Eddrick, on 04 June 2014 - 11:11 AM, said:
I hope they go that rought, too. However, people seem to misunderstand, that Heat Scale doesn't kick in till after you generate more Heat then what your Heat Sinks can handle. It happens at the end of the Turn in TT. I can generate 45 Heat with 19 MWO DHS, with Elite Efficiencies, before that Heat Scale kicks in.
But given that our heat generates real time in this game, it would make sense that we see the effects as we generate them.
Starting at that 5 heat, -1 speed? That could translate into at 20% heat, we suffer 10% slower rotation and acceleration speeds on our mech.
the accuracy modifiers? Those could be represented by, at 40% heat, we suffer a 20% increase to our CoF bloom on the weapons, making them harder to aim and pin point. The effects would then begin to stack on as we generated more heat.
By 40% heat we would be suffering the 20% CoF bloom, 10% speed and rotation hit and if we keep going and reach like 60% heat, we then notice our radar beginning to falter, become hazy and slow to pick up stuff. Also, our lock time and info gather time suffers a 1s delay and target decay becomes half a second faster.
Upon reaching 75% heat, we get all of the above along with a heat exhaustion penalty applied to the pilot, where, as we stay above 75% heat, we notice our entire screen blurring, becoming darker and if we do not cool the mech off, our pilot passes out for a few seconds until the heat reaches back down below like 50%.
adding in these heat penalites would limit pin point, people wouldnt be so apt to wanna JJ and Lolpha strike with those 4 ER PPCs, 2 AC20s and an LRM15 rack....
Fire would be more sporadic, staggered and slow.