The command console is an over tonned version of the your MK1 Tcomp. It needs to have a different function to reflect the different martial philosophies of the to cultures. It also needs to work in in conjuntion with the company and lance commander positions.
Give the command console the fallowing abilities
1) Target info gathering -20%
2) The ability to designate a command target.
The command target would work similar to the existing active targeting. However the command console relays a message to the HUDS of all teammates who the commander is targeting. In the red triangle on the HUD a gold star for company commander, and gold bar for a lance commander will appear. Also place a command message under the enemy damage display the target designation, and chassis type.
Command Target:
Alpha / Highlander
Lance Target
Charlie / Jenner
Only one command target may be designated at a time. G can be used for the secondary target key. G for get him! Shift G, or shift R can be used for teammates to jump to that target.
The game NEEDS to reward players for teamwork. In addition to the normal kill assist commanders will receive a command bonus when teammates start to actively target, and engage, the Command Target. Teammates who actively target a command target will also be given a bonus. Just like in Battlefield when a squad fallows the commands of their squad leader. Lance leaders only get this bonus from lance mates.
3) The command console gives the mech an extra module slot. This slot must be a support module, or an artillery/airstrike/UAV, because those are really support assets being used.
For now the command console should not allow a second installation of the same type of consumable. However PGI will revamp how the module system will work so this could also change.
Tcomp suggestion
The Tcomp should not extend the range of lasers but shorten the beam duration.
Edited by Dirus Nigh, 08 June 2014 - 08:40 PM.