(Not necessarily a guide but more of a 'hype' and a 'history leading to this point'. If you wanted to know about what all this stuff about Clans is about, look here.)
Screenshots by Lordred. Check out the perfect screenshot thread here.
"Oh god they're following me! This is Lieutenant Ashe! Wing Gamma 39'er *Static* Reporting! Taken heavy damage! Requesting immediate *Static.*"
"We are barely receiving you. This is Outpost Riveria, what is your situation?"
"Oh thank god! We were ambushed! We didn't have a chance! I'm sure they're tracking me! Sh--!"
"I couldn't see (Incoherent rambling and static) came out of nowhere!"
"They slaughtered everyone!"
"Pilot! Who came out of nowhere?"
"I-I don't know! I know they're following me! Send everything you have now!"
(I know it's from Freespace, but it fits perfectly.)
The history leading up to the upcoming months for those who want to know the story; all presented in video form. (Spoiler was used because it prevents things from loading all at once. History videos provided in this spoiler.)
(This video is many years into the future.)
Words of Kerensky, former General of the Star League Defense Force, father of what would become the Clans; spoken long ago and won't reach us for hundreds of years. Voices his intentions, lost upon his children who invade the Inner Sphere.
"I fear my forces would do incalculable, possibly irreparable harm to our society."
If you liked that video, please give it a like on its youtube page, and show your appreciation at George Leaudoux's page.
The introduction of the Clans, from their own mouths. (Clan introduction videos within this spoiler.)
"Here, with the Strana Mechty wolf, we see what may be the epitome of a warrior, cunning matched with instinct and stealth, joined with a final, terrifying attack. For this mighty creature, I name you. You are Clan Wolf."
-Nicholas Kerensky, 2810
We are Clan Wolf, children of Kerensky.
We carry the honor of his name on our shoulders,
as our fathers did before us.
The Remembrance speaks to us of the evil in man's will,
of the reasons for Exodus and the rights of the travelers.
Arcadia is our destiny and our right.
Enlightenment is our gift.
By the Bloodnames of the Founders we must return,
return and protect that which is unigue among the stars.
Terra awaits us as it was written.
We are the last of the Wardens.
The sole hope for the Earth.
We are Jade Falcon, great among the Clans.
We are warriors who fight with the strength of the falcons claw and ascend to the heavens on the wings of the same.
We remember with the clarity of falcon-sight the words of Kerensky.
Through the smoke of time he speaks to us, his chosen, and urges us onward with the promise of Eden.
We will retake what is ours by right, that shining jewel Terra!
Not the vastness of space nor the Wolf’s obstinate howl will stay us from our righteous goal.
We are Crusaders and will trample all who stand in our way!
They want the Earth! O_O!
Sorry; only thing I can find on ghost bear.
Children of the Bear, hearken to my words:
Be always vigilant.
Learn for yourselves that which your forebears imparted So easily and freely;
Demand of yourselves
The foresight of Jorgensson
And the courage of Tseng;
Through them, we are strong.
To them a debt is owed,
Repaid through loyalty undying and Character unflinching.
-From the Oath of Acceptance, Clan Ghost Bear
Found no vids on Clan Smoke Jaguar; sorry guys! Though what I found was Clan Smoke Jaguar had hard times throughout the entire ordeal. See for yourself.
Remember Franklin Osis,
Father of the Clan.
Three strengths he gave us:
The jaguar's spring that brings the enemy down,
The jaguar's claws that rend the enemy's heart,
The jaguar's taste of the enemy's hot blood.
-- The Remembrance, Passage 104, Verse 18, Lines 5-10
Five are our foundation;
One above the rest.
Four are the steppingstones,
The fifth the pinnacle.
The laborer, the technician, the scientist, the merchant,
These are the stepping stones
To the warrior's place.
As the insect feeds the bird,
As the bird feeds the wolf,
As the wolf feeds the smoke jaguar,
So all give life to the warrior
Who sheds his blood for their glory.
-- The Remembrance, Passage 121, Verse 43, Lines 12-24
In our dark day of wandering,
He gave us Hidden Hope;
Our sacred duty calls us to return.
As our Father told us
And his father before him,
Ours is the redemption of the Universe;
Ours is the paradise of Terra;
Ours is the war of liberation.
-- The Remembrance, Passage 204, Verse 6, Lines 2-9
This video is by Wauweli and the original post can be found here. This video is 100% fan-made and recorded during the test server runs we've had.
"The tragedy of my life is that I will be remembered as a Butcherer of Innocence. I cannot argue over their condemnation or with the verdict of history."
(If you liked this video, give it a like on its youtube page and on Wauweli's page.)
For those wondering about what "the Clans" are, etc., the above will explain it all in less than 35 minutes. More than enough time to catch up before the servers are back up.
LocationLook at my Arctic Wolf. Closer... Closer...
Posted 17 June 2014 - 11:40 AM
Koniving, on 17 June 2014 - 10:30 AM, said:
(Not necessarily a guide but more of a 'hype' and a 'history leading to this point'. If you wanted to know about what all this stuff about Clans is about, look here.)
"Oh god they're following me! This is Lieutenant Ashe! Wing Gamma 39'er *Static* Reporting! Taken heavy damage! Requesting immediate *Static.*"
"We are barely receiving you. This is Outpost Riveria, what is your situation?"
"Oh thank god! We were ambushed! We didn't have a chance! I'm sure they're tracking me! Sh--!"
"I couldn't see (Incoherent rambling and static) came out of nowhere!"
"They slaughtered everyone!"
"Pilot! Who came out of nowhere?"
"I-I don't know! I know they're following me! Send everything you have now!"
The history leading up to the upcoming months for those who want to know the story; all presented in video form.
(This video is many years into the future.)
Words of Kerensky, former General of the Star League Defense Force, father of what would become the Clans; spoken long ago and won't reach us for hundreds of years. Voices his intentions, lost upon his children who invade the Inner Sphere.
"I fear my forces would do incalculable, possibly irreparable harm to our society."
If you liked that video, please give it a like on its youtube page, and show your appreciation at George Leaudoux's page.
The introduction of the Clans, from their own mouths.
Sorry; only thing I can find on ghost bear.
Found nothing on Clan Smoke Jaguar; sorry guys! Well, I found your demise.
This video is by Wauweli and the original post can be found here. It has many more awesome videos!
"The tragedy of my life is that I will be remembered as a Butcherer of Innocence. I cannot argue over their condemnation or with the verdict of history."
(If you liked this video, give it a like on its youtube page and on Wauweli's page.)
why do the videos use FreeSpace Dialogues?
"Oh god they're following me! This is Lieutenant Ashe! Wing Gamma 39'er *Static* Reporting! Taken heavy damage! Requesting immediate *Static.*"
"We are barely receiving you. This is Outpost Riveria, what is your situation?"
"Oh thank god! We were ambushed! We didn't have a chance! I'm sure they're tracking me! Sh--!"
"I couldn't see (Incoherent rambling and static) came out of nowhere!"
"They slaughtered everyone!"
"Pilot! Who came out of nowhere?"
"I-I don't know! I know they're following me! Send everything you have now!" ~Decent Freespace intro.
why does the second video use Freespace dialouges?
Fan-made video.
Also you don't have to quote an entire post; that's a LOT to quote for a simple question, and a lot of bandwidth for those with limited bandwidth due to the videos.
(Also that's not the second video, that's the 6th video.)
Good work Koniving. Sigh. If only I could run the game in more then just low settings on everything. It is so pretty with a nice machine
Thank you.
Now you know how I feel when I try to play Metro: Last Light.
16 gigs ram. 4 core processor. Twin video cards. Can't even get 16 FPS on medium.
At face value this game should run a lot easier than it does. But it's in desperate need of some serious optimizations.
Maybe someday soon. Speaking of which they did a serious bug fixing run for this patch. So maybe once 3/3/3/3 and CW is out we can get those optimizations? Who knows. But then maybe you'll be able to run at least medium settings.
Now you know how I feel when I try to play Metro: Last Light.
16 gigs ram. 4 core processor. Twin video cards. Can't even get 16 FPS on medium.
At face value this game should run a lot easier than it does. But it's in desperate need of some serious optimizations.
Maybe someday soon. Speaking of which they did a serious bug fixing run for this patch. So maybe once 3/3/3/3 and CW is out we can get those optimizations? Who knows. But then maybe you'll be able to run at least medium settings.
I run on High with my really really crappy computer with no issues...........unless I turn on blur lol
why in gods name I'd use blur idk
I'm no super computer nerd but I tried a fix that made BF4 run smoother, I enabled multi-threading in the 3D options under the Nvidia control panel. I'm not certain if it'd help anyone else, but I got about 10-15 fps out of it.
-edit- by the way, your Timberwolf is terrifying.
Edited by Iron Harlequin, 17 June 2014 - 11:22 PM.