Magos Titanicus, on 01 July 2014 - 04:38 AM, said:
Command Console definitly needs a huge buff, otherwise i cannot see one sane reason for taking that 3 tons item with me. My Suggestion is to make it at least equal to a MKIII targeting computer.
Now, I just walked into this thread, and this may sound crazy, but maybe command console should help you command, maybe?
Like maybe some optional command options like click-to-announce focus target? Something that highlights the mech you currently have targeted for other teammates to see?
Something, anything, other than making it a weak ass targeting computer?
Gabbatek, on 02 July 2014 - 10:20 AM, said:
totally agree
and this would give a big advantage back to i.s lrms against the clan version
True, but that is more what C3 should do if / when they add it.
Command Console should give Lance / Company Commanders more options and tools for commanding their lance / company.
But, then, I'm on an island, see, and not even their target audience anywho.