Wintersdark, on 06 June 2014 - 05:26 PM, said:
This is how I read it too, then scaling from min to max 30-60ft/s. Thus, no damage from 0<30, scaled from min to max from 30 through 60, and just max damage beyond 60.
Sorry, nope :\
Nikolai Lubkiewicz, on 06 June 2014 - 11:06 AM, said:
[color=#00FFFF]In greater detail:[/color]
[color=#00FFFF]If a Mech is in the air longer than [1] second, the system would calculate the armor brought into the game together with the leg health. To determine damage, a certain percentage is taken from that calculation, i.e. Light Mechs = [1] %, Medium Mechs = [2] %, Heavy Mechs = [3] %, and Assault Mechs = [4] %.[/color]
[color=#00FFFF]Depending on what the current fall speed is (on a range between [30] ft/s and [60] ft/s) this base damage is multiplied by another variable (ranging from [1] to [1.4]).[/color]
[color=#00FFFF]The outcome is a dynamic range of fall damage depending on speed and weight class of a Mech.[/color]
[color=#00FFFF]Here is an example using the numbers above of what this could look like:[/color]
[color=#00FFFF]· [/color]Light: minDmg = [0.67] / maxDmg = [0.938]
[color=#00FFFF]· [/color]Medium: minDmg =[2.14] / maxDmg = [2.996]
[color=#00FFFF]· [/color]Heavy: minDmg = [3.75] / maxDmg = [5.25]
[color=#00FFFF]· [/color]Assault: minDmg [7.28] / maxDmg = [10.192]
If they are in the air at all for 1 second or greater, they will take damage. Whenever a light is in the air for more than one second at the least, they will take .67 damage to their legs. Now, I don't know if you play lights alot, but I do, and I'm always in the air. Whether it is dodging, running off a steep cliff to JJ safely on the ground, fly over a guys head to turn him around, or any other various reason - You're taking that .67 damage. Now, a Jenner only has 48 total HP in the leg (32 armor, 16 internal), so yes, you can sometimes jump a bit, but people will aim for your legs. This is making the light harassers much much harder.
I think instead of a static one second (I wouldn't know a good formula) but Negative Fall Distance / Speed. If the fall speed is greater than a threshold (Say 30Ft/s) /then no damage is taken, and damage is only taken on fall. This will help with people clearing obstacles, or scaling something. As you'll be going vertical (Positive Distance) you wouldn't incur the one second penalty (Which I'm removed). And then the landing is usually pretty soft, as you won't be shooting yourself 80m in the air to clear a 15m hurdle.
Edited by Not Bob, 06 June 2014 - 05:37 PM.