qki, on 13 June 2014 - 03:58 AM, said:
more people crying P2W. Obviously.
Granted - the clan mechs seem really good for what they are, and people that pay for them, will have exclusive access to clan tech for a while, but I found the weapons to be really well balanced - longer cooldowns, burs-fire AC, and the general change in weapon behavior does well enough to not make them direct clones of all the IS weapons with strictly superior damage/weight values, so good job PGI.
Ah nope. They are not balanced: According to the Lore, they should NOT be! They are the Clans! They are some badass motherf**** (actually probably for real

). They kill things, and they do it better than the IS because of their overpowering technology.
I agree, that the way they made the Ultra ACs is a really good way to implement them without overpowering them too much. But: The numbers do prove that the IS will just get the ass kicked (and so does my feeling after yesterdays test with a warhawk).
The Omnimechs have durability like IS-Mechs with standard-Engines while having even more than the firepower of an IS-Mech with XL-Engine.
The CLan-ACs weight less then IS-ACs, they have a longer range.... everything is just...more powerfull...
I had a loadout in my warhawk with an Alpha of 60+ (Ultra AC20, 2x Strek SRM 6, 2 C-ER Large Lasers) and i was not even close to overheating. That is an amount of Damage no Inner Sphere Mech is able to provide (except very maybe LRM-Boats).
Uh and i was also equipped with the target computer mark v (or iv ?). So without that, it could have been even more damage!
Dont get me wrong guys (and PGI), i loved the yesterdays Clan-Content-Public-test. From the very first moment the Warhawk felt awesome to play. New Sounds, new HUD, new Colors (LRM and Lasers). I felt, from the very first moment, like piloting a superior Machine! I dont know how excited the Dire Wolf pilots must have been! It made me feel like every other Mech on the Map is just a Victim to me! It was really awesome. Like MWO is totally new!
But lets face it. This way, well... i am not sure if i am going to play my IS-Mechs anymore... maybe sometimes i take my Ilya out of my garage cause i really like the dual AC10 and i like the Mech in general. But compared to the firepower of the Omnimechs, its just a joke.
I see only one chance of Is-Mechs to win versus Omnimechs. That is the massive exploit of LRMs and ECM (cause the IS got a few more Mechs with ECM), their Scouts are faster.. so thats they way, they can make it.
I often saw Atlas pilots with dual LBX10 and a few SRM6s, well... thats almost what i had in my warhawk yesterday on one side of the torso

For upcoming PUG-Matches people will complain, cause after a few days (when the first Omnis are mastered and practiced) the people who didnt preorder will start to complain about having 2nd-class-mechs. And i can understand them!
I mean for some reason... its natural, you cannot just let the Invasion happen and keep the clantechnology on the level of the Inner Sphere. Would be boring.
But on the other way... how to balance both sides, that it is still fun piloting an Hero Mech like the Ilya (one of the best ones in the game so far),if there are other Mechs which have the
same loadout in just one Arm?
For the CW there might be solutions (like 10 vs 12), but for PUG-Matches... well i guess its best everybody just starts to pay at least around 30€/50$ this one time to buy an ala Card-Omni before it is too late!
And one more thing:
I strongly, really strongly recommend and rework of the HUD of the Inner Sphere! Just... renew it a bit! Playing the Warhawk yesterday was like... driving a Ferrari. When i am going back into my battlemaster today, it will make me feel like driving a Volkswagen Polo from 1995. So just please make the IS-Mechs feel more powerful!
Thank you!