Zerberus, on 01 June 2014 - 01:56 AM, said:
Certain mechs "belong" or are strongly associated with certain clans, and others are limited in availability by the manufacturing facilities belonging to one specific clan. For example, a Dire Wolf would usually be a CW or CSJ mech, as those are the only clans that produce them.
However, there was always some form of strife going on inside the clans, so there are literally hundreds if not thousands of mechs that don`t "belong" in a certain clan that were taken as isorla or received as gifts. SO essentially any clan pilot from any clan could at least theoretically pilot any mech.
*edit* Sorry, early in the morning here, I apparently overlooked the part where you said you didn`t want to hear that...
Ah no worries. I knew it already, but it's still nice information for those looking for it.
Though, looking at some inter-clan relations it seems some clans hardly do anything with each other, making it so there's probably less trading going on. Like Ice Hellion, Clan Goliath, Coyote (going off the inter-clan relations part on sarna)
Though mostly everyone seems to hate Fire Mandrill, and are usually allied with Ghost Bear, Snow Raven, and/or Seafox/Diamond Shark. Snow Raven and Seafox/Diamond Shark are merchant clans though.
Maybe it is true that Goliath imports everything they use for warfare. Afterall, after reading through their history and stuff on sarna, they seem to be really good at finding resources in places most clans would overlook (notably underwater areas). Perhaps a side effect of being good at locating Star League tech usually.
CyclonerM, on 01 June 2014 - 02:50 AM, said:
Anyway, it is the truth
Well, i can tell you from memory some of the preferred designs and weapons for the 4 invading Clans.
Wolf - mix of weapons, hard hitting 'Mechs - most prominent designs in their touman: Ice Ferret, Timberwolf and Gargoyle
Jade Falcon - jumping 'Mechs , they like Kit Fox, Hellbringer and Summoner (their iconic 3050 'Mechs )
Ghost Bear - fast, heavy and hard hitting - the Executioner being the perfect example, they also like Firemoth and Kodiak ;)Smoke Jaguar - Mmh not sure, they have Stormcrow and Warhawk for sure.
Goliath Scorpions? I know they value precision and especially laser weapons.
Can't forget the Mad Dog for Ghost bear, Both on Ghost Bear and the Mad Dog pages on Sarna say that Mad Dogs were used mostly by Ghost Bear. Mad Dog is my favorite mech design (with a decent loadout as a bonus).
Too bad there's not stuff like that being said on all mechs.
That Clan Coyote quote " If you see a Falcon not in a Summoner, Hellbringer, or Kit Fox, double your caution."
Supposedly Goliath Scorpions value precision and lasers while finding missles to be unskillful, but most of the stuff they produce doesn't really reflect that. They have a tendency to use Ballistics and missles, with medium lasers as a backup.
Commando IIC from Marshall Light Assembly Station uses 2 ER Medium lasers, 1 SRM 6, 3 SRM 4s
Fire Scorpion (Totem mech) uses 1 LBX10, 1 UAC10 with some Apods on the legs. the second variant has an AC/20, with 2 LRM 10s, with 5 machineguns.
They produce Horned Owl. However at first, their first impulse is to put 4 Advanced Tactical Missle 3s (ATM 3) with 1 ER medium laser on for the #4 design. However, #5 is the only thing they produce that goes along with the whole Laser precision, as it becomes equiped with 2 ER large lasers, 1 Heavy Medium laser which is good for their seekers, and because Warrior caste hated the #4 design. Makes me wonder if the designers for Goliath Scorpion are completely separated from the Warrior caste or something, or are they are treating the average Warrior as unskilled warriors.
Their vehicles and other things reflect this as well:
Mithras - 1 UAC2, 2 ER medium
Ares - 1 ER Large Laser, 1 LRM 15, 1 LRM 10, both with Artemis
Hachiman - 2 ER Medium Laser, 2 LRM 20 with Artemis, 1 Streak SRM 4
Huitzilpochtil (gosh that's hard to say) - 2 Arrow 4, 1 Gauss Rifle, 1 LBXAC10, 1 ER large Laser, 1 ER Small Laser
Mars - 3 LRM 15 with Artemis, 1 Gauss Rifle, 1 LBXAC10, 1 ER large Laser, 2 Streak SRM 6, 2 Machineguns
Ku - 1 UAC10, 1 ER Large Laser, 1 Streak SRM 4, 1 ER Small Laser
Ishtar - 1 UAC10, 1LBXAC10, 1 LRM with Artemis, 2 ER Medium Lasers, 1 AMS
Svanovit (only Hovercraft) - 2 LRM 5, 2 Streak SRM 2, 2 Machinegun
It doesn't say it is a Goliath Scorpion design, but it says it's inspired by Goliath Scorpion's tactics, and it's the only Aerospace to specificly say anything about Goliath Scorpion. Jengis C has 2 LBXAC20 (one for each wing), 3 Streak SRM 6, 1 Streak SRM 4, 1 ER Small Laser
The lack of PPCs disappoints me. I love the Missle(particularly LRMs) + PPC combo. At least they have lots of missles, missles are my favorite weapons (PPCs just after Missles).
They also produce Warhawk at Abysmall after Smoke Jaguar is dead, but I don't know which config the Warhawk uses.
They produce the Hellbringer at Roche Quadplex Alpha, I have no idea which config it's used. Though, Hellbringer is usually associated with Jade Falcon or Hell's Horses.
I suppose Goliath use mechs that they don't produce for their main Warriors to fight, I just find that rather unlikely.
Shar Wolf, on 01 June 2014 - 08:57 AM, said:
If I remember right, aren't they one of the ones that focus more on combined arms?
IE not just mechs?
Or was that Hell's Horses.
Hell's horses main thing is being mixed arms. Goliath Scorpion might be 2nd in line for that though, since flexibility was one of Goliath's Scorpion main things according to the sarna's descriptions. I'd have to look at all the toumans though. However, Goliath Scorpion focuses on Elementals, Aerospace, and Aerospace. They don't use vehicles apparently, which is strange because they produce more types of vehicles than mechs. Generally 1 Aerospace supporting a combination of the Mech and Elemental stars.