Wingbreaker, on 10 June 2014 - 04:06 AM, said:
According to battle value systems:
X2 smaller platforms sporting small weapons are often as valuable as X large platform sporting a traditional set of weapons.
The constant example is Savannah Masters vs Atlas:
215 vs 1897
So by BV, 8 (or 9) savannah masters are equal to a single atlas. This is laughable, even at best. We all know what's going to happen to something that has 9 medium lasers locked onto it. Even if the Atlas can tear through a savannah master per round, the likely chances of it taking down all 9 prior to having its weapons stripped, or the possibilities of TAC, mean that it has a very small chance of winning a supposedly 'balanced' fight.
And frankly, the situation gets worse if you merely switch the Savannah masters to the SL variant. Mind you, they now have two small lasers per, but their BV sinks to 131, meaning that you now have 14 Savannah Masters versus a single atlas.
This is why BV systems are broken. In BT, It does not account for the mathematical realities that BT involves. It assumes that bigger is better, and assigns values by the top end damage that a weapon can do.
It will always be easy to break.
Except you will never end up with 12 mechs vs 4 mechs in MWO. At its most basic level the MM gives you 12 mechs vs 12 mechs. If it were implemented it would be a combined BV on each side +/- some % to ensure that drops actually occur.
AssaultPig, on 10 June 2014 - 04:39 AM, said:
Assuming unbalanced teams weren't allowed, BV would likely exacerbate the problem we already have: a few so-called 'meta' builds dominating all matches. BV might even makes those builds more prevalent, since the more players were running them the quicker you'd find a match if you dropped in one yourself.
If you want to play 12 lights/mediums against four or five assault mechs maybe we're talking, but that isn't the game we have.
Not true. Assuming 2 players launch at the same time with the same Elo, a medium with a meta build may have close to the same BV as a heavy running a non meta build. You would end up with unbalanced teams from a size standpoint but equal in total BV.
the strongest argument against BV was pointed out by a couple of other folks. It would take a LOT of dev time that would best be used for other things. I am a strong proponent of BV, but 4x3 IS simpler to implement and simpler for folks to understand in general.
Side note:
Whomever suggested chassis based Elo is close to the mark. IMO Elo should be 3 levels:
- Variant Elo (if >25 drops in the variant within last 6 months)
- chassis (if >25 drops in the chassis within the last 6 months)
- Weight class (if >25 drops)
This system fits the current configuration, simply adding some extra values to the Db and a small additional check when determining a players Elo for MM purposes. The Dev time would (seem) to be small and the impact would be quite large IMO. It would also emulate the value of some chassis/variants over others.
Edited by Sprouticus, 10 June 2014 - 08:14 AM.