Overall the Dire Wolf looks alright. I'm biased towards MW2's version, and MW4's version is goofy as heck. So I'd have to say this is the best version of the Dire Wolf so far. Just fix up the hood a little bit and I have no reason to complain. The way the hood looks now, it pulls off a warhawk vibe too much, with doesn't do any justice to either mech. Either make the top part not so wide, or make the angular part longer and that should be enough. Then I won't have any reason to complain. Other than that (aside from nitpicking the pointy nose), it's looks just fine.
Now that all clan pack mechs have been announced. I'm going to summarize my thoughts now.
I am surprised how almost all the mechs were added in perfectly. Dire Wolf has a tiny problem. Nova is divisive due to it looking nice as something new but going drasticly against the no-torso twist while being low to the ground design it used to have, some people love it, some people hate it. Personally I like the new design, it just doesn't have the "OMG LOOK AT THIS MECH" like the original had, but that's because I'm biased towards loving things that break the norm. Yes, the Kit Fox has torso twist now too, but it has a design that doesn't make it look like it shouldn't have torso twist.
Timber Wolf is the only one I have a few things to say about. IMO, Timber Wolf is the only one that seems to have a degraded design when going into MWO.
It's like someone was trying to turn the Timber Wolf into an Inner Sphere mech. Personally I think MW4's version of the Mad Cat more (and usually I disagree with the MW4 models in some way) as it sticks closely to the original design in many ways, but disguises the tiny arms by adding some more metal in a couple spots on the arm . My favorite is MW2's Timber Wolf, but I'm not saying that should return, at least not with the Timber Wolf name, I just love it's giant ears, long barrels, and long torso. I'm also incredibly biased towards that one because of the intro for Mechwarrior 2 (and I blame Fire Moth, Jenner IIC, and Mad Dog for making me not play the Timber Wolf much).
MWO's Timber Wolf is going to half-represent MWO since it's always been one of the popular mechs, and is almost always on the cover of Mechwarrior games. This can be a good or bad thing. I'm just hoping people will grow to like the design overtime. It's design goes very very far away from the design that makes it look fast, and goes more towards looking like an actual heavy mech which is something I can respect (especially after seeing some of the ugly pictures on Sarna). While I don't mind the Timber Wolf being beefed up a little from it's original designs, MWO's version is beefed up a bit too much, and it looks like it just stole parts from an Inner Sphere mech. Beefing it up a bunch is annoying, however I just wish it kept it's clannish charm to it a bit more. This is the only mech that's going to take me some time to get used to.
So in short. Very nice job on the designs! You surpassed my expectations greatly (was expecting 1 perfect design, 5-6 "meh" and 2-3 bad). I look forward to seeing many more mechs in the future...... particularly clan mechs, since I tend to like clan mech designs more than Inner Sphere mech designs.