Koenig, on 22 June 2012 - 10:07 AM, said:
You're saying we will be able to buy mechs that give +cbill bonuses that don't take up garage slots?
Well, they are a reward for giving them money now instead of later. But it is not like you can't just buy more slots and booster packs later once the game is released. That will probably be a mayor source of income for the devs.
And yes I'm 100% sure that there will be other chances to buy something special if the game is a success. Naturally, it will not be the exact same thing.
I still don't under what the problem with is with founder packs. Yes waiting longer to play the games sucks, but it is not like we are forced to buy anything. I can still test the game before I hand over a single cent. Aside from the delay, nothing has changed.