Clan Logos
Posted 04 June 2014 - 08:44 PM
Posted 04 June 2014 - 08:46 PM
SpiralFace, on 04 June 2014 - 07:01 PM, said:
There is nothing wrong with the logo's or their use. Its the specific IMAGES that are the issue.
They can use the logo's in the same way that Neversoft can use Batman for Injustice, but that doesn't mean they can get the "Arkam Assylum" Batman model (which belongs to rocksteady.) Because in the end, they didn't make it.
Same with the icons that people just LOVE to point out it takes "5 minutes" to get done.
Those images where made for the BG and TT. Which is a part of the license for this franchise owned by Topps / Catalyst at this point. The license these guys use is the digital distribution rights off of Microsoft. So the rights are a not too clear thing because the images that people are floating around out there right now are images made by a company that is not under the microsoft umbrella license.
Its the same deal with any other licensed product. They are free to make their own versions of the logo's, or even their own direct copy's of the "original" designs, but they can't just lift the images made by another company under another part of the license. It will have to be made from scratch because they don't have the rights to use any of the "Topps" owned BT content. (As the fine print looks like this game is made under license with Microsoft alone.)
There is nothing dubious about the legal status. This is just business as usual for working with a property with a fragmented license.
Someone explain to me how the creators of MW2 didn't have the absolute crap sued out of them then for using two of those images.
Posted 04 June 2014 - 08:50 PM
Posted 04 June 2014 - 08:56 PM
Theycallmetheworkingman, on 04 June 2014 - 08:46 PM, said:
If you're referring to the presence of the Marauder IIC and the Warhammer IIC, that is because MW2 was released in July 1995, while FASA vs Harmony Gold didn't start until June 1996.
If you're referring to the use of the Jade Falcon & Wolf emblems (and the Ghost Bear emblem for the add-on), that is likely due to some sort of licensing agreement between Activision & FASA.
Posted 04 June 2014 - 08:58 PM
7ynx, on 04 June 2014 - 08:50 PM, said:
Why do people not understand that the folks working on balance/CW/mech hit boxes, HSR, and other sections ARE NOT THE SAME ONES DOING ART!
Posted 04 June 2014 - 09:01 PM
Thank you gentlemen (and gentle ladies), much appreciated!
Edited by RuzzBot, 04 June 2014 - 09:01 PM.
Posted 04 June 2014 - 09:22 PM
Russ making out as if community imput is so important that hes willing to come on and make big announcement about changing some silly Gif because some people unhappy and he is the shiny white knight fixing the communities displeasure.
While important things like a crappy UI still lingers after the bulk of the community showed its displeasure over and important feature and they just ignore it.
No artists dont code but artists are certainly involved in map making and how long since new map? and the sad lack of new maps over the last 2 years?
Posted 04 June 2014 - 09:45 PM
N0MAD, on 04 June 2014 - 09:22 PM, said:
Russ making out as if community imput is so important that hes willing to come on and make big announcement about changing some silly Gif because some people unhappy and he is the shiny white knight fixing the communities displeasure.
While important things like a crappy UI still lingers after the bulk of the community showed its displeasure over and important feature and they just ignore it.
No artists dont code but artists are certainly involved in map making and how long since new map? and the sad lack of new maps over the last 2 years?
We've had a slew of maps over the last 2 years, and they have already announced that they are rolling out 2 new maps, a jungle map (with fantastic new assets), and an urban map. They have also said that after releasing those two maps, they will be putting a lot of effort into making more maps, with more variety, since now they have more assets to use.
As for map design, that's different artists, than the ones that do logo design.
Posted 04 June 2014 - 09:47 PM
IraqiWalker, on 04 June 2014 - 08:58 PM, said:
Why do people not understand that the folks working on balance/CW/mech hit boxes, HSR, and other sections ARE NOT THE SAME ONES DOING ART!
But for other phases to be put into game, the "art" team must also work on it. Though there are segments in development, all segments must come together to put out a finished product, and while the art team is pissing around on new logos for the self entitled, they are losing time on other projects that could delay the next part because of lack of art.
Posted 04 June 2014 - 09:50 PM
IraqiWalker, on 04 June 2014 - 09:45 PM, said:
As for map design, that's different artists, than the ones that do logo design.
With all the posts about how they have a limited/small dev crew, this last part is a stretch. I have been labeled a white knight many times, but this is actually redonculous. To go back and rework an asset already in production because the self entitled loud minority whined about it is just ludicrous.
Posted 04 June 2014 - 10:08 PM
IraqiWalker, on 04 June 2014 - 09:45 PM, said:
We've had a slew of maps over the last 2 years, and they have already announced that they are rolling out 2 new maps, a jungle map (with fantastic new assets), and an urban map. They have also said that after releasing those two maps, they will be putting a lot of effort into making more maps, with more variety, since now they have more assets to use.
As for map design, that's different artists, than the ones that do logo design.
Define Slew?. how many actual new maps since Beta? Do you count night/day variations of an old map as new?
And pray tell me about fantastic new assets in a new map? have you seen said map or played it to comment on fantastic new assets? and BTW where are these maps? coming soon? just like CW 2 years ago?
Pls list that huge number ( so mentioned Slew) of new maps they have released in the two year period.
Fine to try defend but pls use fact not your imagination.
Posted 04 June 2014 - 10:18 PM
N0MAD, on 04 June 2014 - 10:08 PM, said:
And pray tell me about fantastic new assets in a new map? have you seen said map or played it to comment on fantastic new assets? and BTW where are these maps? coming soon? just like CW 2 years ago?
Pls list that huge number ( so mentioned Slew) of new maps they have released in the two year period.
Fine to try defend but pls use fact not your imagination.
Caustic Valley, Terra Therma (best designed map so far), HPG Manifold, and Crimson Strait, and considering the total number of maps in this game, that is a slew, that is in fact about half the total number of maps, especially considering the time it takes to make these maps, while also dealing with so many other things. Night and day count as one map.
The new maps are a jungle map (the new assets being trees, vines, and other things that I haven't seen yet.), and an urban map. If you understand how assets work, you will understand then that the assets are the really difficult part. Once they are developed they can be easily cranked out and maps can be made faster. Most of the dev team has been focused mainly on the clan mechs and some of the other stuff for CW, and so the maps have been progressing slowly.
As for why the assets are fantastic, that boils down to them being new assets, and the possibility (emphasis on possibility) of them being destructible.
Zuesacoatl, on 04 June 2014 - 09:50 PM, said:
People will complain either way. There is no pleasing online players.
Edited by IraqiWalker, 04 June 2014 - 10:19 PM.
Posted 04 June 2014 - 10:30 PM
On one end people complaining that the devs should focus on creating CW and not on Mechs and art.
On another end people complain that they don't recive their snowflake favourite mech.
And then there is this "stuck in the past" people who create a ruckus about some refreshed logos.
Not to mention these people throwing around these ridiclious balance suggestions.
Posted 04 June 2014 - 10:34 PM
IraqiWalker, on 04 June 2014 - 10:18 PM, said:
The new maps are a jungle map (the new assets being trees, vines, and other things that I haven't seen yet.), and an urban map. If you understand how assets work, you will understand then that the assets are the really difficult part. Once they are developed they can be easily cranked out and maps can be made faster. Most of the dev team has been focused mainly on the clan mechs and some of the other stuff for CW, and so the maps have been progressing slowly.
As for why the assets are fantastic, that boils down to them being new assets, and the possibility (emphasis on possibility) of them being destructible.
People will complain either way. There is no pleasing online players.
So 4 maps let me say it again 4 maps in two years you condider a slew. wow, and lets add the two new ones to the total, 6 wow 6 maps in two years, that just mind blowing, let me see if i can work out this complicated math,, hmmm 6 divided by 2 = 3,,, 3 maps a year,,, 4 months between maps, but wait 2 arent released yet so... 2 maps per years, 6 months each...
And let me be impressed by the new Tree and vine assets...yep ground breaking stuff i got to admit...
and some people are pleased when some one pees on them and tells them they have had their daily shower,, go figure.
Posted 04 June 2014 - 10:40 PM
N0MAD, on 04 June 2014 - 10:34 PM, said:
And let me be impressed by the new Tree and vine assets...yep ground breaking stuff i got to admit...
and some people are pleased when some one pees on them and tells them they have had their daily shower,, go figure.
1- Drop the sarcasm, it just makes you seem childish.
2- "Slew" has nothing to do with the rate of production, but rather the count. As it stands that's half the maps (more than half if you count the new 2 coming up, with a possibility of another pair before the end of this year, totaling up to 8), as such it's 50%, so slew qualifies. You don't like it, go talk to the people who decide what words mean.
3-As for the assets, I listed some of what will be there, because I don't know about all of the assets.
Also, just for reference, insulting people just weakens your position, since it's clear your impotent rage, over the internet of all places, is just that "impotent". You might want to clean up your language, that would allow people to take you more seriously. Instead of just being dismissive of you, and your "statements". Just a helpful hint that you might wanna take, kiddo. (I realize you maybe older than me, however, age was never a measure of maturity, as per your behavior, "kiddo" is about as good as it gets for you) Here's hoping you become more mature.
Posted 04 June 2014 - 10:56 PM
I think the clan logo's need some rework, they are not iconic enough to represent the Clans, and you don't recognize them at a glance.
And when you see the logos in-game next to the player you also need to do a double take just to be sure which clan they belong to.
Only the Clan Jade Falcon icon is doable (but still need some rework), but the others really need to be simplified to let them easily identify their clan.
Edited by Kain, 04 June 2014 - 10:56 PM.
Posted 04 June 2014 - 10:58 PM
2) Rather than putting "C" in the shorthand for most, put "CLN" for generic (currently non-available factions from the Clans) and swap to "GHB", "JDF", "SMJ", "WLF" for the four current available Clan factions instead. The long-arm-vertical daggerstar does just fine for Clan generic, while the long-arm-horizontal Cameron Star is the Star League symbol (not that we currently have League faction, but there IS a Second Star League to come).
Posted 04 June 2014 - 11:22 PM
Posted 04 June 2014 - 11:24 PM
IraqiWalker, on 04 June 2014 - 10:40 PM, said:
2- "Slew" has nothing to do with the rate of production, but rather the count. As it stands that's half the maps (more than half if you count the new 2 coming up, with a possibility of another pair before the end of this year, totaling up to 8), as such it's 50%, so slew qualifies. You don't like it, go talk to the people who decide what words mean.
3-As for the assets, I listed some of what will be there, because I don't know about all of the assets.
Also, just for reference, insulting people just weakens your position, since it's clear your impotent rage, over the internet of all places, is just that "impotent". You might want to clean up your language, that would allow people to take you more seriously. Instead of just being dismissive of you, and your "statements". Just a helpful hint that you might wanna take, kiddo. (I realize you maybe older than me, however, age was never a measure of maturity, as per your behavior, "kiddo" is about as good as it gets for you) Here's hoping you become more mature.
So pls point out where i insulted anyone? pls show me?, unlike your post which certainly tries to insult me cough Kiddo cough.
So i would say your comments apply more to you than me. Practice what you preach brother.
And you readily admit you know nothing about the new assets but still talk them up, thats called hype.
It seems you rather deal in hype and hypocrisy than fact.
Well played......
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