Let me just quote parts of the original statement so nothing gets fudged in my commentary:
First off... AutoCannons. All AutoCannons have had their fall off range reduced in the same manner as the AC/2. Instead of having triple the max range, all AutoCannons are now double. This is going to bring AutoCannons into brawling ranges and also slightly affect the PPC/AC combination at long range.
AC/5 and UAC/5 have had their max range reduced from 1700m to 1240m
AC/10 has had its max range reduced from 1350m to 900m
AC/20 has had its max range reduced from 810m to 540m
Does that actually mean the AC5+UAC5 have the same optimal range? It is not made clear (since, they ARE actually different)
AC5 has an optimal range of 620m.
UAC5 has an optimal range of 600m.
Small difference (and ultimately negligible), but is worth pointing out.
SRMs are next. While investigating further fixes within this weapon system, we realized that the spread on all SRMs were set to 6 meters. This means the spread on an SRM/2 is just as wide as an SRM/6. This has been updated to make bit more sense and naturally increases the viability of all SRM systems.
SRM/2 has had its spread reduced from 6.0m to 4.8m
SRM/4 has had its spread reduced from 6.0m to 5.2m
SRM/6 has had its spread reduced from 6.0m to 5.7m
For the record, this info was posted like 9-12 months ago when the SRM spread changed (and was minutely tweaked somewhere after). The fact that it was never touched since then is appalling. I think it was Tennex or someone that had a Marik tag had mentioned this at that time. Nothing was made of it then.
ALL SRMs have also recieved a 0.15 damage increase. This is to help average out DPS when missiles hit and miss due to Host State Rewind issues.
SRMs damage increased from 2.0 per missile to 2.15 per missile.
Is it fair to say you are reneging on that nerf that you promised 7+ months ago to change it from 2.0 to 1.5 per SRM missile?
It was also found out by the community that the impulse on the SRM/4 was out of line with the other SRM systems. These have all been reduced to the SRM/4 value.
SRM/2 has had its impulse (screen shake) reduced from 0.192 to 0.11
SRM/4 has no changes made to impulse.
SRM/6 has had its impulse (screen shake) reduced from 0.192 to 0.11
Impact shake when being hit by the following weapons has been reduced:
AC/5, SRM/4,SSRM/2, LB10-X
It was no accident... you simply forgot.
Laser systems are next. To make the Small Lasers (SL and SPL) a little more viable in the brawl area, they have had their ranges increased slightly. The small lasers are now able to engage just outside the minimum range on a PPC.
Small Laser has had its range increased to 100m up from 90m and its maximum range increased from 180m to 200m.
Small Pulse Laser has had its range increased to 100m up from 90m and its maximum range increased from 180m to 200m.
Negligible boost. 120m is needed IMO.
The Medium Pulse laser was also investigated and to bring it in line with the ML and taking into the account the doubling of tonnage, the base heat generated has been reduced slightly and the range has been increased slightly.
Medium Pulse Laser has had its range increased from 200m to 220m and its max range increased from 400 to 440m.
Medium Pulse Laser has had its heat reduced from 5.0 to 4.6
I'll look into the weapon, but I cannot guarantee that's enough.
Where's LPL in all of this? It's still too hot.
Last on this list is Air Strike and Artillery Strike. The intention of these has always been an area denile system for getting enemies to not camp in a single spot. It is working but the amount of damage is still a bit high and even noted in the current tournament as being a little over powered. The following changes have been made:
Air Strikes have had the spacing between shells increased by 20%. This is around 8-9 meters.
Artillery Strikes have had their area of effect increased from 60m to 75m (spacing out the shells more).
Both Air Strikes and Artillery Strikes have had their base damage reduced from 40/shell to 35/shell.
You really need to actually INCREASE the time between airstrikes/arty, from 10 to AT LEAST 15 to 20 seconds. That is part of the problem. Once you launch the attack in 4 seconds, the next volley can be launched 6 seconds AFTER the arty/airstrike touches down. That is what makes the attack VERY annoying.
Plus, you didn't eliminate arty headshots, as 33 pts of max head armor (18 external, 15 internal) is still going to get "lucky" arty kills.
The most important bit:
I've seen this thrown around a few times now so let me respond to it.
There are a total of 9 different builds of MWO on my machine... all at varying stages of completion of new features.
In 7 of these specialized builds, I can turn on specific debug tools that allow me to see exactly what's happening in the game simulation which is something you will never be able to determine in production (live build). I can also dynamically tune things as the game is running in these builds which is also something that is impossible to do on the live servers.
I do play the game, just not on production where I don't have the tools that let me see exactly what's going on in the game engine. Plus I do randomly play now and then on production and I do spectate players quite a bit when I'm not at work.
And remember, PGI is not a huge company where I sit in my office isolated from the team and just messing about doing this or that. I'm very hands on with the dev team and don't have a lot of time to head up features and play the game during the average workday.
I hate to tell you this, but even IF you made working AI/bots to play against, THERE IS NOTHING LIKE ACTUALLY PLAYING IN A LIVE GAME. #s are meaningless if you can't put it together in context WITH ACTUAL LIVE PLAYERS. Watching someone not know how to lock with LRMs is VASTLY different from the guys that run PPCS+ACs in a "meta mech". There's something to be said for "being a part of live play". There's no "alternative" to that. That is why LIVE TESTING must be done instead of "theorymech" with numbers. It simply doesn't work.