This thread is silly.
Renan Ruivo, on 20 June 2012 - 07:11 PM, said:
Exactly. The problem is with how PGI wants to handle it.
By all means, they have all the rights in the world to handle this the way they want. I get why they are doing this, its a sales pitch. A gamble. If they offer the packs after the open beta begins they are afraid that people will decide its not worth it, and this has me worried.
I want to buy a lengendary pack and i have to money for it, however i now am finding it very uncharacteristical of them having to resort to such methods. They are choosing to bank on the fans love for the series and do so without giving the option for them to even catch a glimpse of what they are getting.
It isn't the end of the world, nor will it make me want to boycott the title (of course not). But there is no good excuse for not doing it either. It can't possibly hurt the sales, and will only add to their names. Like saying "We are so confident that this is good material that we are extending or offer so that you can see for yourselves".
There is a very good reason for doing so. They are selling prestige.
There are a lot of hardcore fans on the forums who have been literally begging PGI to take their money for months. So, this founder's stunt suits the needs of both sides. PGI gets some capital for servers and paying the bills, and the hardcore "take-my-money!" fans get to throw down money for the game. PGI could've accomplished the same thing by opening a Paypal account, but instead they decided to give the hardcore a few perks for their generosity and support.
Glass half-full, everyone wins, and no one loses. If you are hesitant about whether or not you want a founders, then, seriously,
don't buy a founders. At worst it'll be like missing out on a sale and then deciding you're going to buy later anyway, but it's not going to break the game if you don't buy it. Chill out, and wait patiently, or pay and wait patiently. (but for a little bit less time

One more time for the people in the cheap seats. If you're unsure about whether or not you want a founder's, then the founder's is not for you. Worst case scenario you'll just spend a little bit of money on the game post launch. Honestly, seeings as PGI has been upfront that they're releasing the game asap and even had to pull community warfare from launch, you'll probably have a -better- experience if you just wait till the game is out with a couple months of polish before you get into it.
PGI won't have a demo, because:
1) this is not a single player game.
2) the game is in closed beta, and a lot of customers get turned off by rough products.
3) the game is going to be F2P, so anyone who wants a demo can just wait till open beta.
Edited by LackofCertainty, 20 June 2012 - 07:24 PM.