this question ...
What do you have planned to improve the new user experience?
Background: I have several real-life friends (distinct from my internet-friends, who I play with regularly) that I would love to invite into the game, but without a meaningful, educational new-user experience, I cannot ask them in good faith to join up because (stupid time zones) I cannot be there to help them learn the complicated game mechanics. The movement tutorial was a huge step in the right direction, but there needs to be more. Basic combat ... assigning weapon groups, targeting a 'mech, managing your heat, min-max ranges and damage drop-off for the various weapon systems, gauss charge mechanic. Navigating U.I. 2.0 ... how to find useful information about 'mechs you're going to purchase (hint: it's not in the store, where you actually buy a 'mech, which is silly), how to find useful information about all the weapons, equipment, etc., how to configure a 'mech, how to upgrade your skills, etc.
If you can find some way to make it easy for new users to find enough information to make new players a little bit dangerous, I'll (figuratively) shout from the mountaintops about what a great game you guys are producing, and do my best to increase your player base. (OBTW - all my IRL friends have disposable income and love good, immersive video games.)
Edited by Kageru Ikazuchi, 22 May 2014 - 01:02 AM.