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On r/mwo

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#41 Nekki Basara


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:33 PM

View PostHeffay, on 27 May 2014 - 01:27 PM, said:

Someone must have posted a thread on the SA forums. Watch them scurry!

Thanks for logging in, boys.
Actually it's been posted on /r/mwo. Do you have a problem with it being posted on /r/mwo?

#42 Roadbeer


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:37 PM

The funny thing is, you all let Niko subvert the comment and make it about reddit, when the reality is, while it may have been posted on reddit, the implication of the post was that "Feedback" was mocked and "facepalmed", not just "reddit feedback".

Well done Niko, as a master of derailing threads, I applaud you.

#43 Heffay

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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:38 PM

View PostNekki Basara, on 27 May 2014 - 01:33 PM, said:

Actually it's been posted on /r/mwo. Do you have a problem with it being posted on /r/mwo?

Not at all, since I was the first one to actually do that.

#44 Nekki Basara


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:39 PM

He deletes it if it's posted here. Where else can you post counter-revolutionary feedback?


View PostHeffay, on 27 May 2014 - 01:38 PM, said:

So you did. I wonder how it's stayed in positive karma if there's an echochamber in effect?

Edited by Nekki Basara, 27 May 2014 - 01:42 PM.

#45 Sythe


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:41 PM

Thanks for taking the time to say yes this. It sums up my thoughts and feelings on the subject perfectly.

View PostAnders, on 27 May 2014 - 12:58 PM, said:

Please allow me to clarify a few bits of misinformation that you've seen fit to spout as gospel. I suppose that this is your soapbox upon which to do so, and for however long this stays up, that will have to be good enough.

1) "The New Overlords" of /r/mwo are actually the same overlords who started the sub-bread-it in the first place. They were tired of the censorship and opinion control placed on the sub-reddit as a whole and moved to replace the moderation staff which unfortunately let this occur on their watch. If you notice, the three top moderators have never changed during the transition.

2) In a response to the cries of censorship and opinion control that the previous moderation staff had enacted, the sub-reddit implemented a laissez-faire style of moderation that relied upon the workings of reddit in general: namely the upvote and the downvote. The thought was that the community would see fit to take the content that they felt best represented their voice and upvote it, and take the content that they didn't agree with and downvote it.

3) A vast majority of the members of the /r/mwo subreddit aren't banned, and it's disingenuous to state that "This is compounded by those who continue to use alt-accounts to try and provide themselves with a disproportionate voice as well as to downvote bomb staff posts out-of-view." with little to no proof (as reddit prides it self on anonymous up and down votes). It's also quite interesting to note that when this occurs in outreach, in an attempt to silence critics as well, nothing is said about the matter.

4) "Toxic feedback." I note that you fail to mention the amount of legitimate, positive feedback that was solicited by your company and former community manager which was promptly ignored or deemed unsuitable for very vague and nebulous reasons. I suppose you don't know very much about what Garth did, maybe you should ask him or your bosses about the amount of feedback from the RHOD groups on weapon balance and the like. (Or how you just can't balance sniper weapons! It's just too hard!)

5) Finally, with respect to your feedback on the moderation policies of r/mwo, I can only state:

"Thank you for your feedback! It has been duly noted, and will be addressed in the order that it was received. Due to the overwhelming amount of feedback that r/mwo has received on the topic, please allow 90 days for a proper response via smoke signal or video, whichever we deem to be the hip and trendy thing that other companies are doing at the moment. I hope that you can be patient with us during this most trying time while we attempt a number of initiatives to further enhance your r/mwo experience."

As always, I remain:

Edited by Sythe, 27 May 2014 - 01:48 PM.

#46 Heffay

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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:41 PM

View PostNekki Basara, on 27 May 2014 - 01:39 PM, said:

He deletes it if it's posted here. Where else can you post counter-revolutionary feedback?

Shine up that armor! A white knight of your caliber needs to make sure he's looking his best when entering battle to save people from playing the game and accidentally finding out they are having fun! Ride on, noble warrior! The peasants are counting on you to save them from themselves!

#47 Nekki Basara


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:43 PM

View PostHeffay, on 27 May 2014 - 01:41 PM, said:

Shine up that armor! A white knight of your caliber needs to make sure he's looking his best when entering battle to save people from playing the game and accidentally finding out they are having fun! Ride on, noble warrior! The peasants are counting on you to save them from themselves!
If your arguments have literally boiled down to "no, YOU!" then you're on shaky ground man.

#48 IraqiWalker


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:44 PM

View PostAdamBaines, on 27 May 2014 - 11:29 AM, said:

But dont you see Heff.....he is taking on all of the pain of others! It is his duty to play the game so that others do not have to bear upon themselves the goodness of piloting a stompy mech in the Btech universe!!! He should have our thanks and praise ;-)

The amount of sarcasm is strong enough to have it's own gravity well.

View PostNightmare1, on 27 May 2014 - 01:27 PM, said:

For all you r/junkies out there (whatever r/ means! :P ), this isn't the place to flame each other over this reddit thing. This is supposed to be a useful forum for PGI to hear from us. Please don't muddle it like so many of your type have on so many other threads with all the nonsense and drama - keep it real for once, okay? If you want to be drama queens, apply for a reality TV show or something.

Thanks all. ;)

I completely second this motion.

People want to argue about reddit, go start a thread somewhere else please. We are trying to use this thread for something else.

View PostNekki Basara, on 27 May 2014 - 01:23 PM, said:

Your post is factually incorrect. I have not been banned. Please do not misrepresent a position critical of your own in an attempt to paint over your own mistakes. Further, do not claim that the subreddit mods should be doing work that they cannot possibly do as they are not reddit admins, this is an unfair expectation of you to engender in the community and further shades things in an unrealistic manner.

I think you made the mistake there. Niko didn't say that all members of r/mwo are banned players, just that a big chunk of them are, and the rest are toxic who don't really listen to reason.

View PostNekki Basara, on 27 May 2014 - 01:23 PM, said:

It just links to another subreddit thus being of marginal utility at best and is sitting at +1 karma as I type this. What exactly is your problem?

Did you even bother reading the comments for it? Downvoted or not, that outburst in the comments section is not good, by any stretch of the imagination.

Now please, stop this useless discussion about r/mwo, and let's actually focus on something worth while here.

#49 Shibas


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:47 PM

View PostNikolai Lubkiewicz, on 26 May 2014 - 08:12 AM, said:

I do not think that particular subreddit (r/mwo) can be defined as a base for our fans or customers any longer...

Way to remove an entire segment of the community by saying "I don't like those people, they are no longer our fans."

View PostNikolai Lubkiewicz, on 26 May 2014 - 08:38 AM, said:

How about we take in the context of the thread too. The OP was in a r/mwo thread called "A Call to Reason"

That OP was downvoted 23 times for asking r/mwo to be more constructive. I'm more than willing to take ideas and feedback from constructive outlets of the Community, but r/mwo has proven itself to have residents who often either have unmanageably wild expectations or a desire to simply oppose anything we stand for, even if it means flipping opinions or simply poisoning the well and calling us liars, whenever we change course or adapt to better meet expectations.

I'm pretty sure they did give you feedback by downvoting whatever post you made that provided no substance.

Also, in your quote about the "furor of 3rd person view being the end of days," That particular issue was never about being the end of the game, it was about a mechanic that nobody wanted yet was still implemented.

View PostHeffay, on 27 May 2014 - 01:27 PM, said:

Someone must have posted a thread on the SA forums. Watch them scurry!

Thanks for logging in, boys.

Wait, we have a forum? All this time I was using the official mwo reddit site r/mwo to get my news on latest things mwo.

#50 Nekki Basara


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:48 PM

View PostIraqiWalker, on 27 May 2014 - 01:44 PM, said:

Did you even bother reading the comments for it? Downvoted or not, that outburst in the comments section is not good, by any stretch of the imagination.

Now please, stop this useless discussion about r/mwo, and let's actually focus on something worth while here.
If you think that stuff is an "outburst" or "not good" then you might want to avoid Victor Morson's posts. That's mild criticism of laziness, nothing close to the actual criticism of poor community interaction that's been on there over the last few days.

#51 Kyle Reece


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:58 PM

In shock news today, "r/mwo surprised to hear that constant criticism has negative effects".

Stay tuned to the obvious channel where we'll be bringing you important news about the colour of the sky (spoiler alert, blue) and the answer to that question about bears you've always wanted to ask.

#52 Heffay

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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:59 PM

View PostNekki Basara, on 27 May 2014 - 01:39 PM, said:

So you did. I wonder how it's stayed in positive karma if there's an echochamber in effect?

Because it hasn't been around long enough. Come back in a few hours. It'll be well into the negatives.

#53 DisasterMedic


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 02:03 PM

Posting for posterity's sake:

In an effort to further quiet these dissenting opinions that come spreading the blasphemy of "provable facts," or perhaps to drum up some evidence for his at-the-time fallacious claim, I am now on mod preview. :allears:

Shine on you crazy diamond, your inability to handle any negative feedback will always provide boundless entertainment.

#54 Shibas


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 02:14 PM

NM, good times.

Edited by Shibas, 27 May 2014 - 02:18 PM.

#55 IraqiWalker


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 02:24 PM

View PostNekki Basara, on 27 May 2014 - 01:48 PM, said:

If you think that stuff is an "outburst" or "not good" then you might want to avoid Victor Morson's posts. That's mild criticism of laziness, nothing close to the actual criticism of poor community interaction that's been on there over the last few days.

I am well aware of Victor's posts. However, them being only a 5 out of 10 on the outburst-o-meter doesn't excue them from being a 5 out of 10. you want people to listen, drop it down to a 3 or a 2. Or better yet. A zero.

View PostHeffay, on 27 May 2014 - 01:59 PM, said:

Because it hasn't been around long enough. Come back in a few hours. It'll be well into the negatives.

Unless they decide to troll you, and just upvote the hell out of it.

#56 King Lags


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 02:28 PM

Hrm how odd. I post regularly in /r/MWO and yet I'm neither an alt nor banned here yet. I'm sure that will be changed shortly after I hit post. This whole episode reeks of a complete lack of professionalism compounded by Niko's trolling in /r/MWO. For a negative place of people who are all "banned" and "never play" they seem to accurately predict the course of the company's plans with shocking accuracy and know quite a bit of the current status of the game. Not to mention condemning "bot downvoting" from /r/MWO and not mentioning that /r/OutReachHPG has certain people that aggressive down-vote and downright stalk posters in /r/MWO isn't overly shocking. While I post to both I am fully aware of the faults of both subs at least. /r/OutreachHPG is the preferred place simply because it has trolls and down-vote bots aimed at anything negative to say about the game. Much respect to Serious_Table but it's still a echo chamber of it's own just one friendly to PGI.

Truthfully I've hung on despite a year of blunder after baffling decision as the quality of my game-play degraded. "Buy more mechs and ignore the game-play balance issues" is all I hear now as we unfailing receive new mechs by the droves and a couple bug fixes per "major" patch. Or a completely ineffective nerf to a weapon that's part of the unbalancing meta that had nothing to do with why the weapon was powerful to begin with. Or the complete lack of any meaningful content. Not to begin with the outright lies about things like Community Warfare. But now we have all this AND the CM is trolling people like me outright? Yeah **** that noise.

In all honesty /r/MWO doesn't need to "kill" MWO if that was even the intent of it's posters to begin with. PGI is doing a great job of that on it's own. And now if you mention that you're a bot and not even a player. ****'s not even worth it despite the still good core of the game. The rest is too rotten to stomach now let alone throw money at. Good hunting to those that stick around anyway.

And in regards to the original post before Niko's derailment in his personal rant. I don't honestly think any of it matters a great deal so I voted no on all. We've had plenty of talk about things but very little show. More talk about what's going on with no delivery is no better then current level of talk and no delivery. I'd rather resources went into more maps and balancing along with Community Warfare being more then just some notes.

#57 IraqiWalker


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 02:53 PM

View PostTainwulf, on 27 May 2014 - 02:28 PM, said:

Hrm how odd. I post regularly in /r/MWO and yet I'm neither an alt nor banned here yet.

For the bajillionth time. He didn't say ALL posters there are banned or alt accounts. Just that a good chunk of them are, and he's not that far from the truth about it.

View PostTainwulf, on 27 May 2014 - 02:28 PM, said:

More talk about what's going on with no delivery is no better then current level of talk and no delivery. I'd rather resources went into more maps and balancing along with Community Warfare being more then just some notes.

That, I agree with. Communication is great, we want more of it, but it's not gonna do much if implementation doesn't happen, or gets warped.

#58 GreatBeer


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 03:42 PM

Hi Niko. I am not banned and I frequent r/mwo. Please remember that we used to actually like PGI and MWO. PGIs own actions are the cause of r/mwos environment. We didn't just spring into existance one day because we thought it would be fun.

#59 Stinkeye


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 03:50 PM

This game makes me sad. Now you wanna communicate? Things must be getting dire. Didn't you stop due to the fact that everything you said took much longer than expected, never happened or was terrible (UI 2.0). I had such high hopes for this game and it does nothing more than consistently disappoint me. Oh those heady days of closed beta when all there was high hopes and positivity. Now we are just outcasts and complainers in a bastardized reddit. If your reddit namesake is that negative it says a hell of a lot about your choices in the past. Maybe say sorry and we will fix this mess, or is the founders of your game all beyond hope?

It's funny to see the old White Knight are now just Negative Nancys and the new ones rushing to defend PGI. Maybe coming in at the start with high hopes was our biggest mistake. Instead we should of showed up to the party late with low expectations and fuller wallets. Dropping hundreds of dollars on a game and a hope of future content was pretty silly it looks now, but that is the point of games like this rope em in early and bleed em dry. It creates a sense of ownership in the property which is pretty smart but if you don't deliver you get an unruly mob and MWO reddit. You guys created this problem and you can't cry about it now, you already have our money, and now obviously disdain for us.

#60 Ozeo


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 03:58 PM

View PostIraqiWalker, on 27 May 2014 - 02:53 PM, said:

For the bajillionth time. He didn't say ALL posters there are banned or alt accounts. Just that a good chunk of them are, and he's not that far from the truth about it.

I'm sure you and Niko have numbers to back this up? Because im another one of those members who pays on reddit and I'm not banned.

R/Mwo hasn't always been that way, go back in the posts, things changed, what changed? Well that's easy, where did 2013 go for Mwo?

People there used to be the big Mwo supporters, why does PGI just listen to the community?

The same community that funded you, I dare you guys to try that now.

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